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Diana whimpered and squirmed, achieving only a, "Yes, I know you're happy, but stay still so I can get your diaper taped up, sweetie," from her neighbor.

Diana felt tears begin forming in her eyes as the thick diaper was pulled up between her legs, having never felt more embarrassed than to have that happen to her with one of her villains watching. Cheetah could easily do whatever she wanted to her, and this was only proving it... If Diana couldn't even stop a normal woman from putting her in diapers, what hope did she have against someone with actual, supernatural powers?!

"Now," Diana's neighbor said, "I don't know if your other daughter told you, but your little one here has had several accidents today, including one messy one, and that's why I'm putting her in diapers, instead of training pants. I hope you don't mind."

It turned out the depths of humiliation were even deeper than she'd thought. She wiggled in place, wanting to cover her face and hide as she saw Cheetah's smile widen at the news of these accidents, or maybe at seeing the tapes of Diana's diaper being secured, sealing her into her padded prison, or perhaps both. "Oh, that's quite all right," Cheetah said. "She really wasn't ready for potty training yet, anyway. I let her give it a try, but I think we all knew it wouldn't last for long. I'm sure she'll be ready for it one day."

It was odd, listening to her in her normal form, as a human, rather than the actual Cheetah. Diana had never detected the British accent that was so obvious now, nor the air of intelligence running through the woman's voice. Usually, she sounded primal, powerful, and dangerous... Now, the danger was from a difference source, though still very obvious.

"There's no need to rush it," the neighbor nodded, securing the last tape and giving the front of the squirming toddler's diaper a pat before pulling up the plastic pants, locking them, and snapping the onesie into place over everything. Diana could see Cheetah's eyes twinkle as she noticed exactly what Diana was wearing, beyond the diaper. "Everyone learns at their own pace, and I think some of her accidents may have been because she was in a strange environment."

"Yes, I suppose that's true," Cheetah agreed, stepping forward as the neighbor helped Diana onto her feet, and then into the tutu skirt to complete the mortifying mockery of her usual costume, keeping Diana from running over and clinging to her neighbor's leg, as she'd planned to do, by slipping something over her shoulders.

"Let me just get your reins on," Cheetah said. "You just love to run off, and we do need to be going soon, so Mommy can't chase you all over."

Diana gasped, glancing down at herself in shock, knowing right away that these weren't child reins... Sure enough, what she saw looped around her arms, and across her chest, was her lasso. For a moment, she hoped that Cheetah didn't realize the truth about it, that she'd think it would just make Diana tell the truth, like it did with everyone else... Then, Cheetah picked her up, sat down on the sofa with the tiny superheroine in her lap, looked her in the eye, and told her, very pointedly and quietly, "Sit still, stay quiet, and be a good baby girl."

Instantly, all her uneasy wiggling stopped, and, despite having just been changed, Diana could feel a trickling of warmth beginning in her diaper again, while she sucked contentedly on her pacifier. She didn't even think about trying to stop herself... After all, that was just part of what babies did.

She supposed it shouldn't have been a surprise... Cheetah had been after her lasso for a long time, and seemed to know quite a bit about it; why wouldn't she have stumbled across the other use of it by now? Diana tried to forget about it as much as possible, and had certainly gotten better at making sure the bad guys didn't get the chance to use it on her lately, but it was probably inevitable that it would happen again eventually. She just wished it hadn't been like this...

"How can I thank you for taking care of my little girl?" Cheetah asked, raising her voice and reaching up to stroke Diana's hair. "I'm so sorry about what happened..."

"Oh, it's quite all right," the neighbor shook her head. "She was a doll, and I'm sure Susie loved the company. Didn't you, Susie?"

Susie had been interested in the newcomer at first, then went back to her TV. At the sound of her name, she glanced back, and up at her mother, then nodded, although Diana couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't more out of obligation than anything else. The girl had liked bossing her around, and 'helping' take care of her, though, beyond that, Diana wasn't sure how much fun she'd really had.

"I do worry about you leaving her with your other daughter, though," the woman continued. "She seems like a nice girl, but I don't think she's responsible enough for that yet."

"You're right," Cheetah nodded. "Especially since little Diana here can be such a handful." She bounced the girl on her knee with what may have seemed like playfulness from the outside.

Inside, Diana's stomach was knotting itself up furiously, knowing this was a threat, a taunt. How long had Cheetah known her name? For that matter, how had she known where to find her? Had Donna run into her, while she was searching for a solution to this problem, and gotten defeated by her? Or had she worked that out, too, along with everything she needed to know about the lasso? Either way, it made Diana uneasy, the idea that Cheetah knew who she was, and where she lived.

