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Most of Melissa's life, she'd felt too small, been afraid of getting lost in the crowd... Now, she felt as if she was standing out like a sore thumb, and that was far worse. There were a few actual kids there, but none just out and running around - mostly, they were small enough to be in their parents' arms, or clinging to their legs, so, even if she wanted to be mistaken as one of them, she couldn't without a willing partner in crime. That wasn't why she was searching for Kasey, although, if it came down to it, she could pretend... At the moment, given the outfits the two of them had on, she probably looked young enough to be Kasey's daughter.

But where was that girl?! She didn't dare yell for her, or draw too much attention, since she was also trying to ensure she wasn't seen by Karley, Ryan, or the teacher, and hoped that she didn't draw enough attention from anyone else who may have seen her picture on the screen, and realized this was her running around, dressed almost as immaturely again.

This whole evening had been like one long, inescapable nightmare, and if she thought she could wake herself up with just a pinch, she would have. Unfortunately, she knew it wouldn't, since her backside was still throbbing under her diaper, after that spanking Karley had delivered. If that hadn't been enough to shock her back awake, nothing would...

"Kasey," she whispered to herself, "Where are you?"

The gym had always felt so small to her, while she'd been a student; now, it was gigantic, seemingly full of more people than she'd expect to fit into the entire school building, rather than just those from her senior class that had decided to show up. Poor little Kasey could be lost anywhere in that sea of people, and Melissa would never be able to find her, even in the heels she'd worn. 

"Shit," she shook her head, taking in how hopeless this quest could be. But what else was there to do? Sneak out and wait in the parking lot for Kasey to tire of the reunion and get ready to leave herself? She'd probably wind up looking for Melissa, eventually, and Mel would stick out even more standing around by the car...

"Whoa!" Melissa gasped as she felt a strong hand closing around her arm, barely daring to glance up and see one of the football players. She couldn't recall his name, but he towered over her, and likely would have made her feel like a child, even in her dress and heels. "Where are your parents? Do they know you're running around, using that kind of language?"

"Yes!" Melissa shot back. "Now let me go..."

"I doubt that," he replied, shaking his head. "Why don't we go ask? You're lucky my wife is off changing my son... He repeats anything he hears, and if he'd heard that, I'd be even more upset with you, young lady. Now, tell me where your parents are, and if they don't wash your mouth out with soap, I will."

"No!" Melissa blushed, and, even though she knew there were no bars of soap in the bathrooms here, she still imagined herself being marched into the boys' room, one of them shoved into her mouth until she was spitting suds, then being pushed into the corner, hands on her head, skirt tucked into the waistband of her diaper, on display for anyone else that might come in to see...

"Yes," he countered. "You're old enough to know better. Where are they?"

Melissa whimpered, squirming nervously, only to suddenly realize how useful this could be. "I don't know!" she admitted. "I-I lost my Mommy, and I can't find her..."

"Oh," the man's grip loosened, his tone changing slightly. "Well, what is her name? I might know her..."

Melissa honestly had no idea if this guy would have ever had any reason to talk to Kasey, but it was worth a shot. She almost used her friend's first name, before catching herself, recalling the role she was playing. "Ms. Vance," she said instead.

"I remember her!" he told her. "I didn't know she had a daughter, especially one your age." Melissa squirmed, her plan suddenly not looking at wonderful as he tried to get a better look at her. "How old are you?"

"I-I'm her step-daughter," Melissa lied, not wanting to answer the actual question, unsure what age he thought she was, and not wanting to guess to far off in either direction. "M-My Daddy had me in another marriage, but my real Mommy died."

"I'm so sorry," he said, even more gently, before pausing and asking, "She kept her maiden name?"

Inwardly, Melissa was saying more things that probably would have earned her a mouth-soaping right then and there, without even the pretence of asking her 'mother's' permission, or having her do it instead. Her story was already getting too complicated, begging too many questions if they did find Kasey. "What's a maiden name?" 

He opened his mouth, then shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Come on, let's go find her."

Having an escort, even one convinced she was a little girl in need of discipline, made it much easier to make her way through the crowd, and his vantage point surely made it simpler for him to spot their target. Unfortunately, it also gave Melissa very little input into where they were going, which was fine until she saw Ryan in the distance, and felt herself being pulled closer and closer to him.

