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A multi-part caption commission for an anonymous Patron.  Pictures property of ABDreams

Donald switched on hidden file view, navigating the twisting path of folders to get to the one he'd tucked away, protected as well as he could, away from the prying eyes of first his parents, now his roommates. None of them were particularly snoopy, when it came to his things, but there was always a chance one of them could want to borrow his computer for something, and he didn't want to have to quickly hide stuff before letting them do so. Or, even worse, one could just decide to use his computer while he was out...

While he knew he could lock his computer, his parents had always questioned why if he did that, and, despite his roomies not being as likely to interrogate him on the matter, he was scared he would, one day, forget to do it. He didn't like leaving things to chance like that, so, no matter how inconvenient it was, he continued hiding his most sensitive files away the best he could.

Over the years, he'd built up quite the collection of various things - stories, video clips, audio files - but the crown jewel was his folder of pictures. There were so many of them now, it would take ages to flip through them all.... At some point, he needed to take the time to organize them a bit better; for now, he scrolled through until he found an intriguing one, opened it, then started to navigate the rest of the gallery one by one.

They were all great, or he wouldn't have saved them in the first place, but some had been in there so long he'd forgotten about them, making them a nice surprise. He usually ran into one or two, in his browsing sessions... Today, however, he stumbled across the mother lode, a whole series of POV shots of a girl wearing a pink sweater and what looked like a pair of real, little kid-sized Goodnites, lying on the floor, pushing aside the sweater, the white cami underneath, exposing her breasts, before sliding her hand downwards, into her bedwetter pants.

How could he have forgotten about this?! These pictures were incredible, already some of his favorites he'd ever seen... He was almost afraid to move on to the next one, afraid the series would end. In his mind, he could see how it should continue, with the girl's bedroom door opening, and her Daddy - someone who would look an awful lot like Don, since this was just a fantasy anyway - bursting in, lecturing her, spanking her, then taping her into a nice, bulky, proper diaper, to help her keep her hands to herself.

He knew, more than likely, it wouldn't go exactly like that; on the other hand, he'd obviously seen these pictures before, since he was the one to put them into the folder. Perhaps he was recalling what actually happened... It was a possibility, however slight. Or he could hit the arrow button, and be met with something completely different, and unrelated.

It was a silly thing to care so much about, but he really did want it to keep going, to see this clearly naughty girl get her comeuppance, to bring to life his fantasy... Accepting the absurdity, he closed his eyes, finger over the next button, almost holding his breath before clicking it, opening his eyes to see what the next picture that got pulled up was...

Except, now, everything had changed. Not just the picture - in fact, that wasn't there at all - absolutely everything. He wasn't sitting at his desk, for one, he was lying down, a discrepancy that took a moment to get used to, making his head spin a little, distracting him long enough that he didn't immediately realize how different some more important things were.

His hand felt rather warm, as did his crotch, and, when he looked down at them, he could see why, although there were two things in the way of his view, things he'd just seen in the photos that were now there, on his body, in full 3D, making what he was feeling with his hand make more sense, even if that didn't provide any comfort. Somehow, he was inside the picture... And he was the girl, from head to toe, any sign that he'd been a dude mere moments earlier completely gone, as made abundantly clear by the position of his hand.

Before he could try to reason out what had happened, before he could attempt to reverse what had happened, or enjoy this new body first, he heard a noise, his heart fluttering anxiously as the door opened, revealing him, on the floor, hand in his Goodnites...



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