The neighbor, on the other hand, seemed delighted. "Diana, huh? That's a pretty name!" she smiled at Diana. "Actually, we have another neighbor named that, though she's a little older than you. I'm sure she'd love to meet you!" Diana blushed, wanting to squirm away, lower her face, but that wasn't what a good little girl would do, so she couldn't. "Come to think of it..." Diana felt her cheeks warming up even further as the neighbor leaned forward, examining her, while she was helpless to do anything other than suck on her pacifier. "You look kind of similar to her..."

Diana gulped. Was this woman going to figure it out, realize that the toddler she'd been taking care of that afternoon was none other than her formerly-adult neighbor? That would be embarrassing... But maybe it would make the woman realize that Cheetah couldn't really be her mother, and that something was wrong. Of course, Diana wouldn't be able to confirm that, not if Cheetah didn't let her... And, even if she did, Diana had no idea what Cheetah would do to these innocent people, with her unable to stop her.

So it was probably a good thing that the neighbor finally just said, "Maybe you'll grow up to look like her. She's very pretty."

"Yeah!" Susie agreed.

"Well, we may have to visit her sometime," Cheetah grinned. "But, until then... I'm new around here, so I don't know much about the area, I'm afraid. Are there any good daycares close by?"

Diana felt the sweat beading on her forehead, her lasso keeping her from protesting, or even whimpering. As much as she'd liked Susie, when she'd been an adult, it had been incredibly demeaning being forced to play with her, to do whatever she said... At a daycare, she'd be surrounded by other kids, who would probably act the same... And, as far as anyone there would be concerned, she'd be just another one.

"Oh, yes," the neighbor nodded. "There's one just across the street, about a block away. The girls who work there are very good. I can give you their number, if you'd like."

"Please do," Cheetah nodded, taking her phone out of her purse and putting the number into her contacts list as the other woman told it to her. Then, to Diana's horror, she immediately dialed it. "Yes, hello," she said into the phone. "I'm interested in enrolling my daughter and I'd like to take a look at your facilities." She paused for a moment while the person on the other end of the line spoke, eyeing Diana. "She's two," Cheetah answered. "No, she's not potty trained at all yet. We've tried," she bounced the blushing Diana on her knee again, "she just isn't quite mature enough, I'm afraid, so it's diapers for her until further notice. She keeps asking for Pull-Ups, but she's not ready, so we're holding off. That isn't a problem, is it? Good, good..."

Diana raged inside, feeling Cheetah pat her poofy bottom gently. "Oh, no, I wouldn't want you to have to do that. I'll let you know when I'm ready to start trying again... I don't think it will be for a while, however." She stopped, chuckled. "Listen to me, talking like this is already a done deal! You sound very capable, but I'm sure you understand I simply must have a look around first, and meet you in person. Yes, I can definitely be down there by then. Thank you!"

Cheetah ended the call, slipping the phone back into her purse. "Well, I hate to run, but we need to hurry down there before they close for the day. Hopefully, I'll be able to have her enrolled by tomorrow."

"Perfect!" Diana's neighbor declared. "I hope it works out!"

"I'm sure it will," Cheetah grinned. "Now, go give your little friend a hug and a kiss goodbye," she ordered, picking up Diana and setting her down on the floor. Helplessly, Diana felt her little, chubby legs toddle over to Susie, her arms finally extracting her pacifier - not that it mattered, since she'd been told to stay quiet - before throwing themselves around the little girl, ending with a kiss on the cheek. "How sweet," the smirking villain said, turning to the other adult. "Now, are you sure I can't pay you, or thank you some other way?"

"There's no need," the woman shook her head. "I just used some spare diapers I didn't need anymore... Actually, speaking of that, if you ever need any extra furniture, or clothes, for her, I'd be happy to give you a very fair price on Susie's old things. I haven't gotten around to selling anything yet, and I'd love to know it was all going to a good home. She can go ahead and keep this outfit, either way - she looks too precious in it, don't you think?"

"Absolutely," Cheetah agreed. "Thank you so much... Go on, Diana, give her a hug, too, to thank her for looking after you, and for your nice outfit."

Diana waddled obediently to her neighbor, letting herself get scooped up into the woman's arms, accepting the hug, and even the diaper pat, not that she really had any choice. "Oh, Diana," the woman shook her head, "Wet again already? I guess your mommy's right, isn't she? You're not quite ready for trainers... Would you like to go ahead and change her?"

"No, that's all right," Cheetah shook her head. "We'll do that back at our apartment before we head to the daycare. I need to stop by there, anyway."

"All right," the neighbor lady nodded. "You be good, Diana. Come over and play whenever you like!" She handed Diana over to the Cheetah, who gladly, and easily took her, holding her helplessly on her hip and taking the pacifier from her hand, slipping it into her mouth as she carried her over to the door. As mortifying as this afternoon had been, as thoroughly, and thoughtlessly, as she'd tumbled further into her role as a toddler, Diana still didn't want to leave, to see what Cheetah had in mind for her.


