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Commissioned by an anonymous Patron, to continue their caption series, The Transformation

Alex had been shocked at how easy it had taken to turn his tomboy girlfriend into a diaper-wearing, meek, little girly girl, and also how much fun it had all been. She'd always been cute, even if, before all this, she probably would have given him a dirty look - at least - if he'd said it out loud, but seeing her in dresses was nice, and knowing that she was thickly diapered underneath, a secret for just the two of them, made it all the better.

Unfortunately, by doing it under the guise of a 'punishment', Alex had somewhat hamstrung the whole operation. Sure, he could always find some small thing to nitpick, and use as an excuse, but they began getting smaller and smaller, as she turned into, essentially, a well-behaved, sweet, little doll for him to play with.

He knew that if he didn't reward that good behavior, she would either revert, or perhaps realize exactly how unfair the whole situation was. And, he had to be honest, he was curious.... How much had all of this changed her? After spending so much time dressed like his little girl, would she want to immediately jump back to her old style, or would she stick with it?

There was only one way to find out. "Sweetie," he said one morning, while changing her overnight diaper, "I've been thinking... You've been a good baby lately, haven't you?"

"Yes, Daddy," she nodded, hugging her stuffed deer. "I've tried..."

"I know, and that's all I can ask," he smiled at her. "So, I was thinking... Maybe it's time for the punishment to end."

"Really?!" Ashley gasped, sitting up on her wet diaper.

He gently pushed her back down, so he could continue wiping her off. "Yes," he said calmly. Part of him was glad to see her so happy, although another was disappointed to see how eager she was to move past this, and began back-pedalling in his own mind. "Of course, this was a big process, getting here, wasn't it? So I don't think we can just go back to the way things were immediately, do you?"

Ashley sighed, pouting. "I guess not..."

"If you don't want to do it..." he shrugged.

"No! I'm sorry, Daddy!" Ashley whimpered. "Wh-Whatever you think is best!"

"That's what I thought," he smiled. "For today, I was thinking we'd see how you do in Goodnites, instead of your diapers, what do you think about that?"

Her eyes widened, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, Daddy! Thank you! I've told you so many times, I don't need..."

"Shh," he shook his head. "You've been wearing your diapers for so long, you probably shouldn't go making any promises you can't keep, huh?" She blushed, hiding behind her deer a little, but bobbed her head in agreement. "We'll see how it goes today. And, when you get home, I'll even let you choose what shirt to wear while you wait for me, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed, squirming in excitement as Daddy slid the Goodnites up her legs. "I'm gonna be the biggest girl ever today!" she declared, while he picked out the cutest outfit he could find, to compensate for the fact that, when he got home, he was certain she was going to have one of her old, black t-shirts on.

"We'll see about that," he smirked.

It wasn't really cheating, he told himself later, as he drove to work. If she had asked him to unlock the bathroom door for her, he probably would have, or might have at least given her a key. As it was, he knew that, as soon as she got home from work, got out of the clothes he'd picked for him, and headed for the bathroom, she would discover that today was probably not going to be the day she proved how much of a big girl she really could be.

After that day, of course, Ashley remembered to ask for the key, and was very grateful that Alex didn't call the whole thing off after finding her there, squatting in front of the door, in the midst of filling her Goodnites, and that he hadn't spanked her for how much of a big girl she hadn't been. In a way, she was almost glad it had happened, since she could blame the tiny, little wet accident she'd had at work on the lock, too.

He still insisted on making her wear her diapers at night, and, because her bedtime didn't change, either, she still wound up using them most nights, since, once he tucked her in, there was no getting out of bed for anything. It was almost more frustrating now, after getting to spend the whole day using the potty again, having to lie there, listening to the faint sounds of him playing video games, or watching TV, in the other room, while she squirmed in bed, wishing she'd paid more attention to the clock, knowing that, by the next morning, she would have a wet diaper.

During the day, however, she was able to adapt to her Goodnites again pretty quickly. She'd almost forgotten how thin they were, compared to her diapers, and she could almost pretend they were actual underwear... Although, her memory of how those felt was likely even more fuzzy than her one for the Goodnites had been.

There were a few incidents, mostly at work while she was really focused on a task, but most days, she was able to report to Daddy with a dry Goodnite, yet, no matter how often that happened, he never mentioned promoting her back to big girl panties. He did give her some other privileges, however... He still got to pick out what she wore to work - although he did sometimes ask for her input - and she was still limited to a shirt and Goodnite at home. When they went out, however, he sometimes let her choose what she wore.

She knew he was cheating - as usual - since her choices were very limited. It was very rare for him to include her pants in them, and they were mostly ones too tight for her to risk wearing with even her Goodnites. Even her longer shorts were nowhere to be seen, although, luckily, she didn't own any short enough to make her worry about her padding showing through the legholes... And, while she still worried about someone noticing her padding in them, they were usually her pick, if only because they weren't a skirt.

"You have been doing so well," he told her one day, while very obviously hiding a bag behind his back. "I thought I'd get you a reward."

Ashley's eyes lit up. "Daddy!" she squealed, hopping in place, sure that he was about to present her with some real panties again, at last, that this punishment would be well, and truly, over, other than, perhaps, at night.

"Calm down," he chuckled. "We don't want you having an accident, do we?"

"I won't!" she stuck her tongue out, wiggling her bottom nervously to make sure she hadn't already.