"I-I think I saw her over there!" she said desperately, pointing in the opposite direction. 

The man stopped, glanced, then shook his head. "I don't see her."

"I did!" Melissa insisted, stomping her foot in frustration, blushing as she saw eyes turning towards her. Drawing more attention was the last thing she wanted... "I swear, I did! Why doesn't anyone ever believe me?!"

"Okay, okay," he held up his free hand. "We can check over there."

Thankfully, he turned, leading her further away from the police officer searching for her. And, much to her surprise, she'd been right, even if she hadn't intended to be; after another couple minutes of searching, the man took another turn, and there Kasey was, in the middle of a gaggle of other young women, chatting away.

Melissa briefly felt a pang of annoyance, seeing her friend enjoying herself while she was there, going through so much. She was supposed to be finding Holly, convincing her not to run that picture until they could get her a better one... Of course, it was too late for that, so maybe that was why Kasey had given up, although, if she'd waited at the refreshment table like they'd agreed to do, some of this probably could have been avoided.

"Please," she sniffled as the man stopped. "Not in front of everyone..." She might not be able to remember his name, yet she knew all of these girls, and had a bad feeling they all knew her, too. She cowered behind him as much as she could, barely having to pretend at all to get into her character of Kasey's step-daughter.

"I can't wait here all day," he told her, but, luckily, he stayed back long enough for Kasey to notice them and excuse herself, the group dispersing and moving on to another of their old friends while Kasey walked over to Mel.

"Hey, Kasey," the man said. "I believe this belongs to you."

He let go of Melissa, who scurried over to her friend, feeling a sense of relief at finally getting to her, although it was tempered a bit by the fact that Kasey, in her heels, was now, for the first time ever, taller than her, in her Mary-Janes. That was, really, the one thing Melissa had over Kasey and, in this moment, it was gone, making her feel even smaller and more helpless than ever.

Melissa wasn't sure what to do, how to make her friend play along with the story she'd told without giving it away that it was only a story to the man looming over both of them... It turned out not to matter, however. "Wait," he frowned, eyes narrowing. "Now that I see you together.... Melissa?"

Mel turned bright red, wanting to deny it, knowing it was too late. "I'm so sorry!" he blushed a bit, too. "Why didn't you tell me? And... Why are you dressed like that? Why are you wearing a diaper?"

Melissa nearly caught fire, her cheeks were so hot, hearing him say it out loud, in the middle of everyone, while she was certain they were all listening in. "I-I'm not!" she protested.

He raised his eyebrow. "I have a toddler," he informed her. "I know what they look, and sound, like. There's no point lying."

Was it that obvious?! Did everyone there with kids, or nephews or nieces, or had simply babysat in the past, know what she had on? Her fingers toyed nervously with the hem of her skirt, unable to convince her tongue to form words.

"It's, uh... complicated," Kasey spoke up for her at last. "Thank you for getting her to me, though."

"No problem..." he frowned, eyeing the pair. "In case you need to know, she was using some very naughty language, out where kids might have been able to hear... I was going to suggest a mouth soaping when I thought she was a tween. Maybe it would still be a good idea."

Melissa was still tongue-tied as the man excused himself, unable to even tell him good-bye, although, once he had, and she'd pulled Kasey further away from anyone else, she found her voice again. "Where were you?!" she hissed. "You wouldn't believe what I've been through! Come on, we need to get out of here!"

Kasey looked down at her, an unfamiliar, and unwelcome, sensation, and said something that was almost as strange. "No."

"What?" Melissa frowned, tugging at her hand again, though, this time, her friend didn't budge. "I'm not joking, we need to go! I can explain later, but..."

"No," Kasey repeated. "We're not going anywhere."

"Kasey, look at me!" Melissa demanded. "People already saw that stupid picture, because you didn't find Holly in time... I can't let them see me this way in person, too! This is humiliating!"

"Well, I'm having a great time," Kasey informed her. "We haven't even had the class picture taken yet. Besides, you had the keys, remember?"

Melissa scowled, ready to correct Kasey, only to realize she was right; Kasey had put the keys in the purse, which was now in the locker, secured away. Kasey was right about the picture, though... There was, currently, no proof she'd even been here, no way to show her parents that she hadn't snuck off to something else, not that there was anything else to do in this town. "You have to go find Karley!" Mel told Kasey. "She knows exactly where they are, and she has the combination, and..."

