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Commissioned by an anonymous Patron. Pictures property of Otona Omutsu


Mia rolled her eyes at the sound of her mother's voice on the other end of the phone, secure in the knowledge that she couldn't be seen. "It wasn't my fault, she was awful," she whined. "She was always late, and she didn't even really do a good job, and..."

"All right, all right," her mother cut her off. "I'll try to find you another one..."

Mia had been through this cycle plenty of times over the years, first with nannies, then, as she got older, with maids. Her parents were well-off, so they were constantly away, either for meetings and conferences for work, or just on vacation, neither of which they generally took Mia on. "You'd be bored," they told her, or, "We can't take you out of school for this."

Her parents would still, sometimes, slip up and call her maid a nanny, which always annoyed her to no end. She was far too old for a nanny, and had fought long and hard to convince them of that, so, for them to forget it made the whole ordeal seem pointless. Maybe it would have been easier to just tell them she didn't need anybody, and see if she could get some of that money they were paying out given to her, along with her allowance, in exchange for cleaning up, and doing the dishes, and all that... But that sounded awful, so she'd never entertained the thought for more than a few minutes at a time, when she was feeling extra fed up with her latest maid. Besides, it wasn't like she really needed to work for the extra cash... If she needed any, all she had to do was ask, and her parents would usually give it to her to get her to leave them alone.

Usually, it took a few days before the new maid showed up, and Mia, of course, wasn't going to take her time to do their job while she was waiting. The ones that quit, rather than getting fired by her, were usually the ones who gave up on that initial clean-up, assuming it was always like that... Mia thought that only proved they weren't right for the job, anyway. This time, however, when she got home from school the next day, there was already a car parked in the driveway.

It was strange, especially since her parents were away... Sometimes, when they were actually home, they worked that quickly, since they could talk to the candidates in person, but while they were gone, they tended to take more time before making a choice, seeing as they were basing their decision off just phone conversations. They must have been desperate, or this one had really impressed them...

Either way, Mia was eager to meet her. She always liked poking holes in the ones they thought would be the best, finding whatever little thing she could to have an excuse to get rid of them. And, if they were fed up with finding new maids, maybe they'd just come home... While it was nice having the place to herself so much, there were definitely times when she wouldn't have minded having them there, at least a little more often.

"Hello, Mia," the woman waiting in the foyer greeted her, arms crossed. "Good to see you again."

The voice sounded familiar, but it took Mia a few moments to place it. Her eyes widened as she was, instantly, taken back a few years, back to the other side of the nanny/maid divide. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" she demanded, backing away subconsciously. There was no way her parents would have hired her, not again, not after Mia had complained about what she did... Surely, they remembered, though she'd been through so many others since then, perhaps they'd just forgotten... Or, had they done it on purpose?

"I'm here to take care of you," she replied. "Now, do you care to explain why you're coming home so late?"

She'd just been hanging out with her friends, but she didn't feel the need to tell her that. "Who cares? I'm an adult now, I don't have to..."

"I care," the woman cut her off. "I am your Nanny, young lady, and that's my job. If you want to do things after school, that's fine, but I expect you to let me know ahead of time, so..."

"You are not a nanny!" Mia stomped her foot. "I don't need a nanny anymore! You're just a maid, so all you have to worry about is keeping this house spotless, because if you don't, I'll get you fired again!"

"All right," the Nanny shrugged. "I was going to go easy on you, since this was your first day, but if you're going to be so sassy about it, we can jump right in." 

She grabbed Mia by the wrist, and, immediately, the girl knew what was happening, even before the woman sat down and draped her over her knees. "No!" she protested. "Don't you dare! You can't do this to me anymore, I'm a grown..."

"I can, and will, do what needs to be done, young lady," the Nanny informed her, turning the girl's words into a pained gasp with one, solid whack of her hand on her backside. "Clearly, your parents made a big mistake firing me the first time... And that's why they brought me back."

Was that true? Did her parents want this for her? Or had she been right in assuming they'd simply forgotten the woman's name and hired her again by mistake? Either way, there was no way to escape the spanking, or what came next, as she was led, skirt tucked into its own waistband, panties around her ankles, red, throbbing bottom on full display, to her bedroom. 

"I had a feeling I would need these," the Nanny said. "Looks like I was right."

There, on Mia's bed, was a changing pad, a thick, adult diaper, and a cannister of baby powder. "No!" she wailed. "Please, not that..." She knew, from experience, that the woman wasn't joking... Any misbehaviour, any talking back, any breaking of the rules meant diapers... When her grades came in, anything under an A- meant a full week in them, which was going to be very bad for her in a few weeks.

"Prove to me that you can behave yourself, and I won't," the Nanny told her, pushing her onto the crinkling mat. "But, from what I've heard, that isn't likely to happen, is it?" She shook her head. "I could see you heading down this path last time I took care of you, but your parents just didn't understand... Now they do. Don't worry... I'll make you a sweet, well-behaved little girl this time, no matter what it takes."

"But I'm not a little girl!" Mia whined.

"We'll see about that," the Nanny grinned, taping the diaper up. "If you can be a good girl and finish your homework before supper, I'll let you wear your panties to school tomorrow... If not, I'll be sending you there in diapers, with a note to the school nurse about your little problem. Now, I'd suggest you get to work, young lady... Supper will be early, to accommodate your new bedtime."

