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Valerie saw Summer wearing protective padding far bigger than Pull-Ups every day, but that didn't make it any less mortifying to stand in the bathroom stall, wet panties in a pile on the floor, and step into the training pants. Unfortunately for her argument that they weren't for her, they easily slid up her legs, fitting far better than she ever would have imagined.

She groaned, staring down at the purple things, Minnie Mouse looking back up at her. How could this be happening?! There was no way she should be small enough to fit into these things.... Right? She was eighteen, an adult, and these were meant for toddlers. Yet, there they were, mocking her, doing their best to look like real underwear, even though she knew they wouldn't fool anyone. Especially not her... The jump from the thin fabric of her panties to the padding - even as relatively thin as it was, compared to a real diaper - was huge, something she couldn't imagine herself getting used to, or being able to ignore for the rest of the day.

Once that was on, it was far less shocking to find that the shorts and t-shirt fit, too, or the Velcro shoes. She looked like a little kid, even if you didn't know what was under her pants... Though, she was terrified that people would be able to see them anyway, over the waistband of her shorts, which seemed determined to slide down and show the top of her Pull-Ups. Every step, punctuated by the lights on her shoes flashing cheerfully, she felt a fresh stab of terror as she tugged at her shirt, praying her training pants were completely covered.

"Come on," the assistant called. "You've wasted enough time already, young lady."

"I told you," Valerie lied, "They're not mine, so they don't fit."

She'd been hoping that the woman would give up, but, instead, she said, "Well, let me see how bad it is, anyway, and I'll see if I can come up with another idea."

"B-But I..." Valerie protested.

"Right now!" the woman snapped. "Or do you need detention?"

That got Val moving; she'd never gotten detention before in her life, and, of all the days to change that, today was not the best choice. She already had to deal with it being her first day back as a sophomore, and having been caught in wet panties, and having to wear a Pull-Up... She didn't need anything else piled on top of all that.

"Gee, you're right," the assistant told her snarkily. "There's no way those clothes could be yours."

"They aren't, though!" Valerie insisted, but she couldn't deny how much it must look like she was lying. After all that fuss over how there was no way they could fit, here she was, everything buckled, buttoned, and in place, with only the shirt potentially being too small, although even that could have been intentional.

"Here," the woman ignored that, not even deeming it worthy of a response, and thrust a plastic bag at Val instead. "Put your wet undies in there, and get your clothes into your locker."

"Can't I at least..?" Valerie whined.

"Now, or I'll throw them in the trash instead," she threatened. Valerie leapt into action, gingerly picking her underwear up by one of the dry parts, sealing them into the bag before returning to her new locker, putting everything inside and swinging the door shut. Almost instantly, the assistant's hand closed around her arm, pulling her back to her feet and guiding her out of the locker room, out into the halls.

Instantly, her outfit became exponentially more humiliating; in the locker room, there was some semblance of privacy, but here, she was out in public, her clothes more immature than she any she'd ever worn in this building, even as a freshman. Even when she'd been there for Summer's graduation, she'd been dressed up, and years away from needing trainers, especially during the day. Now, when she ought to be weeks from graduating herself, she looked more like another student's little sister than ever, once who belonged in preschool, rather than high school.

Luckily, other than a single janitor, nobody was out wandering the halls during classtime, at least not on the path she was being led down, and there were no other students waiting in the nurse's office. The nurse, a young woman, probably a year or two younger than Summer, looked up from her computer, clearly surprised to have visitors.

"What did you bring me this time, Monica?" she asked, standing and crossing her office, kneeling down in front of Valerie. It was hard for the girl not to stare at her rather ample cleavage, or think about how little she had, in comparison, or ignore the nametag identifying the woman as, 'Ms. Rowen'. "Did you get on the wrong bus, sweetie?"

Valerie's face turned as pink as her shirt, which she began tugging on even harder than before, praying the nurse didn't see her Pull-Ups, to give her another reason to believe she was just some kid. In a way, she was grateful when the coach's assistant spoke up with, "She's one of our students. She's a senior... Or was, anyway," since it meant she didn't have to, although watching the surprised look on the nurse's face at that information still stung. Other than the clothes, she didn't really look that young... Did she?

"Oh!" Ms. Rowen exclaimed. "This is the cheater?"

Valerie's cheeks glowed even hotter... Did everyone know about that?! She wanted to defend herself, point out it had only been one time, that it didn't seem fair to label her as a 'cheater' for one mistake, but she didn't have the chance. "So, you don't know her?" the assistant asked.

