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She sat for a few moments, trying to take in everything, process it all, before, at last, standing up, groaning at the load crinkling that produced, and how far, while standing, her legs were forced apart. It shouldn't really have been a surprise, after seeing the bulk of the thing, but she would definitely have a waddle, if she were to actually walk anywhere in this thing.

She wasn't going to do that, of course... Her parents should have been asleep by then, but she wasn't about to risk running into them on the way to the bathroom, not when, even under her pajamas, there was no disguising what she was wearing. Besides, while she was sure some of it was her imagination, the diaper seemed so loud to her that toddling to the bathroom might be what woke them up and got them to come investigate.

It was fine, though... All she really needed to do was take the diaper off, and she'd be okay. It wouldn't explain where it had come from, how an idle, joking 'wish' could have created it, but she'd be rid of it, wouldn't have to think about it, and would probably think twice about telling Lily that her diapers weren't that bad from now on. The girl's diapers weren't nearly this thick, yet Sophie could see how, even in a smaller form, this would be humiliating to anyone, especially someone so desperate to be seen as a big girl.

She definitely didn't feel like one herself. Just standing still, being forced into a bow-legged stance by the sheer size of the diaper, ensured that, and, with every tiny movement producing a thunderous crinkle, that only made things worse. Sure, Lily only had to wear them to bed, but that was how Sophie had them on, and that was pretty embarrassing, too, since it would give anyone who looked at her - which she was very grateful was nobody so far - the idea that she needed them, that she was a bedwetter...

"I'm sorry," she said into the ether. "I won't say it again... I get it."

The mass of padding in her pants didn't deflate, or show any signs of going anywhere. She did, however, feel another twinge in her bladder, reminding her that she was in the midst of removing it by hand anyway. She squeezed her thighs together, but the diaper was far too large, the padding too stiff, for that to do her any good, which meant she was going to have to move more quickly, or she might, genuinely, have an accident, and really experience what it was like for Lily.

She lifted her PJ shirt and grabbed the top of her shorts, pushing them down... They wouldn't go. The fabric was already straining to contain the diaper, but the waistband wouldn't spread wide enough to go over it, not without breaking the elastic. "Oh, come on," she groaned, tugging on them, not wanting to damage her pajamas, though also not wanting to be stuck in these things forever. "Just... Come... Off..."

In her frustration, she forgot about trying to stay quiet, to keep this all a secret... She only got louder and more annoyed the longer it took, as she slowly managed to get the shorts over the top of the diaper, then had to slowly work them down further and further, past the rest of the padding, without splitting them. When, to her horror, her efforts were proven to be in vain, and her bladder began to empty itself into the waiting, thirsty diaper, with her helpless to stop it, she couldn't help letting out one final, angry, "Damn it!"

Finally, too late, the shorts slid off, slipping down into a puddle around her ankles, revealing all of her now wet diaper. She'd begun to get sweaty from the struggle, and now that she'd used them, that feeling was only amplified, the warm, squishy padding starting to feel like a sauna around her waist. She definitely wasn't going to be able to go to sleep like this, so she still needed to take them off; it just would have been nicer to get her shorts off before she'd peed herself.

As she reached for the tapes, however, she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of a knock on her door. "Is everything all right?" her mother asked.

"Y-Yes," Sophie lied, her eyes darting upwards to confirm that she hadn't locked her door. "Sorry if I was being loud..."

"That's all right," her mom said. "But are you sure? You sounded pretty upset, sweetie... And you still do..."

"I'm fine!" Sophie snapped, not helping her case any. 

"I know you're an adult now," her mother told her, "but I still worry about you... And I know you well enough to be able to tell when you aren't telling me the truth..."

Quickly, Sophie bent down, grabbing her shorts and yanking them back up her legs, unsurprised by the sight of the doorknob beginning to turn. With her diaper tripping her up, there was no way she could get there in time to stop it... Of course, as difficult as it had been to get the shorts off, it was just as hard to get them back on, especially in the few moments she had before the door creaked open...



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