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"No, Mom, I told you, I'm too busy," Felicity rolled her eyes, turning back to her phone.

"Come on," her mother sighed. "If we both do it, it won't take that long at all, and then you can go back to..."

"Then you should be able to handle it on your own," Felicity pointed out. "You have a few days before Christmas, still."

Her mother scowled, though Felicity pretended not to notice. It was hard not to see that the woman wasn't working on the tree, however, and, finally, Felicity excused herself to go get ready for the party. When she returned, the tree was still undecorated, and, although her mom was in a different place, she didn't seem to be working on changing that.

"Oh!" her eyes lit up at the sight of her daughter, in her cute, little Santa dress. Felicity had worked hard to find one just the right length... Steve was throwing this party, and she'd had a crush on him since before she'd gone away to college; now, she finally had the confidence to do something about it, and the first step was making sure she got his attention. "Did you get all dressed up to trim the tree? I remember when you..."

"No, Mom!" Felicity rolled her eyes. How embarrassing would that have been? "I'm not five! I told you, I have that party tonight!"

"Well, you can do a little of this first," her mother insisted. "And you were a lot more help when you were five, young lady... Honestly, the whole family is coming over Saturday, and you haven't lifted a finger since you got back from school! I don't expect you to do it all yourself, but it would sure be nice if you'd just..."

"I guess it's too bad I grew up, then, isn't it?" Felicity snarked, sticking out her tongue. "I didn't invited them all over... I don't have time for all this, I... Mmph!" Her eyes went wide as her mother pushed something into her mouth, her tongue exploring it, finding something big, bulbous, and rubbery in there, her hands reaching up and feeling a plastic ring. Could it be..?

She tried to pull it out, only to have her mom smack her hand away before spreading out a large, crinkling mat onto the floor, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her down onto it before producing... Felicity gulped, hardly able to believe her eyes when she saw the large, poofy, plastic-coated diaper her mother was holding. There was no way she was going to replace Felicity's skimpy little silk panties with those, especially not right before the party! Her cheeks began to burn at the very thought of strolling into Steve's house with that on; she'd get attention, definitely, though not the kind she wanted from him, or anyone else.

She tried to kick it out of her mom's hands, but that was the wrong choice. In a flash, she'd been yanked off the mat, thrown over her mother's knees, and, before she knew it, her tiny skirt had been folded back, her panties around her ankles, and she was hearing herself yelp around her pacifier as she felt a hard smack across her bottom. She squirmed, looking behind herself indignantly just in time to see her mother lift a large, wooden hairbrush again. She tried to beg her mom to stop, to brace herself for the next impact...

Neither did any good. In no time, she was a sobbing mess, obediently allowing her mother to lay her back down on the mat and slide the big, padded diaper under her throbbing backside. She whimpered, feeling the bulk of the object as it was drawn up through her legs, forcing her thighs apart, realizing, as it was taped tightly into place, that there was no easy escape from it. Her mother followed it up with a white diaper cover, which barely fit over the bulky thing, standing back to survey her work before helping her daughter to her feet.

Mortified, Felicity stared down at herself. Her perfect dress, designed to ensure she'd keep her undies just covered - unless she wanted to flash them - didn't stand a chance against the gigantic diaper, leaving a good bit of it completely exposed. And, if she bent forward at all, she hated to think how much the back could ride up...

"Mommy!" she whined, stomping her foot. "I look ridiculous! Why did you do this to me?!"

"Because," her mother told her, "the last time you were in diapers, you were always so eager to help out... Maybe that's the secret to making it happen again. I think it might be... Because that will be the only way I let you out of them again."

"But Mommy!" Felicity stomped her foot again, not noticing she'd slipped into calling her mother by that more immature name. "I have my party!"

"Then you'd better get to work," the woman shrugged.

Felicity sulked, glaring at her, remembering that big list of things her mother had shown her that needed to be finished before Christmas. She couldn't imagine wearing these awful diapers another minute, much less until they had all that done! And there was no way she could finish it before the party! Felicity plopped down onto her padded posterior, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Take as long as you want," her mom told her. "I'm going to go get some wine."

Felicity watching her go, slipping the diaper cover down far enough to stare at the tapes, pondering ripping them off and heading for the door before her mother returned. The memory of the spanking was still fresh on her mind - and in her bottom - however, and she didn't dare risk that happening again, so, instead, she let the cover snap back into place, and, reluctantly, stumbled to her feet, stomach churning as she noticed how far apart her legs were being held, how much of an infantile waddle this garment was going to force her into. She had to get out of these, as soon as possible...

"Here she is, girls!" Felicity's heart nearly stopped as she heard those words, glancing behind herself right on time to see her mother leading in two of her friends, reminding her that she'd asked them to give her a ride, so she could drink as much as she wanted at the party without worrying about driving home. "Like I said, I don't think she'll be able to come to your little party after all... I'm sure if you want to help her decorate, though, she'd be very grateful!"

"Oh, we don't want to be any bother," one of Felicity's friends snickered. "Besides, I'm sure she has an early bedtime she has to get ready for before long."

"She certainly does," Felicity's mother told them. "I just hope she can stay dry tonight."

Felicity whimpered behind the pacifier, trying to think of a quick - and believable - way to explain this, while watching her friends pull out their phones, giggling. She could only hope they wouldn't show the pictures to Steve, when he asked why she hadn't come with them... It wouldn't help her chances with him at all if he thought she'd rather spend the night at home, in her Pampers, trimming the tree, rather than hopefully making out with him; unfortunately, she knew that was, indeed, exactly what she was going to be doing. 

At least, until her Mommy tucked her into bed nice and early, and surely still in her diaper, to toss and turn, and think about what her friends were saying about her, and how she could have been with them, drinking and spending some quality time with Steve until late into the night... Instead, as it got darker and darker out, she'd be worrying if she could sneak out to the bathroom without her mother hearing - and risking another spanking, or some other punishment, if she did - so she could ensure she really did stay dry... She hadn't had issues with that in over a decade, yet, if her mother was serious about this, she had a bad feeling that streak would end tonight, especially if her bedtime was especially early, and, like when she'd been a child, she wasn't allowed out of bed again until the next morning.

It was going to be a long few days before Christmas... She could only hope there was still time to finish her mom's whole list of chores before then, or else she had a feeling she'd be facing her whole family like this, too. And, if she didn't make it in time, would the woman let her back out of diapers? Or would she get driven back to college, diapers bulging beneath her jeans, her luggage stuffed with them instead of her panties? She really didn't want to find out, so she turned back to the tree desperately, not caring how eager and childish she must look to her friends, and their cameras, and started decorating it in earnest.



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