"I don't have to do anything," Kasey responded. "You've bossed me around all our lives... And look at you now! What makes you think you can still get away with that?"

Melissa didn't have to look; she knew exactly how ridiculous she looked at the moment, in her school uniform and diapers. "I'm sorry, okay," she rolled her eyes. "But if Karley sees me again, I'm gonna wind up..."

"All right, everyone," Holly's voice came over the PA system. "It's time for the picture! Everyone line up at the bleachers, please!" 

Melissa watched in horror as the screen began to roll up, fully revealing the bleachers behind it, just waiting for her, and all her former classmates, to line up. She'd be at the front, of course... That's where all the short people went. For all time, anyone who saw that picture would be able to see her there, her silly, childish outfit on full display.

"Come on," Kasey took her hand.

"Nooo," Melissa shook her head instinctively, before realizing she didn't really have a choice. There would be far less people hanging back than there were standing on the bleachers... She'd be much easier for the teacher to find if she didn't go with Kasey and let herself be part of the photo.

"Y-You can't really tell I'm diapered, can you?" she sniffled, glancing up at Kasey. The other girl hesitated, then paused beside a trash can, bending over slightly to get a better look at her. 

"I don't think so," she said. "Here, turn around..."

"They're not taking the picture from behind," Melissa pointed out, but Kasey was already turning her, giving her padded bottom a pat.

"Lots of people are going to be standing behind you," Kasey replied, and, while that was true, Melissa knew her well enough to know she was lying. She didn't know what Kasey was really up to, and, before she could figure it out, she felt the girl's hand slip inside her diaper. 

"What are you doing?" she squealed, heart pounding as she heard a thump as Kasey tossed something into the garbage. Frantically, her own hands shot behind her, reaching for her backside, thankfully still feeling the plug there, almost glad for the discomfort as the action pushed it further into place.

"Calm down," Kasey told her. "It's all right..."

She yanked Melissa away before she could ask, or look at, what she'd thrown into the garbage can, making sure to position them right in the middle of the picture. Melissa was still blushing heavily, certain everyone who was already in place was staring at her, and that everyone walking in for the picture was, too, praying that, somehow, Ryan and Karley wouldn't notice her, that the teacher was distracted elsewhere, or they'd all know where to find her once this was over.

Melissa's heart was fluttering quickly as she stood there, fidgeting in place, which, she assumed, was why Kasey held on tighter to her hand, like she was afraid she might try and run off. If Mel thought it would have done her any good, she might, but, no matter how awkward she felt, staring down at her feet, listening to people filing onto the bleachers behind her, she kept telling herself this was the safest thing to do. Once it was over, she could hide... somewhere... and Kasey could go get Karley to let her into the locker, and they'd go home.

Melissa's squirming began to change, focusing more on her backside, as she started to notice an odd feeling there, one that was familiar, yet she couldn't exactly place. Kasey noticed it, too, and bent over, whispering, "I really thought I'd be sorry... But I'm not."

"Sorry?" Melissa glanced up at her, blinking. "What for?"

It was then that she recognized the sensation in her pants, that gooey, sticky mess building back there. Immediately, as her eyes widened, her free hand shot up to her mouth, making her recall that she was gripping her pacifier in it. She knew she was moments away from having her picture taken, that she should fight the feeling, ensure she wasn't going to be forever seen by her graduating class this way, but as soon as she felt that silicon brush her lips, she couldn't help herself.

That wasn't the only thing she couldn't help. Despite having felt the plug, still in place, there was no denying that she was in the midst of filling her diaper, feeling the soft mush build up in her padding, no matter how hard she groaned and gasped behind her pacifier, and fought to contain herself. If anything, the plug seemed to be making it harder, and she could feel tears welling in her eyes out of confusion and fear.

The plug should have prevented this, saved her from acting like a thumb-sucking little crybaby, but, since it wasn't keeping her from pooping her pants, everything else was breaking down, too. All of her other hypnosis-induced bad habits were flooding back, worse than ever. She was pretty certain she was wetting herself, too, although it was hard to tell for sure, since she was still messing. With the plug there, making her constantly feel like she had to go anyway, it was hard to tell how much she'd needed to go, and, also, how much she really had left in her.

