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 Picture property of AdultBaby.xxx

There had been a lot of mistakes that led Celine to this point in her life, but the biggest one, by far, was trying to run away from them. More than likely, there was a way to do so that wouldn't have landed her here, though, clearly, she hadn't found it... And now, if she didn't work fast, she never would.

She'd always wanted to be famous, but when her face finally showed up on the TV, it was attached to a story about all the money she'd been embezzling from work, and a plea for people to keep an eye out for her, and call the police if they saw her. It was pure luck that she'd decided to take a mini-vacation that week, travel to a spa at a neighbouring town, use cash instead of cards... She hadn't even known she was close to being suspected, let alone nearly caught.

How was she going to get out of this? She didn't dare go back home, or use her credit cards... She still had a little cash on her, but it wasn't going to get her too far. She was going to have to think outside of the box for this one.

Fortunately, an opportunity presented itself almost right away, practically falling into her lap. She quickly turned off the TV as the masseuse she'd ordered came in, doing her best to enjoy it, despite the anxious thoughts running through her head. "You need more relaxation than I can give you," the woman finally told her. "How much longer is your time off? I know a place, very private, but you have to commit to stay there for a while... I don't think they have any short-term plans."

Celine's first question was, "Do they take cash?" As soon as the masseuse left, she was packing up and heading out, sneaking through the spa with her sunglasses on, praying nobody she passed recognized her from the news story that had just aired.

The building didn't inspire a lot of confidence, but rather the opposite... It was a huge difference from the resort she'd just fled from, or even her fairly nice apartment back home. It looked more like an abandoned warehouse than somewhere she'd go to rest and relax. If nothing else, though, it was isolated, and not the easiest place to find, so, as long as she didn't get murdered, it might still be a good place to hide out.

Once she was actually inside, it looked slightly less scary, but she still couldn't imagine how it could help anyone with their anxiety... There were lots of machines, with lights blinking and the occasional beeping... And the woman who met her at the door was probably pleasant enough on her own, but surrounded by them, almost felt like a mad scientist.

"Oh, you want to go somewhere and relax?" she nodded. "I think I have just the place..." She hit a few buttons, then gestured to a door along one wall. Celine frowned, confused, and a little worried, but the woman seemed sincere enough, even after Celine opened the door slowly and saw a small closet there. "Just step through," the woman urged.

Celine couldn't help but wonder if this woman had seen that she was wanted, and was planning on trapping her in there until the police arrived... Or, maybe, she was just crazy. Either seemed a logical enough conclusion. "Go on," the woman said. "It won't hurt."

She didn't particularly want to, yet the woman was standing between her and the exit, and she didn't think she'd be able to get past her. She was far enough away that Celine thought she could just step through to humor her, then get out before she rushed in and slammed the door shut on her. What would it hurt? Clearly, there was nothing, other than a few odd - but rather benign - looking pieces of equipment on the other side.

As soon as she stepped through, however, she discovered just how wrong she was. Somehow, as impossible as it seemed, once she'd crossed the threshold, she was somewhere else entirely... She was so shocked by that, it took a few moments to process just where she'd wound up... And, by then, as the sight of the toy chests, playpens, high chairs, and changing tables, with a variety of children using all of them, sank in, it was too late.

"Oh, a new client!" a voice boomed from behind her. "How sweet!"

Celine spun around, eyes bulging as she saw a woman there... But this was no ordinary woman! She towered above Celine, far more than any human ever should; Celine wasn't particularly tall, yet she'd never seen anybody this much larger than her. Or, she thought, glancing down at herself, had she gotten smaller? Looking around, everything she'd seen, despite being intended for babies, certainly looked like it was sized for her, and the other 'kids' began to look not so childish, despite their infantile outfits, and obvious diaper bulges.

Before she knew it, Celine had been scooped up, and, despite her protests, her kicking and screaming, her cursing, she was stripped, powdered, and diapered, her adult clothes replaced with a onesie and a huge, bulky diaper that nearly left her unable to walk. "I'll excuse all this for now," the giant told her as it easily ignored everything Celine was doing to try to get away, "but if it happens again, I'm afraid I'll have to punish you."

And that was exactly what happened. Celine, of course, wanted nothing to do with the giant women - and even teenagers - who could easily handle her like a toddler, dressing her up however they wanted, force feeding her, changing her diapers - or not, if she misbehaved - and putting her down for naps whenever they felt she needed them. She spent so much time in her crib, she quickly lost track of time, unsure how long she'd been stuck there, and whether or not it might be safe to head back home by then.

Even if it wasn't, her main goal was to get back out that door she'd come in from, to get away from this awful place. She hadn't seen so much as a plastic training potty since she'd wound up here, and real toilets were fast becoming a distant memory... She was expected - and given no alternative option - to use her diapers, and, to her horror, she quickly began doing so far more easily than she would have liked... She even began to develop a bedwetting problem.

She had been so certain that if she could just reach that door, she'd be free, especially since all the workers here seemed so adamant that she stay away, and just play with the other 'babies'... She tried several times to reach it before, at last, managing it by stealing the dolls of a couple of the other women, and claiming that each of the victims had taken the other's toy. The ensuing fight had distracted the 'adults' long enough for her to toddle over to the door, yank it open...