"No, I've never had the pleasure," the nurse shrugged.

"That's surprising," Monica said. "I caught her in a pair of wet panties, with a diaper in her locker, so I assumed she had a medical issue."

"It isn't a diaper!" Valerie insisted, falling silent again as both women's attention turned to her.

"You can speak," the nurse teased. "What is it, then?"

"I-It isn't mine," Valerie explained, blushing. "B-But it's a Pull-Up..."

"Oh, that's very different," Ms. Rowen nodded knowingly. "Hold on, let me look up her record." She straightened back up, sashaying over to her computer. A few moments later, Valerie saw her own picture pop up on the screen, along with a wall of text. "Wow, that is you," the nurse glanced over her shoulder, then back at the picture, as if, even with Monica saying it, she didn't believe Val could be a student there. "Hmm... Nope, I don't see any notes about any accidents, or anything..."

"Well, you should probably add one, then," Monica suggested. "If she had protection at the ready, I doubt it was a one-off incident." 

"I didn't!" Valerie glared at the assistant. "And it was! I'm not used to riding the bus, and... What are you typing?!" She stomped her foot at the sound of the keyboard clacking. Her eyesight was too blurry to make out the text on the screen, though she could tell that something was definitely being added to it.

"If that's true, and this isn't normal, then it won't matter," the nurse assured her. "But it's a good idea to keep track of these things, just in case. Are you sure you haven't had this problem before?"

"No, of course not!" Valerie insisted. "I don't wet myself, I'm not..."

"I think I'd better give you a quick exam, then," Ms. Rowen interrupted, standing and pulling a pair of sky blue latex gloves from a box on her desk, snapping them into place. "Could you help her up onto the table, Monica?"

"W-Wait, no!" Valerie shook her head, feeling the assistant's hands close around her waist, easily lifting her up onto the exam table, the paper cover rustling beneath her. "Y-You don't have to do that..."

"Really?" Ms. Rowen stood in front of her, hands on her hips. "Were you lying to me, then? I'd think, if this wasn't a normal occurrence, you'd be more concerned about it..."

"I-I am," Valerie said sheepishly. "B-But..." She gasped as the nurse grabbed the bottom of her shirt, yanking it up and off before she could stop her, leaving the girl uncertain whether to try to cover her bra or the waistband of the Pull-Ups sticking up from the top of her shorts. "Hey!"

"I'll give it back when we're done," the nurse promised, pushing her back onto the table and putting her ice-cold stethoscope onto Val's chest, making the girl shiver. She took her readings, then proceeded to poke and prod at Valerie's exposed skin in various places before moving downwards.

"No!" Val shook her head, trying to shove the woman's hands away from her shorts, blushing as she stared up at Monica, still looming beside the table.

"Are you going to take them off for me?" Ms. Rowen asked.

"No," Monica answered for her. "She'll whine and complain for ten minutes and waste your time... I'd like to get back before the end of the period."

"That's not..." Valerie protested, for all the good it did her; the nurse still knocked her hands aside, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them down, leaving her training pants on full display.

The nurse's hand shot to her mouth, and Val could tell she was barely suppressing a giggle. "I didn't think you meant an actual Pull-Up," she told Monica. "Those are so cute..."

"And she claims they aren't hers," the assistant smirked, taking a step closer to the table. "Who else in this school are those going to fit?"

"They could belong to someone's little sister," Ms. Rowen suggested.

"Can she go away?" Valerie broke in, cheeks red. She hated being talked over, like she was some kid in the midst of adults talking about things too advanced for her, especially when the subject was her... Or her underwear. "Shouldn't I be allowed to have some privacy for this, at least?!"

"I'm here to make sure you get back to class when she's done," Monica informed her. "I don't trust you to get there on your own."

"But can't you wait out... Hey!" She squirmed, feeling the nurse's gloved fingers pressing into the crotch of her Pull-Ups, as they had been the past couple seconds, although it was only then that she realized what was happening. She was being checked, like she could actually have wet herself! "Look, the flowers are all there, I'm dry!" she pointed out grumpily.

"I had to make sure," Ms. Rowen explained. "Now, can you roll over for me?"

Valerie frowned, not liking the sound of that. "Y-Yeah, but..."

"Just do it," Monica sighed. "I swear, she's just faking this whole thing to get out of class."

"I've been trying to tell you, I'm fine, it was just..." Her eyes widened as the assistant stepped even closer, grabbing her and flipping her onto her stomach, pinning her down to the table, allowing Ms. Rowen to grab her Pull-Ups and yank them down. 

