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Here's the second place entry from the Community Caption poll for this month. Gif is from Odette Delacroix's Clips4Sale store, from this video.

"Do you think we should tell Isabella?"

It was the question Lydia expected to be on everyone's mind, but, by the look on her other friends' faces, she was sorely mistaken about that. "I mean, when are we ever going to get an opportunity like this again?" Lydia shrugged, feeling a little uncomfortable, wishing she'd just kept her mouth shut.

"Like she needs any more opportunities," Scarlett rolled her eyes. "She'll be fine."

"Besides," Yazmin piped up, "What would she even wish for? And are you going to give up your wish for her?"

It wasn't a bad point, Lydia had to admit... It seemed like all Isabella did was talk about all the wonderful things that fell into her lap. She probably wouldn't have believed them even if they'd Facetimed her right then, anyway. And Lydia didn't particularly want to throw away her own chance to ask for something. "All right," Lydia caved, "We won't. Now... Who's going first?"

"I'll decide that," he said, and, with a snap of his fingers, he was gone in a puff of smoke, taking Yazmin with him.

"Oh!" Yazmin gasped, her head spinning as she stared around at the luxurious room she'd been transported to, covered in gold, and pillows to sit on. After finding a lamp at a thrift store, and accidentally summoning a strange man from inside it while trying to get a seflie with it, it had been hard to deny that he must be a genie, but this sealed it.

Yazmin had found the lamp, and, as much as she loved her friends, she kind of regretted that she'd been shopping with them that day, that they'd seen her talking to him and butted in. He had only three wishes to grant, he claimed, and then he and his lamp would vanish, off to some other corner of the world... She could have had all three to herself if they hadn't been around.

"All right," the genie sat on one of the pillows, crossing his legs. "What do you want?"

Yazmin looked around, wishing her friends were there with her. If they were all together, maybe they could have coordinated something, worked together to get something awesome for all of them... Now, she had no way of knowing what the others would ask for. She frowned, fidgeting in place as she thought.

Thanks to Lydia, the only thing that popped into her mind was Isabella. Yazmin was glad the girl wasn't there, or she probably would have taken credit for finding the lamp in the first place, and taken all their wishes... She did have the tendency to take over any situation she was in, and it was hard to deny her. She was just so gorgeous, so tall and buxom, any time she was in the room, all eyes went to her.

It was especially hard on Yazmin, the smallest girl in the group, in every way possible. Next to Isabella, she felt like a child a lot of the time, an, at best, cute little girl that everyone looked right past so they could gawk at Bella instead. She supposed she could have wished that she looked more like Isabella, but, instead, another idea came to her, one she liked even better.

"I wish Isabella was shorter and more flat-chested than me," she smirked. 

With a smile, and a snap of his fingers, they were back in the thrift store, and, almost before any of the girls could process what had happened, he was gone again, taking Scarlett with him this time.

"Am... Am I first?" Scarlett shook her head, dazed. She'd thought, for a moment, that she'd seen Yazmin vanish, but then, in a split second, she was back, far quicker than any wish should have taken.

"It is your turn now," the genie told her, unhelpfully. "What is your wish?"

There were plenty of things that Scarlett wanted, obviously... She would have loved to be able to afford to go off to concerts every weekend, to know that, once she graduated college in a few weeks, she could find a cool job that allowed her to do what she loved, and travel plenty so she could see the world, to not really have to worry about money...

In a way, she realized, she just wanted Isabella's life. Would she have even thought of that, if Lydia hadn't brought her up? The girl's family was rich, which allowed her to do whatever she liked on the weekends with her hot boyfriend, instead of killing time here, at the usually lame local thrift store, and other places near campus like that. The family had also made sure she'd have a job waiting for her once she was out of school, one that Scarlett assumed was a made-up position at the family company so she could get plenty of money, and not have to actually do anything.

Of course, in order for Scarlett to have that, she'd have to have Bella's family, which she knew she didn't want. Every member she'd met was awful, and, probably, explained why Isabella could be such a bitch from time to time. She really would probably be better off without them, in the long run... She'd definitely be a better person, and more fun to hang out with.

"I wish Isabella's family would cut her off from their money," Scarlett told the genie. "Well, had cut her off a while ago."

In a flash, and a snap, she was back in the real world, and Lydia was in the lamp. "What is your wish?"

Lydia had no idea; she'd hoped she would have a little more time to think about it. There were plenty of things she wished she could fix... But, after everything her friends had said about Isabella, it was hard not to think about her, instead.

There were times when Lydia wondered why she was friends with the girl, why she'd agreed to share a suite with her, Yazmin, and Scarlett, other than the fact that they'd all met in freshman year, and become a bit of a clique. Since then, though, Bella had not exactly been her favorite person... Certainly not since that time Lydia had wet her bed after a long night of partying, and Isabella had made sure to tell everyone; they still teased her about it to this day.

