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Cheshire didn't think much of it; most likely, Amelia just wanted to take her mind off of her discovery, which was fine. It wouldn't be a huge deal until that evening, after all, when Cheshire had to make sure the girl got into bed on time, and apparently diapered. Even if it was something Amelia did on her own, she really wished the girl's mother had at least mentioned it to her... Though, she might have charged extra for dealing with diapers, even in such an ancillary fashion, and the woman had likely expected that.

She followed Amelia into the living room, sitting down on the couch and letting her charge pick up the remote to flip through some channels before whining, "There's nothing good on... I'm going to put in a DVD." She got up and did just that, looking strangely anxious as the disc loaded. "I... I think I'll go get a drink," she said after a moment, scurrying off before Cheshire could even offer to do it for her, to try to make up for embarrassing the girl earlier.

Cheshire watched her go with a shrug, then turned back to the TV, curious to see what she'd put on. What kind of thing would Amelia like to watch? She fully expected some cartoon to pop up, but, instead, it was nothing but blocks of color, which quickly resolved into swirls, with strange tones playing in the background, over faint music that she barely even noticed at first.

Clearly, there was something wrong with the disc, Cheshire thought. She opened her mouth to call out to Amelia, to make sure she didn't get her hopes up about watching whatever it was she'd put in, but her mind was starting to feel fuzzy; by the time she opened her mouth, she couldn't recall why she'd done so... Her jaw hung open, slack, for a few moments, until she realized she was drooling, and she closed it with a blush. Part of her wanted to tear her eyes away from the screen, though that part grew smaller and smaller, the rest of her mind preferring to lean forward even closer, to take it all in...

"Here you go!" Amelia chirped. Cheshire turned, finally breaking free of the colors and sounds, blinking. "What are you watching?" She picked up the remote, switching off the DVD player as she handed Cheshire a sippy cup, then took off her glasses.

Had she been wearing glasses before? Cheshire didn't remember it, though her memories seemed fuzzy, somehow... Had she fallen asleep? She wasn't sure, but it also wasn't her main concern at the moment. "I don't need this!" she whined, sulking as she stared at the sippy cup. "I can use a real glass!"

"Oh, really?" Amelia raised an eyebrow, poking the wet spot on Cheshire's chest. "Then what is this?"

"I-I dunno..." Cheshire fidgeted, unsure whether it was better to tell the truth - that she'd been drooling - or just let Amelia think she'd spilled something.

"Hmm," Amelia nodded. "As intent as you were, watching that show, I bet I know somewhere else you leaked..."

"N-No..." Cheshire whimpered, biting her bottom lip and holding one hand on the hem of her dress desperately. Amelia wasn't that much older than her, which made having her as a babysitter even more humiliating... Especially now, as, in her squirming, she could tell that the girl was right.

"You know the rules," Amelia shook her head, not even bothering to check her. "Come on, let's get you changed... You can watch some more TV when we're done..." She took Cheshire's hand, pulling the sniffling girl off the couch and into her room.

It was strange... Cheshire looked around the room, at all the dolls and stuffed animals, and knew that it must belong to her - it was far too immature for someone like Amelia - but it didn't quite seem as familiar as it ought to. Still, she didn't have long to wonder about that, as she quickly spotted a pink diaper, covered in a very infantile design, lying on her floor. It was so thick, so immature, even for a diaper... It was definitely the kind of thing only a baby would wear, despite being the right size for her... Just the sight of it made her skin crawl, and she prayed that Amelia wouldn't make her wear it.

Thankfully, she didn't, instead pulling a plain, white one out of the bottom of one of the drawers. Cheshire still whined and pouted as she was put into it, though, knowing how much worse it could've been, she couldn't feel too awful about it. Amelia claimed that she'd leaked onto her dress, too, so she changed that as well before leading Cheshire back out to the living room. "Now, if you can stay dry until dinner, maybe you won't have to wear them tomorrow," she promised.

"I can do it!" Cheshire nodded. That would be a cinch... She was a big girl, after all. She could last a couple more hours....



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