Diana's eyes widened, a surge of hope rising in her. Had the woman realized the truth, somehow seen through Cheetah? Had she figured out that this Diana looked a little too much like the other, adult one that lived here? Did she simply sense something was wrong?

"You'll need this," she said, handing over a small key to Cheetah. "I almost forgot, I put her in Susie's old locking plastic pants... They do wonders for little girls who think they're ready to be out of diapers before they actually are." She kissed Diana on the forehead. "Goodbye, sweetie."

"Thank you so much," Cheetah grinned, slipping the key into her purse. "Those sound very useful..."

She stepped through the door, waving, and ordering, "Wave bye-bye," as she walked down the hall, waiting for the woman to shut it before setting Diana down on her feet and kneeling down in front of her, still towering over her despite that. "I can't believe it... The great and powerful Wonder Woman, reduced to wet diapers and pacifiers... It's hard to believe I ever felt intimidated by you."

Diana glared daggers at her, unable to do much of anything else... Although, that might have been just as well, since she was clearly no match for Cheetah, or anyone else, at the moment. She couldn't even get out of her soggy Pampers on her own... She should have been more than powerful enough to rip them off, locked or not, but now, she wasn't even sure if she was strong enough to rip open the snaps on her onesie, much less destroy another piece of her outfit outright.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to you, little girl?" Cheetah asked. Diana had no idea, and, even if she did, she still couldn't speak, or do much of anything else besides suck on her paci. "I want to make sure you do," Cheetah said, "so you can think about it the whole walk over to the daycare...

"I'm going to leave you there. I'll take you inside, make sure you're with someone who will look after you, keep you from trying to run off, and then I'll be out of there in a flash... They might look after you for a day or two, assume I'll come back, and then they'll turn you over to child services... You'll end up in an orphanage, but don't worry, you're cute enough that I'm sure somebody will adopt you in no time.

"Before I do that, I'm going to order you to never tell anyone who you really are, or that you used to be an adult. You'll get re-raised, as if you're an actual toddler, treated like a real child, all the time knowing that you were once one of the most powerful beings on the planet, unable to say it... If you even can grow back up. I'm not sure what happened to you, but who knows? Maybe you're stuck this way, forever.

"And maybe I won't even bother to do make you pretend... Maybe I'll let you try to convince everyone of the truth. Why would they believe you were anything other than a little girl, playing pretend? Perhaps, if you stay like you are for long enough, they'll start to suspect something... But, by then, how much of your adult mind will be left? After a few years of everyone telling you it's just a game, treating you like the toddler you now are... Will you even believe it yourself, still?

"Honestly, both of those sound good to me... So, I think I'll leave it up to you. Which do you want, baby girl? Do you want to be able to tell everyone who you really are, and watch them, at best, patronizingly play along, or would you rather not even have the option? Go on, you can speak now... Tell me what you prefer."

Diana whimpered as Cheetah plucked the pacifier out of her mouth, feeling tears start streaming down her cheeks, glad to be able to at least make noise again, even if she didn't have an answer. Having the option to tell the truth seemed better, at first, but maybe Cheetah was right... Maybe being constantly told it was her imagination for long enough would make her start to believe it... If she couldn't claim it out loud, nobody could tell her it wasn't true, anyway... Was that really that big of an improvement, though?

"Tick-tock," Cheetah taunted. "Come on, make your choice... Or I might just see how powerful this thing really is." She gave the lasso a tug. "I wonder if I could order it to make you forget everything about being an adult... Can it completely wipe your brain, make you into a baby for real? I know I'm curious..."

The tears began to come harder and faster, her lip quivering. She stared at the pacifier in the woman's hand, longing for its comfort, barely even noticing as her thumb made its way into her mouth instead. "Or are you already there?" Cheetah asked. "Did it only take one day of being looked after like a real toddler to turn you into one? Are you just a bawling, drooling little baby now?"

"N-No!" Diana managed to stammer around her thumb.

"Good," Cheetah replied. "Then make your choice."

But she couldn't. She was too scared, too worked up... All she wanted to do was keep sucking her thumb and crying, and do her best not to think about the awful things this mean lady was threatening to do with her. So, despite knowing, in the back of her mind, that she had to take action, that's what she did instead.

"All right," Cheetah shrugged, giving the lasso a tug, making Diana stumble forward clumsily. "I guess we'll do things my..."

And then, she stopped. Not just speaking, but moving altogether, freezing in mid-sentence, and action. Diana sniffled, staring up at her, unsure if she should feel glad about that, or even more scared of what was going on.

"No," a familiar voice said from behind Diana, the tot turning, seeing a hooded figure standing there, hands outstretched. From her low vantage point, it was much easier to make out the face beneath the hood than it would have been at her normal height, although Diana was certain she would have recognized her anyway. "We'll do them MY way," Magala corrected. 


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