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Commissioned by Maiya Jessica Wright. Pictures property of ABDreams.

Abby groaned behind the pacifier gag, thrashing uselessly in her restraints, feeling the soft teddy bear behind her, its fur rubbing against her bare back as she moved - at least as much as she was able - almost comforting, if not for it being yet another constant reminder of the situation she was in, along with the thick diaper crinkling between her legs.

How in the world could it have come to this?! Abby couldn't even reach down to scratch her chin as she pondered it, since her hands were being held up, above her head, and well away from the locks holding everything in place. Her ankles were locked apart from each other, too, ensuring she couldn't close her legs, that they'd have to remain splayed wide open, so that whenever her captor returned, she could tell, at a glance, if Abby had used her diapers.

She didn't belong here, of course, not that there was anyone here for her to explain that to, even if she hadn't had the gag strapped into her mouth, keeping her silent other than a few incomprehensible syllables that managed to escape every now and then. She rarely even used these restraints, had bought, and offered them, on a whim... It didn't seem right at all for her to be trapped in them.

That was, she supposed, the same way Alia had felt when this had happened to her. It had been a while ago now, long enough that, when Alia had walked in that day, it had taken Abby a few moments to recognize her. Normally, Abby didn't take walk-in clients, but she didn't have any appointments that day, and, for someone she'd cared for in the past, she was willing to make an exception.

"It's been so long!" Abby had exclaimed. "It's nice to see you again!"

"Yeah," Alia had given her a forced smile. "It has been, hasn't it?"

Abby had known better than to ask why the woman had been gone for so long - usually, it boiled down to a significant other finding out, or to money troubles, neither of which people tended to like talking about. Abby was, really, the only Domme of her kind in the area, the only one who maintained a nursery, and was more than willing to change diapers, so she was able to keep her prices high, and know that, since there were no other options, people would pay.

Abby had offered Alia some tea, which was customary for her, before leading her into the nursery, jokingly asking if she remembered how things were done here. "Are you going to be a good girl, or a bad girl, while I get you in your diaper?" 

Some people liked just wearing the things, playing with the various baby toys she'd bought for the room, needing her more as a babysitter than anything else; others liked to be 'persuaded' to let her diaper them, and to keep the crinkly garments on. Honestly, she preferred the second group more, but as long as she got paid, she was fine with either.

"That's funny," Alia had told her, reaching out and grabbing her wrist. "I was about to ask you the same question... And I already know the answer."

She'd been right, too... Of course Abby fought, struggling as she was dragged across her own nursery so Alia could grab the paddle, then pull the Domme over her lap in the rocking chair. She'd held back tears as long as she could as the woman slapped the hard, wooden implement over her backside over and over, every swat making Abby feel smaller and more helpless, imagining the pinkness spreading across her bottom, knowing how sore she was going to be from this for a long time. When Alia yanked Abby's panties down, she lost it completely, dissolving into tears, begging her to stop.

"Oh, but sweetie," Alia had cooed, readjusting Abby on her lap, "We've barely even started..."



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