A few moments later, after a warning of, "Stay still for me," Valerie felt another cold piece of equipment being used on her, this one covered in Vaseline, and being pushed firmly inside of her.

"Stop it!" she squealed. She had no idea what was happening, only that she could feel whatever it was invading her bottom, and that she didn't like it. "You can't do this to me!"

"Calm down," Ms. Rowen said soothingly. "If you keep fussing, I won't get a good reading, and we'll have to do this all over again." 

In her panic, and humiliation at the violation, it took Val longer than it should have to figure out that she was having her temperature taken, which made the ordeal even more humiliating. She knew there were other ways for the woman to do that, ways that would have let her keep her pants on... But the nurse had chosen this one anyway.

"Seems normal," the woman declared, after pulling the thermometer out. "Go ahead and flip her back over so I can check out that side." 

Valerie thought the worst was over; she was wrong. Monica didn't even give her a chance to roll over herself, just took over, then kept her hands firmly on the girl's shoulders, keeping her stuck in place while Ms. Rowen slid the Pull-Up downwards and began to examine her crotch. 

"Hmm," the nurse mused. "I know you're in a hurry, but I could probably do this quicker if I just..."

"Go ahead," Monica shrugged, as if this was her decision to make. "It'll probably be faster in the long run."

Valerie kept herself groomed down there pretty well, so there wasn't a ton of hair to make things more difficult for the nurse... But that didn't stop her from pulling out a container of shaving gel and a razor. "What do you think you're doing?!" Val raged, trying in vain to sit up, despite the woman pinning her to the table. 

"Calm down," Ms. Rowen shook her head as she massaged the shaving gel between her fingers, then rubbed it onto the girl's pubic hair. "Honestly, you're so excitable... This is no big deal. I just have to make sure I can get a good look, ensure that nothing is wrong. Now, I'd hold still again if I were you." In only a few swipes of the razor, Valerie's crotch was completely bare, all traces of hair gone. To add insult to injury, once she was done, the nurse barely took any time to look, or poke, at the girl's undercarriage before declaring, "She looks fine to me."

If that was all she was going to do, how much time could she honestly have saved?! Valerie fumed inwardly as the woman slid the Pull-Up back up into place, letting it snap shut around her waist, the feeling of the padding only enhanced by her now bald groin. It felt more like a power move, a way to show Valerie how helpless she was, how much of a child, in comparison to the nurse and Monica, she must be.

"I see no medical reason for her to have wet herself," Ms. Rowen concluded, replacing the shorts as well. 

"So, she's just lazy, as well as a cheater?" Monica asked, letting go of Valerie at last so she could put the shirt back on.

"I am not!" Valerie protested.

"You said you aren't used to the bus," Ms. Rowen reminded her. "How long is the ride?"

Valerie fidgeted on the table, gulping as she stared up at the two women. What could she say? Did she tell the truth, that it was an hour - which now felt like far too short a time, despite how long it had seemed, bumping along, fighting her bladder - or did she lie and claim it had been longer, to make it appear not quite as pathetic that she, an eighteen year old, hadn't been able to hold her pee for that length of time?

"The longest route in an hour and fifteen minutes," Monica helpfully chimed in. "And I know kindergarteners who can stay dry longer than that. If there isn't a medical issue, there's no excuse for someone your age not to at least be on their level in terms of potty training. I'm surprised you can even stay dry during classes... Or is that why you have Pull-Ups in your locker?"

"I don't!" Valerie whimpered. "I told you, it isn't mine...  I-I swear, this is the only time I've done anything like this... I-I would never..."

"Yet, clearly, you did," Monica countered. "I saw those wet panties. And I saw those Pull-Ups in your locker, and we've all seen that they fit you. I can only assume that you've done this before."

Valerie felt a chill run down her spine as she was hit with a heavy dose of deja vu. This conversation felt very similar to the one she'd had yesterday, when the principal had stripped her of her status as president, and senior. Now, it was happening again, but it wasn't her grade level that was being demoted... It was her perceived continence. Just like before, there was one incident, one thing she couldn't deny she'd done....

"I think, to be safe, you'd better come visit me at the start and end of each day," Ms. Rowen said. "If your panties are dry during each visit for a whole week, I'll believe this was a one-time incident, and delete the note from your file. If not, well..." She walked over to one of the cupboards in her room, opening it and pulling out a very thick, plain white diaper. Valerie's heart began to beat faster at the sight, hearing the paper crumple under her as she squirmed. They probably weren't as thick as Summer's, but they were close, looking like they were meant for purely medical purposes, with little care for how big and bulky they were, how hard they'd be to hide under clothes...