Mia was taken aback by the threat, and, had it been anyone else, she would have assumed it was nothing more than that... But this Nanny, she was sure, would follow through. Her school was very strict with its uniform code, in a very strange way... They prided themselves on cleanliness, to an almost insane degree. You had to prove you were 'worthy' of wearing regular panties under their skirts, by first getting through a week of wearing a diaper. If you could keep it dry and clean to the school nurse's satisfaction, you could be promoted to real underwear, though it was all awful, plain white stuff, which made even the smallest accident immediately apparent. That was especially bad for the first month or so, when the students were subjected to regular checks, to ensure they truly deserved their upgrade.

By the time the students got to be seniors, like Mia, they had mostly long ago proven they were worthy, and didn't need further checks, so they wore whatever they wanted... But parents were supposed to make them keep the dress code at school, too, and a note, like the one the Nanny had promised to send, would restart that initial week, and the month after, if she could get that far... 

She couldn't let that happen! Her friends giggled to each other, talking about which other seniors they suspected were still in diapers, but, as far as they knew, none of them really were... That was, mostly, left for the really young students. Like Mia had been, back when the Nanny had first looked after her. She'd been even stricter than the school, and was a big part of the reason it had taken Mia so long to get out of them. Then, when she got home, if she didn't behave perfectly, she just got changed right back into the damn things... For as long as the Nanny had been there, she was just in diapers full time, and she wasn't about to let that happen again. It had been bad enough then... Now, she was an adult!

And yet, by the time the Nanny came to tell her to come to the dining room to eat, she wasn't even halfway finished. It was partially because she was so distracted, worrying about what could happen the next day, and partially because she was furiously texting her parents, demanding an explanation, and for them to fire this crazy woman, too scared to try actually calling them and having the Nanny overhear her. "Yep, all done," she lied when asked if she'd finished.

Unfortunately, the Nanny wasn't so easily fooled... She'd already contacted her teachers to find out what had to be done, and took her time, looking over everything while Mia squirmed beside her. "All right," the woman said when she was finished, "I guess you're back to diapers at school tomorrow... And, for lying, you're staying in them here for at least the next week."

The tantrum Mia threw earned her another week, as did the next one, when the Nanny insisted on giving her a bath, rather than letting her take a shower before getting put to bed. Mia could hardly believe this... If she'd just stuck with her last maid, she could have been up, doing whatever she wanted, for however long she liked... Now, she was stuck in bed at 9:30, in a diaper, knowing that she was going to be stuck in one for at least the next week.

She did have one plan, one last ditch effort to make things a little better. She was sure the Nanny had already sent her note to the school, rather than trusting Mia to deliver it, so she'd be expected to report to the nurse's office as soon as she got there, and between every class... It shouldn't be that difficult to keep dry, but, because of everything that had happened, she hadn't been able to get to the bathroom to poop that evening, and there was no way she could make it all the way through the school day... And it would be bad enough asking the nurse to let her pee... The nurse didn't have to let her go, either, if she thought Mia was lying, or that it would make her late for her next class, and Mia and she were hardly on the best terms, so it was probably best not to risk it.

She didn't dare try to sneak to the bathroom, so her only chance, like it or not, was to wait until the next morning, after her overnight change - if she'd gotten up before the Nanny woke her, she would have done it then, to get it over with, if she could, but that opportunity slipped by - and breakfast, while she was given time to put on her uniform. It had been so long, she'd nearly forgotten how disgusting, and humiliating, it was, squatting down, feeling the diaper expand around her, sagging under the weight of her mess... But the Nanny was definitely going to change her before sending her to school, so it would be fine...

"All right, lie down," the Nanny ordered. Mia was sure she already knew, that she smelled it, and, as mortifying as that was, it saved any shocked comments when she found it. "Let me just make sure you didn't try to be sneaky and change into big girl panties..." She pushed the girl's skirt up, running her hands over the bulky, plastic diaper around her waist. Mia squirmed and blushed, just waiting... "Oh, sweetie," the woman shook her head, patting the mushy bulge, squishing it further. "I was just bluffing, trying to scare you straight... I wasn't really going to make you wear these to school, just at home... I really thought you wouldn't have any trouble staying dry and clean in the time it took to eat breakfast and get dressed... But there's no time to change you now. I guess you'll have to visit the nurse after all, if you want a clean diaper."

Mia stared up at her in shock for a second, then buried her head in her hands. She'd really messed up this time... There was no way she could make it the whole day like this; even if she could bear the feeling, one of her teachers, or some tattle-tale kid, would definitely notice. And showing up to the nurse, after all this time, in a messy diaper, was not going to look good on her chart. Between that, and all the time she'd already earned in the things at home, she had a bad feeling she was never going to get back out of diapers... And, from her parents' lack of response to her texts, she had an even worse feeling that they weren't going to save her from the Nanny this time... This was, unfortunately, probably just what they'd had in mind.




Amazing! A continuation of this would ne great.


Great job! This caption reminded me of another you wrote a few months back, I can't remember the name, but it had a girl "sign up" for after-school help from a strict nanny (despite being an adult and not actually going to school), and she ended up being forced into diapers "for discipline" by the nanny, until she could prove her grades had gone up, which was impossible, since she didn't even go to school in the first place. Any help finding that series of captions again would be appreciated.


What's the photo source? The picture is absolutely adorable :O