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Sure enough, despite Odina's protests, Aliza didn't let up, putting her right back into diapers as soon as she got home that afternoon and keeping her there until her very early bedtime. Anytime Odina tried to bring up her concerns, Aliza would shove a pacifier in her mouth, or tell her, "Mommy knows best," or, "You're too little for those big girl panties."

Any other time, Odina would have assumed it was a phase, that Aliza would tire of this quickly and move on to something else. It had happened plenty of times, after Aliza saw something online she thought looked fun for the two of them, and went gung-ho on it for a week or so before moving on. She'd never made quite so huge an investment before... Between the changing table, the crib, the high-chair, and the stacks and stack of diapers, Odina didn't even want to know how much money she'd spent on this. She was in this for the long haul... And so, like it or not, was Odina.

It wasn't fair... And, usually, Odina liked that. This time, however, Aliza had gone too far... She'd pushed Odina before, convinced her to try things she'd been sure she would hate, but she'd always listened if Odina really didn't want to do something. They'd been together long enough to know the difference between nervousness and true distaste, and usually Aliza had some respect for that line. Odina might have been willing to play along a little more, knowing how much this meant to her partner, if only she hadn't so blatantly disregarded that safeword. That changed things... 

At first, she had no idea how she was going to do it; revenge was not a thing she was particularly skilled at. Usually, when she was mad at someone, she would tell Aliza about it, and she'd take care of it. This time, that obviously wasn't an option...

Or was it? Thinking back to some of the other things they'd tried, a plan began to slowly form in Odina's mind, over the next few nights trapped in her crib. It might be difficult to pull it off when Aliza expected her to spend every waking moment in the nursery, but she couldn't watch her constantly...

Odina played along with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, making sure not to give Aliza any reason to suspect anything was up, not wanting to risk the other woman restraining her when she left the nursery for just a bit, playing sweetly when she went off to the bathroom, not moving from her spot on the floor with her blocks when Aliza got a call on her cell and took it to another room.

When she left to start cooking dinner, however, Odina put her plan into action. She had no idea where it would be, but she knew they still had it - Aliza was a pack rat, and Odina would never throw any of her stuff away without permission - so she had to creep her way to every closet, wincing as the sound of crinkling followed her with every step, always ready to dash back to her nursery at the slightest hint that Aliza was returning.

It took a few days, but her persistence paid off, and, finally, she found it. The instructions weren't with it, unfortunately, and she didn't dare take any more time to try to find them, too, so she looked them up at work the next day, and then got to work programming it whenever she had the chance, fetching it from its hiding spot and working as quickly as she could, while trying to make sure she had it exactly right. 

When she was done, and had another opening, she slipped out of her room and placed it under Aliza's bed, turning it on. At first, it seemed loud, almost enough that she was sure this whole plot had been futile, but after a moment, she was able to convince herself it was her imagination, despite knowing full well it wasn't. She made her way out of the room quickly, smiling to herself, wondering how long it would take.

She got her answer the next day, when she came home from work to find Aliza sitting in front of the changing table, diapered up, sucking a pacifier, looking adorable, and very ashamed to have been found that way. It was almost enough to make Odina wonder if that was what Aliza had wanted all along, if her plan had been unnecessary... 

"Look at that cute little baby!" Odina cooed, kneeling down, a smile crossing her face as she saw Aliza's diaper yellow, and her cheeks redden. Whether there had been some underlying desire or not, the hypnosis had definitely worked, and, from the shocked look on Aliza's face, she had no idea.

"You know..." Odina pondered out loud, "I think I get it now. Why you bought all this stuff, why you were so eager to jump headfirst into it... You just wanted it here so you could play with it while I was away at work, didn't you?" Aliza shook her head vehemently. "Then what are you doing? Why are you wearing my diapers?"

Even using it to taunt Aliza, it was hard saying the last two words together, though she made it up to herself by giving Aliza's diaper a poke, as if she hadn't known right away that the girl needed a change. "And using them, too... My, my, maybe you should be the one staying in here, not me. After all, you said somebody was going to use all this stuff, since you bought it... I guess that's going to be you, isn't it?" 

It was weird, playing Aliza's role, but not as hard as she'd expected... She'd spent enough time with the other woman to have picked up on some of her mannerisms, her way of speaking, and she started to slip into it. She had no doubt Aliza knew that's what she was doing, and that it made the whole thing even worse for her; that made Odina try even harder.

"'dina, hewp me!" Aliza squeaked, or at least something close to that. She hadn't used the pacifier gag, but she also didn't think to take the pacifier in her mouth out before she spoke, another sign that the hypnosis had worked, and worked well. "I-I dun' know what's wong wiff me!"

"There's nothing wrong," Odina assured her. "You're just being true to your real self... Someone who doesn't take other people's feelings into account, and just does what they want, is nothing but a bratty little baby, don't you think?"



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