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 Pictures property of Little Sophie Studios.  

"'Feel all your cares drift away as you are transported back to a time when you didn't have any'," Sophie read, raising an eyebrow. "'We'll take care of everything, so all you have to do is relax.' Those are some lofty promises..." 

"Trust me," Gwen promised, "they live up to it."

"It's just a bed and breakfast," Sophie rolled her eyes. "How great can it be? I don't know, I think I might be better off at a regular hotel closer to the conference center..."

Gwen gave a shrug. "It's up to you. I know what I'd choose, though..."

Sophie was skeptical, but, as the trip approached, she found herself leaning more and more towards the bed and breakfast... After all, preparing for this conference was incredibly stressful, and she would need all the help she could get to chill out the night before her presentation. This was her big chance, her opportunity to prove herself, show she had what it took, and that she deserved a promotion.

Finally, she decided to do it, calling ahead and booking her room with the coupon code Gwen had told her about; after all, if the place turned out to look iffy, it shouldn't be that hard to find a room in a bigger hotel somewhere in the city. "I look forward to having you!" the woman on the other end of the phone told her. "And when is your flight, dear? I want to make sure everything is ready when you arrive."

The question struck Sophie as a little strange, but not enough for her to bother lying, or ducking it entirely. By the time the trip came around, she'd almost forgotten about it until she stepped off the plane and saw someone carrying a sign with her name on it. Had the company hired her a driver? That didn't seem likely, considering they'd made sure to go over the procedure for getting reimbursed for renting a car... 

"I'm from the bed and breakfast," the woman with the sign smiled, and instantly Sophie recognized her voice from the phone. "We pride ourselves in being full service... I'm here to take you there, and I'll be happy to take you anywhere else you need to go while you're here."

Sophie wasn't a huge fan of driving normally, especially in an unfamiliar city, so she was perfectly happy to accept that. "Shouldn't we wait and get my luggage?" she asked as she was led out of the airport.

"I've already taken care of that," the woman grinned. "I have connections here, so your suitcase is already waiting in the trunk of my car."

That seemed awfully quick, but Sophie had been one of the last passengers to get off the plane, and she knew the woman had her name, since she'd reserved her room with it... And it was on the sign she was holding. If she'd wound up with the wrong luggage, Sophie would just make her drive back to the airport.

The woman's car was nice, though nothing fancy, and as they approached, she quickened her pace, opening one of the back doors for Sophie. "Can't I..?" the girl nodded towards the front door.

"It's a bit of a mess, I'm afraid," the woman chuckled. "Don't worry, the back is more comfortable, anyway." Sophie shrugged and climbed in, surprised when the woman reached over her and buckled her in before climbing into the front seat and starting the car.

The drive was longer than Sophie had expected, though she chalked that up to not being used to being a passenger anymore. The house, like the car, was on the large size, and well-maintained, but Sophie wouldn't have guessed it was anything special from the outside. The woman quickly turned off the car and hurried around to Sophie's door to unbuckle her before the girl could do it herself, leading her into the house, then straight to the dining room.

"After such a long flight, you must be starving," she declared. "Don't worry... I'll fill that little belly of yours right up!"

Sophie's mind hadn't really registered the high chair sitting at the table, certainly not enough to notice its size, not until the woman led her not to one of the normal seats, but to it. Staring up at it, Sophie could tell right away that it was more than big enough for her, although she didn't even consider that it might be meant for her until the woman easily grabbed her, hoisting her up onto the seat and snapping the tray into place in front of her.

"What are you doing?!" Sophie demanded, but the woman ignored her, bustling off to the kitchen, leaving her to try her hardest to pull the tray free. It refused to budge. "Let me out of here!" she said, once the woman returned.

The woman ignored her, plunking down a huge bowl of mush and an equally large bottle of milk onto the tray. "Don't worry," she told Sophie. "I'm here to take care of everything..."

"What the hell are...?!" Sophie's words were muffled by a spoonful of mush, which she nearly gagged on, trying to spit out as soon as it touched her tongue. The woman refused to be stopped by her apparent distaste, however, shovelling in more and more of the stuff, not giving the girl time to get another protest out, not until she had finished the entire thing and moved on to the bottle. Sophie was already feeling incredibly full by then, and she didn't want anything else... Especially not milk. "No!" she shook her head. "I'm lactose intol..." 

The next time she was able to speak, she'd been forced to drain the bottle, and was standing in the bathroom, stripped naked, watching the tub fill. "Why are you doing this?!" she stomped her foot, tears in her eyes.

"I'm just giving you what you wanted," the woman said. "I'm taking care of everything for you, little girl. Now, stop whining, it's almost your bedtime."

Sophie tried to tell her that she didn't have a bedtime, that she was an adult, but she found herself scrubbed clean anyway, her teeth and hair brushed before being marched - still naked - down the hall into a bedroom. There, waiting on the bed, were a pair of neatly folded pajamas... And a huge, bulky, plastic diaper. "N-No!" she whimpered at the sight. "I-I'm not a bedwetter... I don't..."

"I don't want you to have to worry about anything," the woman told her, grabbed her again and setting her down in the center of the crinkly garment. "Not even getting up in the night to use the potty..."

Sophie promised she didn't mind that, that she'd prefer it... She was diapered anyway, dressed in the childish PJs, and closed up in the room, hints of daylight still shining in around the curtains. 



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