Melissa stared up at Kasey, horrified, until she heard something even worse. "All right, everyone," a man's voice called. "Look this way and say 'Cheese!'"

She should have refused, should have kept her face hidden, at least, so that, in the future, maybe people would forget that was her standing there, assumed it was the child of someone that had been too afraid of being away from her Mommy or Daddy to stay behind with the other kids. However, she felt her body moving on its own, even after Kasey let go of her hand, turning right towards the camera, grinning - not that it was likely all that visible  behind the pacifier - and, worst of all, reaching for her skirt.

Inwardly, she was shaking her head, whimpering in fear as she felt her fingers close around the hem of the uniform. Outwardly, as she saw the photographer glance into the viewfinder of his camera, his finger poised to take the picture, she yanked up, revealing the pink, puffy diaper in all its glory, with its silly, infantile princesses and unicorns, wet and messy, and growing messier by the moment. 

As the camera's flash hit her, suddenly she could remember the day before, what had happened once she'd been taken into the hypnotist's office. They hadn't even had a chance to sit in the waiting room; Tyler had been waiting there for them, to lead them into her room. Immediately, she'd snapped her fingers, and Melissa had sat down on the couch, limp, helpless.

"This has gone way too far!" Kasey had protested. "Seriously, Taylor, what the hell?!"

"What?" Taylor teased, poking her diaper. "It suits you almost as well as it does her."

"That's not what I mean!" Kasey growled. "We agreed to embarrass her a little, maybe make her suck her thumb in the class picture... She's practically a toddler!"

"She was wetting herself... As a good big sister, I had to take care of her," Taylor shrugged, full of faux innocence.

"That wasn't intentional," Tyler quickly pointed out. "I only implanted the thumbsucking idea, like you requested... The rest was a side-effect, probably dredged up by her mind from the last time she sucked her thumb regularly."

"Then put a stop to it!" Kasey demanded. "We can't go ahead with this, it is way too..."

Taylor rolled her eyes, giving the hypnotist a meaningful look. The woman clapped her hands, and Melissa watched as Kasey fell silent, sinking down onto the couch next to her, blank-eyed. "Sorry, Kase," Taylor shrugged. "I can't have you messing things up now..."

"So," Tyler said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Well...." Taylor pondered for a moment. "It's no fun to just make Kasey mindlessly do as she's told, so we should give her a choice. Either she do as she's told, and makes sure Melissa shows up, and is in the class photo, and shows everyone what a baby she is in it, so they can always remember, or she can do the same herself. Can you hear me, Kasey?" She bent down, getting into the smaller girl's face.

"They can both hear you," Tyler told her. "But I can make them forget about it afterwards, if you'd like."

"Oh, she shouldn't know," Taylor pointed at Melissa. "At least, not until it's too late. But let her remember." She turned back to Kasey. "This was all your idea, anyway, Kase... I can't believe you'd want to back out now, when we're almost done. So, if you do, you're going to have the biggest accident in your big girl panties - which you're lucky I'm going to let you keep - and show it off for everyone...

"And," she grinned, eyeing her sister once more, "as for you... It's been fun, finally getting to be the big sister in the house... But you're already too far gone. It isn't as fun if you go in knowing you're going to make a fool of yourself... So, I'm going to make you believe you have hope." She reached into her purse, pulling out the plug, the one thing that had helped Melissa hold it together as long as she had. "I'm going to let you use this to think you have a chance... And then, at just the right moment..." She pushed on the center of the plug, and the middle section popped out, leaving a gaping whole right in the center. "As long as Kasey does her job, of course."

Smiling smugly to herself, Taylor slipped the plug back into her purse, eyeing the two young women sitting in front of her, helpless. "I almost want to do something to Kasey anyway... Sometimes, she was almost as bad as my sister. But I guess I'll hold off... At least for now. All right, do your thing."

The camera flashed again, and Melissa was back in the gym, still next to Kasey, showing off her dirty diaper, grinning like an idiot. She'd finally stopped pooping, which made it easier to tell that she was, indeed, wetting herself as well. The diaper was drooping quite a bit, and, once the photographer dismissed them, and she was able to let go of her skirt, it didn't quite cover the whole thing anymore. 

