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A one-off caption commission for an anonymous Patron for Thanksgiving. Picture property of ClubDiapers/4ab!

Thanksgiving is a time of family, of togetherness... Which was, partially, why Crystal was not a huge fan of it. Growing up, she'd always been the oldest of the cousins, the one left in charge of all the younger ones at the kiddie table, even when she felt she was mature enough to sit at the big table, away from all of them. Her position only got more awkward as they all grew up, and her cousins wound up being taller than her, caring less and less when she tried to get them to calm down, or not talk with their mouths full.

So, once she moved away from home, she was able to skip a couple years, claiming she had work she needed to get done, or had already planned to go have Thanksgiving with one of her friends instead. Sometimes it was even true; sometimes, she slept in, had a quiet day to herself. Some might have found that sad, but she knew she'd be seeing her family in a month for Christmas, and there weren't many traditional Thanksgiving dinner dishes she liked that much, anyway.

Of course, her cousins were getting older, too, and, arguably, more mature. Even the youngest, Sara, was getting ready to graduate high school, and had her driver's license and everything. When she'd told Crystal she'd gotten it, Crystal had told her to drop by anytime, but, since the girl and her family lived about an hour away, she'd never truly expected her to take her up on the offer. She'd even told Sara where she'd hid the fake rock with her spare key in it, certain the girl would never have the occasion to use that knowledge.

Which was why, when she did, Crystal was lying on the floor of her living room, on her changing pad, about to pin herself into some nice, comfy cloth diapers. She heard the door open, and the sound of Rachel - the next oldest cousin, after Sara, just a few months ahead of her - calling out, "Hey, Crystal, you there? We made it!"

Crystal was especially confused by that, since she'd never invited her... She wasn't as close to her as she was to Sara, because Rachel had always been a bit of a holy terror, as opposed to the much sweeter Sara. Being the closest in age, however, Sara and Rachel did spend a lot of time together, so it made sense that if Sara was going to drive all the way over here, she'd have Rachel join her.

But Sara hadn't told her she was coming, and Crystal didn't see her until the pair popped around the corner, finding her still there, on her mat, too stunned to move. She wasn't sure what she would have done, anyway, to be honest... All her clothes were back in her bedroom, which would have required her to go out into the hall to reach. Although, perhaps letting them see her totally naked would have been better than with a diaper half on.

"Oh, my God," Rachel snickered, raising a hand to her mouth. "I should have known..."

"What?" Sara asked, confused. "What are you doing, Crystal?"

"You are such a baby," Rachel rolled her eyes. "But not as much as her... She's putting on a diaper!"

Crystal blushed, frozen, not knowing if she should prioritize covering her bare chest, or the fluffy cloth around her waist, which meant she wound up leaving both on display. "Wh-What are you two doing here?" she asked finally.

"Apparently babysitting," Rachel shrugged, stepping in a little closer, kneeling down beside the mat. "Did you put on enough powder? I doubt it..." To Crystal's shock, the girl pulled the front of the diaper down, snatching up the bottle of baby powder and sprinkling more onto her before proceeding to pin the diaper into place.

"But... Why are you wearing a diaper?" Sara seemed lost.

"Don't you get it?" Rachel rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I can't believe you're only four months younger than me. Don't you remember how she would always watch us like a hawk at Thanksgiving, and make us wear bibs if we got anything on our clothes? Or that year she made you wear a diaper because she said you were acting like a baby and she was tired of it?" Sara nodded, cheeks red. "That's because she likes that stuff herself! She was just too embarrassed to go through with it, so she used us to act out her little fantasies instead..."

"N-No," Crystal shook her head. "Y-You don't understand, I was just..."

"I bet that's why she hasn't shown up in so long," Rachel said. "She knows we're all too big to go along with that stuff anymore, so she got bored. Well, good news, Crysie," she booped the older woman on the nose, "If you want to be babied at Thanksgiving so badly, I can make sure that happens. My mom is hosting this year, so I can take some of the spare diapers I'm sure you have so they'll be ready for you, and I'm sure there are still some old bibs around... Maybe even some bottles, and..."

"B-But I can't make it this year!" Crystal stammered, face flushing even further at the thought of her whole family seeing her this way.

"I think you will," Rachel told her, standing up, admiring her handiwork, then pulling out her phone to snap a picture before Crystal could stop her, "Or I'll show this to everyone. Don't worry, our main table isn't big enough to hold everyone anyway, so mom is setting up a second one... I'll talk to the other cousins and make sure they all sit there, like old times, so they'll be the only ones who have to know... If you're a good little girl."

"Sara!" Crystal turned to her other cousin, searching for help. "You can't let her do this!"

"Well..." Sara shrugged, "it has been a while since you showed up, and I'm sure everyone would love to see you... And, if anyone deserves to sit at the kiddie table, it's you." She giggled, looking at her oldest cousin again, lying there in her big, bulky diaper. "Don't worry, though... We'll all make sure to take good care of you, just like you always did for us..."




Hopefully there will be a sequel for this.