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A caption commission from Invada, to be continued next month. Picture property of ABDreams.

"Is this seriously it?" Olivia sighed dramatically, looking around at her friends, sitting around Hannah's bedroom, all dressed up in their Halloween costumes - except for her, of course, since they'd all agreed they were too old for that. Apparently, she was the only on that was actually true for...

"I have some movies we could watch," Hannah suggested. "Or some games, or..."

"This is probably the last Halloween we're all spending together, at least for a few years," Olivia pointed out. "Who knows, it might even be our last sleepover together... We should make it a real party! Isn't there anything else to drink other than this?" She gave her cup of soda a shake. "I mean, when we were twelve or whatever, this was great, but we're seniors now, and I think we deserve a real drink!"

She could tell right away it wasn't going to happen. The other girls looked away, blushing, fidgeting in their seats. "I-I don't know," Heather said. "I-I've never drank before..."

"Yeah, Stacy agreed. "I'd really kind of prefer to wait until it's, you know, legal..."

"It's only a couple years," Olivia told them, though she could tell it was a losing battle. "Seriously? I missed out on going to a party with Chris tonight, and you're all acting like a bunch of babies!" That made them quiet down, but they didn't seem to change their minds. Did they know she'd made that up? It was hard to tell... Olivia shook her head, sulking as she started spending more time staring at her phone than talking to them, mumbling about seeing if Chris could come get her.

Finally, Hannah got off her bed, wandering over and leaning down next to Olivia. "I think I heard Rachel going into the kitchen," she whispered. "I bet she has some alcohol in her room."

"Now we're talking," Olivia grinned, setting down her phone. "So, you're ready to make this a real party?"

"W-Well, I don't know for sure," Hannah blushed. "I just..."

"Fine," Olivia rolled her eyes. "I'll take care of it myself."

Olivia could hear some clattering in the kitchen as she left Hannah's bedroom, giving her the confidence to sneak up the stairs to Hannah's older sister's room. She wasn't sure what to expect, although it really wound up being much the same as Hannah's, just a little cleaner, and with more art prints on the walls, rather than posters. She wasn't sure where to start looking for alcohol, but, before she could even fully take in her surrounding and formulate a plan, she saw it.

At first, she thought it was just a Pamper, that Rachel must still be babysitting - Olivia knew she'd done so quite a lot in her younger years, and had even sat for Olivia, a long time ago, though she wasn't sure if that was still going on or not, other than occasionally looking after Olivia's little sister, Abby - until she realized how big it was. It looked the same, even felt that way as she picked it up, yet it was clearly big enough to fit an adult.

She could barely keep from laughing as she turned it over in her hands, certain it had to belong to Rachel, that she either wet the bed, or actually liked these things. She turned, ready to give up on alcohol and go show her friends this, when she saw the door open.

"What are you doing in here?" Rachel demanded, before her eyes flicked down and saw what Olivia was holding. "Oh," she smirked, "Do you need your nighty-night diaper on, sweetie? It's a little early, but I can help." 

Despite knowing it was a bluff, that Rachel was only trying to turn this around on her, Olivia couldn't help blushing for a moment, as if it were actually true, before tossing the diaper down onto the bed. Then, she shook her head. "You know these aren't mine!" she pointed out. "They're yours, you freak! You're a big baby, just like your sister!"

"Oh, really?" Rachel raised an eyebrow. "I'm not the one in here looking for a ba-ba." Olivia was unable to keep from gasping, giving away that the girl was right. "You're lucky I don't call your parents and tell them about that, and how Chris buys you alcohol. I bet they'd make sure you never saw him again, wouldn't they?"

Olivia glared at her, wanting to say she wouldn't dare, but not really certain about that. "Fine," she sighed after a moment. "I won't tell your sister, and everyone else here, about the diapers, and you don't tell my parents about that, okay?"

Without waiting for an answer, Olivia tried to shove past her, to get out of there as quickly as possible, but Rachel grabbed her by the arm. "But where's your costume?" she asked. "It's Halloween!"

"I'm not a baby, like everyone else in this house," Olivia rolled her eyes. "I don't have a costume!"

"Well," Rachel grinned, pulling Olivia over to her dresser, "I'm sure I can find you something..." With a little searching, she pulled out a pair of some of her old quite childish, pajamas, covered in flowers and teddy bears, tossing them onto the bed... Right next to the diaper.

"No!" Olivia gasped, realizing what Rachel had in mind, trying to rush past the older girl, only to be grabbed again, stopped in mid-flight. "I won't wear that thing! I won't!"

"But sweetie," Rachel gave her a malicious smile, "Your Mommy told me you still need them for bed. Isn't that true?" Olivia shook her head, meekly staring up at the bigger, older girl, suddenly feeling a flash from long ago, having had her as a babysitter. 

Either look like she gave it with costume, or her actual pajamas, either would be bad

"Lots of boys and girls wet their bed sometimes..." Rachel cooed.. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I won't tell your friends, and if they tease you about it I'll put them in diapers too."

Olivia squirmed helplessly in her grip. "I'm sorry I snuck into your room, and I swear, I won't drink ever again, until I'm old enough! Just let me go!" If she just had a moment to herself, she could call Chris after all, have him pick her up, though not if she was dressed like some bedwetting little girl! "Why do you even have that stupid diaper, freak?"

Rachel shook her head. "You always have been a mean, disobedient little girl... And I know just what you need." Before Olivia knew it, she'd been pulled over the girl's lap, her skirt and panties on the floor as Rachel gave her a harsh spanking, then, while she was still sniffling, taped her into the diaper, pulling the pajamas into place.

There was no hiding them; the bulge was huge, and the slightest movement would make the shirt move, revealing the waistband sticking out from the top of the pants. It was either going to look like she'd caved, and put on a very embarrassing costume, or that she really did need diapers at night. Either way, as Rachel patted her on the bottom and began to lead her downstairs, she could feel her heart thumping loudly as she got closer and closer to the girls she'd just mocked for being so childish...



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