And find a broom closet on the other side. At first, she was stunned, confused, wondering if she'd made some kind of mistake... Then, recalling how mundane the last closet she'd gone into had looked from the outside, she tried stepping in. This one, it turned out, was just a broom closet.

Despite that, the giant who caught her was not happy with her, especially once the true story of the disturbance she'd caused came to light. "You can't keep me here like this!" Celine stomped her foot. "I don't belong here!"

"So," the woman said, looking down at her sternly, "You want to go back, huh?"

"Yes!" Celine rolled her eyes. "That's what I've been trying to tell you the whole time I've been here!"

"Well, lucky for you, you have a chance," the woman told her. "We only have a few opportunities a year, usually for the holidays... We do a Dirty Santa game at Christmas for the babies, where one of the presents includes a ticket back to your silly world, but they aren't allowed to unwrap their gifts until the end of the game... And if, by then, their little diapers are dirty, too, they forfeit their right to use it."

When she'd first arrived here, Celine would have considered that fair... Anyone who couldn't keep their diapers clean through a simple game surely belonged in this place. After seeing how far her control had slipped in the seemingly short time she'd been here, however, and knowing how being fed the wrong thing could make that even worse - and knowing that the workers had complete control over what was eaten - she had a feeling that particular game was rigged. Besides, as she pointed out, "Christmas is forever away!"

"Yes, I know," the giant agreed. "But it isn't the only holiday, is it? We also have Easter... We're even more generous then. We have a big Easter egg hunt, and we put tickets in more than one of the eggs... Of course, you actually have to find them to get to use them. It's very competitive, though. We always have it the day before Easter, because the next day, we dress all our little sweeties up in their cutest outfits, and lots of Amazons will come in looking to adopt... It's usually our biggest adoption day of the year! And, cute as you are, I'm sure you'll get snatched right up, even after we tell them what a naughty girl you are... There are some people who enjoy punishing bad little babies."

Adoption... She'd heard the other victims here whisper about it, but she'd assumed it was a story, made up to keep them in line. Could it be true? She really didn't want to find out... The only way she knew of getting back home was here, and even if the games were rigged, they were still her best bet. If she got adopted, and taken away from here, she might never escape...

"How far away is that?" Celine asked, trying not to sound too eager.

"It's next weekend," the woman smiled. "Oh, but we still haven't punished you for your little stunt, have we? Well, we can't go easy on you... Wouldn't want to set a bad precedent... I think we're going to have to confine you to a playpen during playtime for the next week or so."

Celine had no idea what day of the week it was, so she couldn't help but ask, "I-I'll be out in time for the hunt, right?"

"We'll see," the giant shrugged.

She never got to find out... Despite doing her best to be on her best behavior, every tiny infraction earned her an extra day, or more, in her punishment, while she watched the decorations go up, knowing that the hunt was approaching, until, finally, the day arrived, and she was still there, sitting grumpily in her playpen, bottle in hand, bunny ears on her head, knowing that she was stuck.

She did her best with what she had, searching everything she could reach from the pen, hoping to find even one egg, even if, more than likely, it wouldn't have the prize she so desperately wanted. It was almost worse that they'd put her into one of the smaller playpens today, intended to test obedience... Unlike the ones she'd spent most of her time in, she could easily step out of this one, yet, if she got caught, that was just inviting more punishments.

But... If she could find one of the winning eggs, it would be worth it, right? Even if they enacted that punishment before they let her use the ticket, one more spanking, or time-out, or enema, or line-writing session, would be worth it to get away before Easter, when she'd be running the risk of being adopted.

Were the giants even playing fair, though? She could see some eggs hidden far up on shelves, or light fixtures, well out of the reach of any of the babies. She had a feeling those were the ones that had the tickets in them... But, what if she was wrong? Nervously, she began sucking on her bottle, hating that it - and the pacifier that usually resided in her mouth - gave her so much comfort, despite knowing the juice would mean she was surely going to wet herself before long, reaching outside her playpen again, hoping one of the containers sitting on the play dresser might really have had an egg after all, one that she'd somehow missed.

They didn't. She whined, bouncing on her padded bottom, watching everyone else running around. She knew this game was probably just as rigged as the Christmas one... If it somehow wasn't, though, and she had to see another one of these babies win the prize she wanted so much, and know she'd had a chance at it herself, she'd never forgive herself. 

Celine had made a lot of mistakes in her life... Until now, the biggest had been trying to escape from them. It turned out, the only thing she could do that was worse than that was trying to run back to them, to return home and face the consequences, if it came to that. She should have known the giants were watching her... They'd almost definitely made sure to keep her in her playpen while all this was going on to tempt her, see what she would do...

"Oh, good," the giant giggled, snatching her up almost before she'd climbed all the way out, ignoring the girl's pleas as she helplessly watched the room fade away as she was carried off, away from the hunt, and her one shot at ending all of this. "I'd hoped I'd get the chance to have fun with one one more time before you got adopted... Clearly, playpens aren't enough for you, but don't worry, we have plenty of other options... And I might just have to go through them all, to tell your new Mommy or Daddy what works best for you." 




Oh dear, I guess an enema and a long stay in a baby bouncer might work..:)


an awesome trip to the dimension! i love these's captions!