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The start of a new series, to be continued next month, commissioned by an anonymous Patron. Pictures property of AdultBaby.xxx.

It had been quite a surprise when Amanda got the friend request, seeing the face she was so familiar with, yet hadn't thought about for years, pop up. She'd always thought of the woman as being old, probably too much to care about Facebook, so finding her on there hadn't even crossed her mind, but, looking at her picture, Amanda realized she only seemed old because she'd been so young, herself, when she'd known her.

She'd always been so intimidated by Ms. Pyke - she'd accepted the request mostly because of that - but, speaking to her as an adult, she was able to see that the woman was just another person; it wasn't exactly a surprise, though she'd seemed like so much more, back then. Pretty much all grown-ups had, really, Ms. Pyke was simply the one, other than her parents, she spent the most time with, until she started school.

She was so smart, so kind, so stern, when she needed to be... She'd been - or appeared to be, to Amanda - the perfect Nanny. Amanda rarely had to ask for anything, Ms. Pyke always knew what she needed, or wanted, before she could say a word, and, unlike her parents, Amanda had learned quickly that, once Ms. Pyke made up her mind, no amount of pouting or tantrums would change it. Amanda hadn't been so fond of that, back then, although it had added to the woman's mystique of being more than a regular human.

She'd also learned never to lie to Ms. Pyke, that the woman would sniff out any deceptions right away; perhaps that's why, when her former Nanny asked, "So, how are things going for you?", Amanda had answered with a very honest, "All right, I guess. Sometimes I miss the old times, though, with you taking care of everything."

It was a little embarrassing, and immediately after sending it, Amanda regretted it. Before she could delete it, she saw the notification that a response was being typed out, and, a few tense moments later, the reply was, "Sometimes I miss that, too, even if you could be a brat now and then."

Amanda relaxed, quickly forgetting about the exchange. After a few more days, Ms. Pyke suggested, "Why don't we meet up in person? For old times' sake."

"Sure," Amanda agreed. "I'd love that."

They lived fairly close to one another, so they arranged a time for Amanda to drive over and visit. The drive was short, but Amanda could feel butterflies flapping in her tummy the whole way, although she couldn't quite put her finger on why... It was probably just seeing her again, being afraid that the woman would be disappointed with how she'd turned out, even though she'd already seen plenty of pictures of her online.

As soon as Ms. Pyke opened the door, however, Amanda was instantly transported back in time, to when she'd felt utterly loved and cared for, even before the woman wrapped her in a huge hug. "Hello, dear," Ms. Pyke smiled down at her, her height at least living up to Amanda's memories. "It's wonderful to see you again."

They stood in the doorway, chatting, for a few minutes, before Ms. Pyke chuckled to herself, telling Amanda, "Silly me, why don't you come on inside?" She stepped back, gesturing for the girl to walk in, closing the door after her before leading her into the living room. A few times, Amanda had been brought over to Ms. Pyke's house, instead of the Nanny coming to hers, and the living room still looked exactly the same as she remembered... Right down to the diaper changing station in one corner.

The only difference was the diapers themselves... The ones sitting there now, waiting, were not baby diapers, clearly. They were far too big for that, big enough, in fact, that they almost looked like they could fit...

"You said you missed the old times," Ms. Pyke said, placing a firm hand on the girl's shoulder. "So do I...  Honestly, I always felt bad about potty training you so early, but your parents insisted you'd get bullied if it wasn't done before you started school. They were probably right, since it was already so hard on you, being the smallest kid in your class, though I could tell you weren't quite ready to let go... So, I'm glad I have a chance to make it up to you."

Amanda gulped, staring at the bulky, plastic-coated things, sitting in a stack, waiting for her. She wished she could believe this was a joke, but they were right there... "Th-That's not what I meant when I said..." she protested.

"Nonsense," Ms. Pyke cut her off. "I've always known you better than you know yourself, and, even after all these years, I could tell exactly what you meant. Now, get those silly big girl panties off before you have an accident in them, so I can get you diapered up, where you belong, and fix you a nice bottle... Or does Nanny need to do it for you?"




I love this. Hope to see more of this and valeria education.