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Her hands refused to obey. She whimpered and thrashed, yet they just kept pulling the side of the diaper up, taping the second side snugly into place before grabbing the coloring book and flopping down onto the floor with it, her skirt flipping up, exposing nearly all of her diaper.

This was so humiliating... She was an adult, a responsible businesswoman, mere inches away from her desk, and her laptop, and her real work that she knew she should be doing, yet here she was, splayed out on the floor, sucking on a pacifier, coloring - badly, nowhere close to staying in the lines - in a book for babies, her legs up and kicking behind her, wearing a big, bulky diaper. At any moment, someone could look in her window, or open her door, and find her here... She wasn't sure if it would be worse if it was some little peon, or her boss, who discovered her this way.

What was going on?! She was completely helpless, trapped here, acting like a baby, or like... Shelly. Was this some sort of divine retribution for what she'd done to the girl? Karma? Was she having a very prolonged, very weird, stroke? How, and why, was this happening?! The only answer she got was the rustle of plastic when she managed a squirm, the most she could control her own body.


"All right, sweetie, it's almost lunchtime," Josie said, kneeling down in front of the playpen. "Time to put away your dollies, I think."

Shelly pouted behind her paci, shaking her head.

"Are you telling me no, young lady?" Josie planted her hands on her hips. "I can give away all that candy tonight, you know... I don't have to save any for you, if you're going to act up like this." Shelly continued to sulk, but, as Josie took the doll away from her, she let it happen, though she couldn't resist reaching up, giving the tummy a few little pokes.

"You can have it back after you've eaten, when you go down for your nap," Josie promised, before taking a closer look. "I don't know if I remember this one. What's its name?"

Shelly could barely suppress a giggle as she answered, "Belle."


"I'm glad you decided to participate," Belle's boss told her, staring down at the mortified woman on the floor, "But you still haven't e-mailed me that report I requested... We agreed that costumes were fine, as long as they didn't interfere with work."

Staring up at him from the floor, Belle felt truly tiny, like a baby not even able to walk yet, or talk. She couldn't explain that she wasn't doing this, or even write it out on the coloring book... She could only suck and color away, like she was oblivious to the lecture she was in the midst of receiving.

And then... It happened. Out of nowhere, she felt a cramp in the pit of her stomach, followed, almost immediately, by another, and another. She knew what they meant, and, any other time, it would have been fine, she would have had time to scurry to the bathroom - although excusing herself right then might not have been the best idea, since her boss was still talking - but now, she was frozen to the spot, and each time it happened, she could feel herself creeping closer and closer to disaster.

Once they ended, however, she felt whatever the rest of it was lift as well. She breathed a sigh of relief, although she kept the pacifier in for another moment or two, taking the time to collect her thoughts, figure out what in the world she was going to say to make this seem less insane...

When she went to open her mouth, she felt it clench instead, the only sound to escape from it a desperate grunt. She could move her body again, but it didn't matter... She was too far gone. Her cheeks reddened in fear and humiliation as her backside lifted, her dress sliding even further down her back, exposing more of the pure, white diaper to her boss - and anyone who might be glancing in the open door - as she began to defile it, letting everyone watch the mushy lump appear, grow, and spread throughout the padding, forcing it to expand to contain it all.

She'd never been in a bigger mess before, either literally or figuratively. As it finished, she sank back down to the floor, stunned, and a little exhausted, able to move, and speak again, but completely unsure how to use either of those things to undo what she'd just done, or at least make her boss forget about it. She sucked anxiously on her pacifier, squirming in her full diaper, wrinkling her nose as she felt the mush shift. She had no clue how it had happened, yet, clearly, she'd been the one who got tricked that Halloween... And, judging by the look on her boss's face, there was no treat coming up to make it any better.



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