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This was another very close month, but the winner of the Community Caption poll was "A girl slowly regressed while in class"! I used some aspects of the second place entry, though, for the sake of not spoiling the story, I won't say what that was... It isn't exactly the same, however, so I might try again to do two community captions this month to get that one in, too, and since it isn't as short a month as February, it may actually happen this time.

Pictures property of Nappy School and ABHunnies.

Lara giggled as she lifted the toy telescope to her eye, knowing that, to most people, it would look like she was just being goofy and playing around... Her intended target, on the other hand, knew exactly what it really meant - she was keeping an eye on him.

She almost felt bad... Almost. She'd never have figured it out if he hadn't decided to help her out that day. He'd looked so nervous, walking up to her as she stomped her foot and raged in the parking lot... And for good reason. She'd barely even noticed him the whole time they'd gone to school together - which was all the way from kindergarten to now, as seniors - because he was just some creepy little nerd. 

She was having a bad day, though... Her friends had already left before she'd locked her keys in the car, she dropped her phone and broke it when trying to call her dad to bring the extra set he had, and she had no idea what to do. When he'd first appeared, she almost thought he was going to offer to break into her car for her, but apparently he wasn't that kind of nerd. He did offer to let her use his phone, though, and even gave her some privacy while she called her father and explained things. She could hardly even remember his name - Jared - when she sniffled out a thank you to him.

With that done, she would have preferred he just leave, but she felt bad telling him that, so, instead, she kept his phone, playing around with it to distract herself, while he stood there, clearly wanting her to give it back, yet too timid to actually ask for it.

He definitely should have, though... He should have known, with enough poking around, she'd find his secret folder. At first, from the thumbnails, she couldn't tell what was going on, only that there were some topless women. "Oh, is this your porn stash?" she teased, before tapping one of them, as he begged her to stop.

She saw right away that this was no regular porn. She smirked, then started to laugh as she scrolled through the pictures, seeing shot after shot of women wearing big, bulky, puffy diapers, of all things, acting like babies... And, there, at the end, a few selfies of Jared in diapers himself. "Oh, my God," she snorted, quickly e-mailing them to herself before he could snatch his phone back. "I can't wait to show these to everyone at school... I knew you were a freak..."

She wasn't sure if she really would have done it or not, although it was tempting. If anything, agreeing not to do it would be a good way to make sure he didn't ask for any creepy favors in return for helping her out. As she stood there, however, watching him beg her not to do it, she had a better idea. "I'll think about keeping them to myself," she told him. "But I'm going to need something from you..."

Her parents were constantly bugging her about getting her grades up for prospective college, even though she didn't really care about it, and knew they could afford whichever school she decided to go to, if she even wanted to go to one. If she could get someone else to do the work for her, though... 

Jared had been hesitant, at least until Lara convinced him she was serious about her threat. Even then, she was constantly worried that he was going to crack under pressure and tell one of the teachers the truth, and ruin everything... So, she was keeping an eye on him, making sure he didn't run off and tattle like the little baby he apparently wanted to be so bad. This was not the time for him to break on her... They had a big test, and she'd worked hard figuring out a way for him to send her the answers without them getting caught. If he thought she was going to let that be all for nothing, he was dead wrong.



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