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"What are you...?" Adrianna frowned, confused, especially once Sasha yanked her panties down as well, although that really should have tipped her off. She just couldn't imagine what was going on until the woman reared her hand back and landed a solid thwap on Adrianna's exposed backside.

Even then, the girl could hardly believe it. "Ow!" she wailed. "Wh-What do you think you're doing?!"

"I know exactly what I'm doing," Sasha informed her. "My job, disciplining a naughty little girl."

"N-No!" Adrianna shook her head, wincing and yelping again as Sasha gave her bottom another swat. "I-I'm not a little girl! I-I'm another worker, like you!"

Sasha chuckled. "Are you serious? Do you really think she'd hire someone who broke in, who she knows nothing about, and trust them to look after the kids? I thought she told me you were going to college, not kindergarten."

Adrianna blushed at the insult, though she didn't have long to stew before another spank distracted her. "Since you clearly don't get it, let me explain... You are a student here. You are not in charge of any of the kids... If anything, you're beneath them, less mature than them, and if I catch you trying to boss them around, or being mean to them, you are coming back in here for another spanking, or something worse.

"From now on, when you come here, I expect you to be properly dressed from the start. That means these," she reached down, grabbing a big, puffy diaper and holding it up. Adrianna felt a pout forming on her lips at the sight of the thing; she'd thought, now that she'd won her trophy, she was done with those... "I'll send some home with you if you need them, because I will not tolerate you showing up here in anything else. Understand?"

"B-But I don't need diapers!" Adrianna whined.

That was the wrong response; she squealed as Sasha dove back into the spanking, not letting up this time until the girl's rear was bright pink and throbbing, waiting until her tears had calmed a bit before reaching down, sliding the panties off her feet and holding them above the waiting diaper pail. 

"Any pair of these I find on you are going straight in here," Sasha announced, dropping them into the pail. "And you will get another spanking before I put you into a diaper anyway, and probably give you some suppositories, or an enema, to make you see that you do, in fact, need them. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Adrianna gulped. She didn't like the sound of this... She knew both of those things were not meant to make her wet herself... She'd never imagined doing... that... in a diaper again, especially not here, in a daycare, where, somehow, she was just another student. "B-But if I'm a good girl, I can use the toilet, right?"

Sasha rolled her eyes, sighing. "You really don't get it, do you? While you're here, you're a toddler... You don't even know what a toilet is; you certainly won't be saying that word again, will you?" Adrianan gulped, shaking her head at the threat, trying not to think too hard about what it meant, or the rumbling in her tummy. "Now, hop up on the table... Let's get you ready to go play with the rest of the kids. You still have a long afternoon ahead of you..."



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