There was no way Bella could know that Lydia had struggled with bedwetting all through high school, barely getting it under control by the time she started college. It was one of her deepest secrets, one she wasn't going to share with even her best friends, now that she'd finally gotten away from it... Bella hadn't known she was dredging all that up again, but that hadn't made it sting any less.

The other girls were right; Isabella did have everything. Her life was perfect, she was perfect... Maybe it would do her some good to have something to help keep her humble. "I wish..." she blushed, pausing for a moment before convincing herself she should go with her first instinct. "I wish Isabella had to wear diapers... And couldn't hide them." The last part was maybe a bit too much, a little too cruel, yet, by the time she'd said it, it was already too late, and she was back in the thrift store with her friends, standing in a circle around the empty table, where they'd set the lamp, looking at each other, each wondering when the others would have their turn, since it felt, to them, as if they'd all been first.

Meanwhile, back in the dorm, Isabella was... confused, to say the least. Moments earlier, she'd been miles away, in the city, at a concert, grinding away on some guy she'd never met before, and probably wouldn't think about once the concert was over... Then, she'd thought she had fallen down, as the guy, and everything else, suddenly looked so much taller. She glanced down, cheeks flaring up as she realized she was still standing, but, somehow, she'd shrunk... And, not only that, but her cleavage, which, as usual, had nearly been spilling out of her dress, had vanished, leaving her looking more like a middle schooler who had managed to sneak into the concert than the sexy, confident young woman she knew she was.

She had enough time to see the guy sneer down at her, as if he was just as confused by what had happened - and horrified to see who he'd really been dancing with - before she was back at the dorm. Her designer dress and heels were gone, the latter making her even shorter, replaced by clothes she'd worn years ago, things she'd thrown out for being out of fashion after wearing them, maybe, twice. 

Her stomach dropped as she scurried over to her purse, somehow knowing what she would find before she got there, yet still shocked to discover her car keys vanished, her wallet full of credit cards her parents paid off automatically for her gone, replaced only with a debit card. Even the purse itself was different than it should have been, something she'd clearly picked up on sale at a department store, not a brand name.

And then, finally, the last change hit. Her clothes morphed again, growing even more juvenile, turning into the uniform from her old school, the skirt shortening as she felt her panties expand, ballooning outwards, made all the more difficult by the tights that had appeared on her legs, turning into, as she confirmed with a horrified push on the puffy padding, a diaper.

She made a mad dash for her closet, but, even before she opened it, she knew she'd find more clothes from her childhood, reappeared, all with skirts too short to cover the giant diapers she found in her dresser, along with some training bras, which were more to make her feel better than something she wore out of need. If she hadn't developed yet, clearly she wasn't going to, after all...

Except, of course, she had... She looked more grown-up than this her reflection in the mirror when she'd been twelve, even if she ignored the diaper, and yet, here she was, a college senior... "No," she shook her head, hardly able to stand looking at herself. "This isn't right!"

None of it was. Her closet ought to be full of clothes, each piece probably worth more than the entire wardrobe she saw in there now... She should be out and doing something tonight, rather than being stuck in her dorm... And she definitely, definitely shouldn't be in diapers, like some silly little toddler!

But... Here she was. A look down confirmed the mirror wasn't lying, and the sudden warmth in her diaper that hadn't been there moments before seemed to prove she really did need them, unfortunately. Running her hands along all the childish outfits in her closet showed they were real, too... Although, what else would she wear? At her size, she didn't have much of a choice, except to shop in the kids' section.

She wasn't even able to do that very often, not since her parents had cut her off when she'd nearly flunked out of college in her first semester. Some part of her thought her parents had smoothed that all over with a huge donation to the school.... But she knew that hadn't happened. She'd been devastated, and her friends had offered to help her out since then, letting her stay with them over breaks, making sure people didn't make fun of her diapers too much, agreeing to room with her all this time...

Of course, they did like to go out from time to time, and leave her there, on her own. She couldn't really blame them... Next to them, she looked like such a child. They told her it was because she had no impulse control, and wasn't used not having endless amounts of spare cash to spend on whatever struck her fancy when they were out shopping, and that was probably part of it, though she still worried they were embarrassed by her.

With a sigh, she headed out to the living room at the center of their suite, flopping down on her tummy and returning to her coloring book, legs swinging behind herself boredly. That had been a fun little fantasy her brain had come up with... And so realistic, too, like a dream that had gone on for years, and years, and still felt, in some ways, more true than what she was doing now.

But this was really how she spent her weekends, usually.... Once she finished her homework - and her friends made sure she did that early, knowing she'd put it off as long as possible if it were up to her - she did some coloring, or watched cartoons - her friends claimed they weren't sure how to turn off the parental controls, even though they were able to watch whatever they wanted when they were around - while waiting for her friends to get back from whatever cool thing they were doing, and hoped they wouldn't get mad at her when they discovered she'd had another accident in her diaper. They kept threatening to get her a babysitter if she couldn't keep her pants dry, though she was pretty certain it was just a joke... Right?




Love it!


Her friends are not very nice. Frenemies maybe.