"I know," he smiled. "That's why I got you these."

He handed her the bag, and she immediately snatched it out of his hand, sitting down on the bed and pulling it open. She should have known, right away, that it wasn't what she'd hoped for, simply by the weight, but she was too excited to think about that. She stared into the bag, then up at Alex, aghast.

"Come on," he urged. "Let me get your pictures with your new little friends!"

It took everything Ashley had in her not to throw a tantrum, but she had a feeling that was what he wanted. She grabbed the stuffed dinosaurs he'd bought her from the bag, standing up and holding them in front of her face while he snapped her picture to hide her scowl until she was able to disguise it.

"Aren't they adorable?" he asked. "I saw them and I thought of you! Do you want to take one with you in the car tonight, to keep you company?"

Ashley really wanted to be contrary and say no, but when she turned them around to get a better look at them, she couldn't bring herself to. Before all this, she hadn't been into cute stuff, and she'd been sure, when it ended, she wouldn't be again, and yet, looking at their goofy little faces, she couldn't help herself. Blushing, she asked, "C-Can I bring them both, Daddy? I wouldn't want one of them to get lonely here..."

She'd had some stuffed animals as a kid, but those were all boxed away at her parents' house, or long ago given away to Goodwill, or younger relatives. She was getting quite a collection of them again, however, and it took very little urging from Alex to convince her to let them cuddle with her in bed at night. She knew it was silly, and immature, and the opposite of what she was trying to do, and yet, she couldn't help it...

She'd been so concerned with trying to earn her panties back, and all that, she'd almost forgotten all about Halloween. She noticed the decorations, of course, and all the spooky movies on TV that she'd used to love so much. Alex wouldn't let her watch them now, saying they were too scary, and they might make her have an accident and ruin her dry streak, which Ashley couldn't deny was a possibility now. She hadn't realized how close it was until they got the invitation to the party, apologizing for how late it was.

This was the one time of year that Ashley really got excited about dressing up, always putting together elaborate costumes for both her and Alex, usually winning the costume contest at whatever party they went to. This time, however, she hadn't even started, and she was rapidly running out of time... Not to mention the fact that she'd probably have to run whatever she chose for herself past Alex.

When she mentioned it to him, however, he didn't seem concerned at all. "Don't worry," he told her. "I have the perfect costumes in mind for us."

He refused to tell her what that meant until the day of the party. "Are you ready?" he teased. "You're going to look great!" She was having a hard time sitting still, hoping he hadn't just gone with one of those generic 'sexy' costumes from the store, or something awful like that. Avoiding those, she felt, was one of the foundations of her success at the contests.

As soon as he produced the first part of her outfit, she knew she was in trouble. "Daddy, I don't need that!" she whined as he taped her into one of her big, poofy, white diapers. "I'll make sure not to drink that much, I swear!" Unfortunately, she quickly discovered the diaper wasn't there for that; it was part of the costume.

He followed it up with a pair of white tights, compressing the padding tight around her crotch, ensuring there would be no forgetting that she had it on, and doing nothing to hide it. Neither did the white tutu skirt, which flared out and kept it on full display, although it was translucent enough that, even if she pushed it down, the diaper would still visible through it. He finished the outfit off with a cute shirt with a childish print, a blanket, and one of her pacifiers clipped to the shirt.

"I can't go out like this, Daddy!" she pouted, staring down at herself. "Everyone will see..."

"It's part of your costume," he told her. "They're supposed to see."

"B-But, Daddy... Wh-What if I...?" Her cheeks burned bright red. This was why she hated these diapers... The smallest accident would be visible, barely obscured at all by the tights.

"Everyone will think that's part of it, too," he said. "You always go all out. Besides, you just said you didn't need them, so that shouldn't happen, should it?"

She shook her head bashfully. "But..." she started to say, only to have him push the pacifier between her lips, earning a glare from her. That was about all she could do, however; when Daddy gave her a paci, it was supposed to stay there until he removed it, or she got a spanking. She had a feeling the tights would do just as badly at hiding a red bottom as it did masking her diaper.

She could only stand there, sucking on it, and fidgeting with her skirt as she watched him get dressed. His costume was much simpler, yet no less embarrassing for her. He put an apron on over his normal clothes, then began stocking it, stuffing the pockets with extra diapers, baby powder, lotion, her thermometer, the hairbrush he actually used to spank her when she was really bad, even stopping by the fridge on the way out to grab a pair of bottles of apple juice, which she suspected was what she'd be getting, while he got to have real, grown-up drinks.

"So," he said, finally taking her pacifier out, "What do you think? Do we have a shot at winning again this year?"

"Yeah," she had to admit. "B-But... They're all gonna see my diapers!"

"Yes," he agreed, "They are. I might even let some of them give them a pat, to see how real they are. And if you do have an accident, they might be even more impressed... Though it will ruin your streak of dry days. But they're going to think you only have them because you're so dedicated to the costume, and you rigged up something to fake wetting yourself... Unless you act up, and make me show them how much of a little brat you really are."

Ashley gulped, her eyes shooting to the hairbrush as she squirmed in her diaper, hoping he wouldn't notice she'd already gone to work making the diapers seem more 'authentic'. As he replaced the pacifier and led her out to the car, she couldn't deny that he'd done a great job, probably just as good - if not better - as anything she'd ever put together for them... She only hoped their friends didn't realize they weren't really costumes.


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