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She really didn't have anything suitable for him to dress her in, so he'd picked out a pair of leggings and a plain black shirt, braiding her hair into pigtails to try to make her feel a little younger, a little smaller... She hadn't been happy about it, but she wasn't used to him being so assertive, taking charge the way he had, and, before she knew it, she was in the car, getting buckled in and driven to the store.

"What has gotten into you?!" she asked, squirming and pouting in the seat beside him. "This is crazy!"

"What is crazy is your behavior lately," Alex told her. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

Ashley stared up at him, brow furrowed. "My behavior?"

"Did you think I wouldn't notice the skid marks on your panties?" he asked. "They were filthy, young lady! That's why I got you those new ones, but if you don't like them, I'm happy to get you something more appropriate."

He'd been completely making it up; to his surprise, she blushed, wriggling down a little further in her seat. "Th-They aren't that bad..." He really hadn't paid attention as he'd switched out the contents of her underwear drawer... Had he actually been right? She definitely seemed to think so...

"For somebody your age, they were," he continued. "Honestly, I'm scared of what's going to happen to your poor leggings right now, without anything between you and them, but don't worry - we'll be quick."

They pulled into the parking lot, and Alex hurried out and over to her side of the car so he could be sure to be the one to unbuckle her seatbelt and help her out, keeping ahold of her hand as they walked into the drug store. He glanced up at the signs labelling the aisles and led her straight to the one he had in mind, planting her in front of the rows and rows of diapers and training panties, watching her eyes grow wide as she took it all in.

"Wh-What are we doing here?" she squeaked.

"Getting your new panties," he told her, matter-of-factly. He let her stand there for another moment or two before grabbing a package of Goodnites, sure they would fit her. "These should be good enough... I hope..."

"No!" Ashley yelled, stomping her foot again before remembering they were out in public. She blushed, looking around, hoping nobody had been eavesdropping on the rest of their conversation, although, as she was dragged back to the front of the store, it wouldn't have been hard to piece that together, seeing as Alex was only holding one thing.

She didn't speak again as he purchased them, probably not wanting to give any hint that they were for her - from her expression, she could hardly believe it herself - in case the cashier hadn't somehow figured it out on her own. Just when they were almost out of there, when Ashley likely thought she was safe, however, Alex took the bag with the Goodnites in them and asked, "Where are your restrooms?"

Ashley let out another, quieter, "No," then blushed again. The cashier gave Ashley a knowing look before pointing Alex in the right direction, and the girl began tugging against her boyfriend's hand as he led her towards the back of the store, reality setting in. She'd gone into the guy's bathroom with Alex several times at ball games, since there was always a huge line for the ladies room, and she'd never seemed to give it a second chance, but now, even though they were alone, and Alex locked the door behind her, she appeared way more nervous.

"Alex, no," she shook her head as he tore open the package. "I'm not going to wear those things... I'm not a kid! I-I'm not a bedwetter!" He saw her eyes widen as he took one out, and she saw the butterfly pattern. "Alex, don't you dare!"

"Are you going to be a good girl and put it on for me?" Alex asked. Ashley shook her head. "All right, then," he shrugged. "I guess I don't have a choice, then." She didn't have a chance... As big and tough as she acted, despite her squirming and kicking, it took an almost no time at all for him to get her shoes and leggings off, and the Goodnite on. Almost as soon as they were in place, her struggles stopped, and he saw her staring down at them, aghast.

"Now, don't you wish you'd just worn your panties?" he asked, giving them a pat, feeling the padding - and, from the way she wiggled, knowing she did, too. "Lift your foot, sweetie."

The leggings were nice and tight, ensuring she would be even more aware of the unusual bulk of her Goodnites, no matter how she moved, and giving her crotch a distinctive, puffy look. He knew she noticed, and that anyone else who thought to look would, too, which was why he made her stop and wave goodbye to the cashier before they left, just so that woman would know, for sure, why they'd gone into the bathroom, and so Ashley would know the woman knew, too.

"All right," Alex declared as they returned to the house, "I want your nose in the corner, young lady; I don't like all that arguing you did with me while we were out, and..."

"Alex, stop it!" Ashley demanded, crossing her arms. "You can't treat me this way, I..."

"You," Alex cut her off, giving her Goodnite another pat through her leggings, "aren't mature enough to keep your pants clean, so, until you can prove otherwise to me, I am apparently the only adult in this house, and you will act accordingly. Now, go kneel in the corner!"

He'd never used that tone before, not with anyone, and certainly not with her... It took her by surprise just as much as it had him, and, to his shock, she did as she was told. He watched her for a few moments, wondering if he was taking this too far, if he should say it was all just a weird prank... 

"Here," he said, walking up behind her, handing her a water bottle. "I wouldn't want you to get dehydrated... I think you're going to be there a while." He'd also added a little something extra to it, though there was no way he was going to tell her that. "Oh, and..." He grabbed her leggings and tugged them down, "It'll make it easier to check you, and make sure you haven't had any accidents." As he stared down at her, looking up at him, lip quivering, butterfly-dotted, disposable bedwetting pants on display on her wiggling backside, he knew he'd not only not gone too far, but that was he was just getting started. 




Oh boy. Cute tomboys forced to be pretty little girls is one of my favorite niche things.


I love this!!!