"I don't need those!" Valerie whined.

"We'll see about that," the nurse replied. "Or should I call your emergency contact and see what they have to say about this?"

"No!" Val squealed desperately. She knew that was Nanny, since she would, generally, be able to get to the school more quickly than either of her parents, if anything bad happened, even if she had to drag Summer along with her.

"And why not?" Ms. Rowen asked, raising an eyebrow. "Would they tell me that you're lying, and you wet yourself on a regular basis, and should just put you in a diaper right now to save us all a lot of time and trouble?"

"No!" Valerie gasped, thrashing desperately as Monica grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her onto her back again on the exam table as the nurse stepped closer to it, diaper in one hand, cell phone in the other. "Sh-she wouldn't say that, b-but you shouldn't bother her, be-because... because..."

The real reason, of course, was she had no idea how Nanny would react to the news, or her having had a Pull-Up supposedly waiting in her locker. She had no doubt she'd support the nurse's plan, though her real worry was what she'd do once Val was back home... She wasn't about to tell these two that, however.

"Because why?" the nurse mocked. "I'm very worried that a big girl like you is suddenly having accidents, and you're being so uncooperative... I need to make sure nothing is seriously wrong with you..." She set the diaper down on the table, using that hand to begin slowly dialling her phone, the beep of each digit being entered making Valerie wince and shrink back a little more.

"Sh-She's a very busy woman, a-and..." Ms. Rowen didn't stop. Valerie's mind raced, searching for something, anything... Out of nowhere, she remembered what Nanny had actually said to her that morning. "She's at the doctor's office this morning, and it's very important, and I wouldn't want her to leave there without getting checked out, because I'm worried about her, and I'm afraid she would if she thought I was sick instead, a-and..." She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, giving her story more authenticity.

The two women stopped, Monica's grip loosening, letting Valerie sit up, wiping her eyes while the nurse set the phone down, too, and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry, dear," she said. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I-I hope so," Valerie sniffled. It was true, really... She didn't want Nanny or Summer to be sick, although she probably didn't have much to worry about, since they were just getting basic check-ups; she wasn't even certain if Nanny herself had an appointment. 

Ms. Rowen let her sit there for a few more minutes to compose herself before helping her down and sending her on her way. "Oh, one more thing," she said, as Monica led the girl - secretly ecstatic at having managed to save herself - back to gym class. The assistant and Val turned to look at her. "I still need to see you before you leave today, or I'm going to have to assume you didn't show up because you had another accident and were too embarrassed, and put you straight into diapers tomorrow morning when you report in for your inspection. And, if you try to skip that, I'll just pull you out of class."

"B-But..." Valerie pouted. She'd really hoped her story would get her out of all that, yet, apparently, even if it had been good enough to escape the phone call, it wasn't quite on that level. She shuffled back down the hall towards the gym, every step causing the Pull-Up to brush against her now-bare crotch, reminding her of everything she'd gone through, making her a little more indignant.

How dare they treat her this way?! It had to be against school policy... Was it because she was an adult that they thought they could get away with it? Did they think her cheating gave them free reign to mistreat her? Or was it something else? She didn't know the nurse that well, but Monica had never seemed this cruel to her, this eager to see a student humiliated... 

She hadn't come up with any answers before they got back to the gym, and Monica pushed her through the doors, anxiously tugging at the hem of her shirt, terrified of what her classmates were going to say if they saw her dressed like this, wondering how she could possibly do anything in class without her shirt riding up and exposing her Pull-Ups to everyone.

Thankfully, her luck appeared to be turning around, as, almost as soon as she walked in, the gym teacher blew her whistle and dismissed everyone to the locker room. Valerie quickly turned, knowing that, since she was closer to the door, she could beat them all, get her clothes out of her locker and make it to one of the stalls before most of them even got into the room. She wasn't about to put her wet panties back on, but her actual outfit would hide the trainers better than this one, and look more like something a teen - instead of a toddler - would wear.

Monica grabbed her by the arm, stopping her in mid-step. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked. "You're going to apologize to Mrs. Hanshawe for wasting my time, and forcing her to teach this class without my help."

"I told you I didn't need to go to the nurse's office!" Valerie fumed. "It's not my fault you didn't listen!"

Monica's eyes narrowed. "I'll give you a pass this time, because I know you're feeling anxious about the doctor," she warned, "But if you take that tone with me again, young lady, I'll put you over my knee..."