But what did it matter? If anyone hadn't seen already, hadn't gotten a glimpse of the back of her expanding diaper as she lifted her skirt, as soon as they saw the picture, they'd have no reason to doubt that story Karley was spreading about her; there was 'evidence' now, so they wouldn't have any reason to believe the girl had just made that up, based on the picture she'd seen in the slideshow.

Cheeks rosy and toasty, she glanced beside herself, uncertain if she should tell Kasey she understood why she'd done it now. Before she could decide, Kasey looked at her, then out at the gym, and gave her a hug. "I'll tell your parents you decided to get an early start and headed out once you got home."

"Huh?" Melissa had no idea what she meant, though before she could ask, Kasey was gone, nowhere to be seen, blending into the flow of other people stepping off the bleachers and back onto the gym floor. Who she did see, however, was the teacher, standing there, in front of her, waiting, arms folded, looking just as stern and annoyed as she had at the restaurant. As soon as Melissa met her eyes, she stepped forward, before Mel could even consider trying to vanish into the crowd herself.

"That was quite the display you put on, young lady," she said, reaching under Melissa's skirt, patting the diaper and shaking her head. "Just as I thought. Utterly disgraceful."

"I-It's not my fault," Melissa whimpered, squirming in her dirty diaper, feeling the mess shift and squelch.

"It never is," the woman shook her head. "I didn't think to bring a spare diaper, so you'll just have to wait until we get back to the school for a change."

"Wait... No!" Melissa shook her head. "I'm not a child!"

"Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" the woman sighed, giving the seat of Melissa's diaper a swat, watching the girl squeal and squirm. "You're wearing my uniform, and it is obvious that you need lots of education, and even more discipline, to turn you into a proper young woman...  If that's even possible. No wonder your parents enrolled you with us. Now, come along... You've already earned yourself quite the spanking for running away and trying to hide here, of all places. Don't make things any worse than they already are."

Just as Melissa had wanted, she was being taken out of the reunion... But this wasn't where she wanted to go! She was supposed to be here, celebrating being an adult, having gotten out of school ages ago, and, here she was, about to be sucked right back in, as a diaper-wearing delinquent! As much as she didn't want to be seen this way, when she spotted Ryan, she couldn't help calling out for him, hoping he would help her. "Ryan!" she squealed from behind her pacifier.

"Oh, good," he said, turning to see them. "You found her."

"Yes, thank you for giving me a call," the teacher told him. "I'll make sure this doesn't happen again."

"No!" Melissa stomped her foot as Ryan gave them a nod and started to leave. "Help me, Ryan!"

"That's right," he smiled down at her, condescendingly, clearly seeing her as nothing more than a wayward child, "That's very clever of you to remember my name is Officer Ryan. Now, go along with your teacher, and be a good girl for her, okay?"

He patted her on the head and walked away, leaving Melissa to her fate. "No, Ryan!" she wailed. "It's me!"

"Hush," the teacher smacked her bottom again. "You've bothered the nice policeman enough today. He doesn't want to be around you or your stinky diaper any longer than he has to, I'm sure... Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. I didn't think we had any students currently in diapers full-time, but after this, I'm going to make sure you don't get your big girl panties back any time soon... Probably not until you graduate, if you can ever manage that."

Melissa whimpered, looking behind herself as the gym where she had graduated, years ago, at all the people who had been there with her, as she was led away, to do it all over again. She could only hope, as the teacher sat her down in her back seat, buckling her in and watching her wrinkle her nose and pout as her backside sank into the load of mush in her diaper, that somebody else at the school realized the truth, figured out she didn't belong there, before she was put through too many more humiliations, or had to sit through too many classes, meant for people far younger than her, before she got teased about her diapers and her thumbsucking too much by kids who had likely only outgrown those things themselves a few years earlier... And then, even after she was out, who knew how long it would take for the hypnosis to wear off, or if it would have wormed its way into her mind permanently by that point? Would she ever truly be able to see herself as a grown-up again, after all she'd already been through, and was likely to go through at this new school?

"Hold on," the teacher warned as she turned the key, starting the car. "It's a long, bumpy road back." Melissa winced and squirmed, sucking a little harder on her pacifier; the woman had no idea how right she was.

The End


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