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As excited as Naomi was to finally get a job, to hopefully be at the start of something that would allow her to quit her current one, she was still embarrassed to tell her friends about it. It wasn't exactly what they'd suggester to her, and 'booth babe' was not quite the most progressive of titles for an independent young woman like her to have. Besides, if she told them, they might try and go to the convention to see her, and that would make her nervous. Better to just wait, let them know about it afterwards, and if it was too embarrassing, never speak of it again.

When the day came, she nearly chickened out because of that; none of her friends knew, so they couldn't give her crap about skipping, and it didn't seem like this company had many ties to other ones that hired models more often, for more conventional jobs, so she doubted it would come back to haunt her in the future... On the other hand, she needed the extra money, and it was probably for the best that she not take any chances, when she knew this was already a difficult industry to break into.

She didn't really know what kind of con this was, and she didn't find out once she'd arrived, either. She'd been told where to park, and the pair who had hired her were there, waiting - with a badge to get her into the convention center - to escort her through a side door, right to where she needed to go, keeping her from being able to look around.

There were a few things set up around the room she was taken to, though she didn't recognize any of them. The man excused himself, while the woman handed Naomi a plastic bag full of clothes. "Here you go," she said. "You can just change in here if you like... I'll be right outside if you need any help."

"O-Okay," Naomi frowned uncertainly. What could she need help with? She assumed her outfit would be pretty simple, and skimpy, since she was there to draw attention to herself, and the booth, and not do much else. The first piece she pulled out of the bag confirmed that, and, with a sigh, she stripped out of her shirt, and bra, to slip it on. It looked like a bikini top, at best, with the silhouette of a cat's head cut out of the center. Thankfully, while it was meant to look as if it was leaving most of the center of her chest exposed, there was a piece of flesh-colored fabric behind it, although it was still something Naomi would have never chosen to wear on her own, certainly not in public.

She expected some bikini bottoms, but before she got to them, she found a maid's hairband, with cat ears attached, and some black knee-highs, both of which she put on, feeling silly, mostly waiting, nervously to see how tiny the pants would be. When she reached the bottom of the bag, however, she didn't find the matching black bikini piece she'd been certain was going to be there. It was white, which, other than the lace and ears on the headband, didn't match the rest of her outfit at all, with some childish designs on it. It had a strange look to it as well, almost like... 

She reached in, stomach knotting itself up as her finger touched it, feeling not real cloth, but something synthetic, clearly designed to look like it, with something stiffer beneath, something that crinkled softly at the contact. She knew what it was, though it didn't make sense, at all, and she tried to convince herself she was wrong because of that. Why would they give her... those?!

"Is everything all right?" the woman opened the curtain separating the corner of the room they were set up in from the main floor. "Sorry to hurry you, but the main doors are getting ready to open."

"I-I don't know about this..." Naomi whimpered, staring down at the object in the bag, refusing to touch it again.

"Oh, do you not know how to put it on? I was afraid of that. Don't worry, I'm happy to help."

"N-No," Naomi shook her head. "I-I'm sorry, but... Hey!" She squealed as the woman stepped over to her, starting to unbutton her shorts. 

"It'll only take a minute," the woman promised. "You'll get used to it soon enough."



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