Valerie immediately backed down. It had to be an idle threat... There was no way a school employee could actually do that to a student, could they? After what had happened already that day, however, she didn't dare risk it. She allowed herself to be led to the gym teacher, staring down at her feet, and the flashing lights that appeared on her shoes with every reluctant step.

"She has something to say to you," Monica announced, pushing Valerie forward, closer to Mrs. Hanshawe. The woman was quite large and imposing, and Valerie became especially determined to keep her Pull-Ups hidden, afraid of what she'd say if she knew about them.

The teacher frowned. "Well, now... If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you were new to this period because you'd skipped a few grades, not been held back. Do you care to explain why you thought this counted as an appropriate gym uniform? Even if you don't look it, you're old enough to know better... Is this your form of protest over your demotion?"

"N-No," Valerie shook her head. "These aren't my clothes, the stuff in my locker wasn't transferred, and..."

"Oh, stop it," Monica rolled her eyes. "Nobody believes that story. Just apologize, and promise to bring in your actual uniform next time."

"But they aren't!" Valerie insisted, stomping her foot, causing the lights on her sneaker to blink again. "I don't dress like this! I wouldn't be caught dead in these clothes, but you..." She spun around to face the assistant, who shut down her rant with a look that instantly reminded Val of the threat she'd made mere moments before, that she seemed on the verge of carrying out. Valerie nervously shuffled away from her, then turned back to Mrs. Hanshawe meekly.

"Even though it's not my fault, I'm sorry I wasted your assistant's time, and made you do the whole class without her," she said begrudgingly. "It won't happen again."

"I hope not," the teacher nodded. "And I hope, if nothing else, your extra years here at the school teach you to take more responsibility for your own actions. Go on, get changed for your next class."

The woman waved her off, and, despite how frustrated Valerie felt that clearly neither woman believed her about the clothes, she did as she was told. She didn't want to hang around Monica any longer than she had to, and, while she'd definitely missed her chance to get one of the stalls, and wouldn't dare change in front of the rest of the class, she could at least get her clothes and head out to one of the main bathrooms to put them on there, where, hopefully, she'd have a bit more privacy.

As soon as she approached the lockers, however, she knew something was wrong. She prayed she was wrong, that she was simply misremembering where her new locker was, since she wasn't used to it yet, but, the closer she got, the more positive she was that the one standing open was hers. 

Sure enough, she was right; thinking back, she recalled that she'd only pushed the door shut before Monica dragged her out of the room. She hadn't had time to lock it... And now, as she sank down onto the bench, staring into it in horror, her actual clothes were gone. She stared around the room, furious, wanting to demand to know which of these dumb little sophomores had dared to steal her things, but unable to muster the courage, knowing how she was dressed, how easily, if there was a tussle, her shirt could ride up and reveal the top of her Pull-Ups, and how almost every girl in the room, despite being younger than her, was also bigger, and could overpower her, no problem.

She waited for a few minutes, praying the culprit would see her and come to return the clothes on their own, nervously wiggling on the bench the whole time, then grabbed her backpack and slowly trudged towards the door. Surely, whoever it was had stolen them to get a rise from her, and when she didn't give it to them, they'd give up... Right? But nobody stopped her, nobody handed them over, nobody seemed to be paying any attention to her at all.

She paused at the door, heart thumping as she glanced down at herself, at the outfit she was about to step out into the surely now bustling halls of the school wearing. There was no way she could do that... She would be mortified for anyone else to see her this way. Like it or not, she had to take a stand, and hopefully whoever had done it would simply hand her things over peacefully.

As she opened her mouth, however, she thankfully recalled that, among the items missing was the plastic bag containing her wet panties. Maybe the thief hadn't noticed them, or the state they were in, had just scooped everything up without investigating too hard... If not, then calling attention to herself could leave her open to them showing those off, demonstrating why she didn't deserve to dress like a teenager, even if she was one...

She shivered, thinking of all the eyes in the locker room turning to her, looking at her crotch to see if she'd had another accident... Even if she managed to hide the Pull-Up from them initially, one of them could easily decide to check her, 'just in case', and pull down her shorts... And that would be all anyone would remember about her for the rest of her time here at high school. 

So, no matter how much it made her stomach hurt, imagining spending the rest of her day in this outfit, it was the lesser of two evils. With a gulp and a shuddering, deep breath, she opened the door and stepped outside, already pre-emptively tugging at her shirt to hide the training panties beneath, making a desperate bee-line to her next class.



The way things are going, Valerie will get back to being Summer's little sister in no time. Ah, karma...!