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Unfortunately, Shelly knew it was really a trick. She'd seen Josie, and Belle, pull that jar out many times, mixing a spoonful of the stuff into whatever baby food she was being fed that day, when she'd been acting up. Not only did it taste nasty, overwhelming even the relatively pleasant taste of applesauce - her favorite of the various colors of mush she'd spent so long getting force-fed - but it also ensured that, within a couple hours, she'd have a very messy diaper.

Belle wasn't bothering to cut it with anything; she was simply spooning it into a bowl. Shelly's stomach churned pre-emptively, and, immediately, as soon as Belle sat down, she tried to swat it out of the woman's hands, only earning herself a swat on her own.

"If you can't be nice with your hands, then hold them up where I can keep an eye on them," Belle ordered, waiting for Shelly to comply before scooping up a large spoonful of the stuff. "And if you try to do that again, I'll give you twice as much, and a nice, long spanking to go with it."

It tasted even grosser than she'd envisioned, making her shudder as it hit her mouth. She knew it was her imagination, but she was certain she felt her tummy already cramping as she swallowed the first spoonful down. She gagged, nose crinkling, though she was able to get it down, somehow... Unfortunately, it was only the beginning.

"Such a good girl!" Belle praised, finally setting the spoon back into the now empty bowl, while a miserable Shelly squirmed in front of her, knowing what the future held. "Do you want to go to your little party now?"

"N-No," Shelly shook her head. Even if she could somehow manage to convince Belle to let her wear something else, she doubted she would be able to make it to the bathroom in time, once it became necessary, and being without a diaper would be, probably, worse than letting her friends see her in one.

Sure enough, while she was sitting on the floor, playing with some of the toys from the nursery, and watching some silly, kids' Halloween movie, she felt the cramps start for real. Moments later, far less time than it would have taken to get to the bathroom, especially if there was a line, she heard an involuntary grunt escape from her lips, felt the gooey mass begin invading her diaper even before realizing what she was doing, or that there was no way for her to stop it. The best thing she could do was lift her backside up off the floor a bit and let it happen faster, so it would be over more quickly.

"Uh-oh," Belle teased. "Did someone have an accident?"

This was, obviously, no accident - it was clearly what her sitter had wanted - but as Shelly clambered to her feet, she played along, hoping that's what Belle wanted, to put an end to this more quickly. "Uh-huh," she nodded. "Can you change me?"

"Nah," Belle shrugged. "It's almost your bedtime... Until then, sit down and play with your dollies. Now."


"I don't know what happened," Belle explained, standing in the doorway to the nursery with Josie. Even in the faint illumination of the night-light, she could see Shelly fidgeting, listening. "I don't want to say she did it on purpose, but I had just asked her if she needed to use the potty a couple minutes before - I'm so used to it now, I forgot she was back in panties - and then she peed herself in front of me. It was almost like she wanted me to put her back in diapers... She seemed much happier in them."

She sniffed the air dramatically, waltzing over to the crib to give the girl's bulging diaper a pat. "She must have done this after I put her down... I'm so sorry, if I'd known, I would have changed her for you..."

"No, no," Josie shook her head. "I think it will be better for her to spend the night in it, to remind her of what it's really like to be a baby... Maybe next time I let her out of diapers, she won't be so eager to go back into them... Especially after I give her a spanking and some corner time for making me a liar. I told her that I'd let you know we were done with that, and you wouldn't have to change any diapers tonight... She's such a brat sometimes."



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