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She wasn't a complete monster, though, so she did feel a little bad... Not enough to stop, but enough that, when Haley asked her for a favor one night, she said yes. "It shouldn't take too long," Haley promised. "I'm just hoping to intern there during the summer, but I don't have any way to get there to interview for the position..."

The biggest advantage the house had was that it was close enough to campus for the girls to walk there. Adriana had a car, anyway, for trips to the store, or back to visit her mother, although that didn't happen much. She honestly wasn't even sure if Haley knew how to drive at all... Adriana had always been curious about it, since Haley'd already been at college when she was sixteen and should have been learning that. All Adriana knew for sure was that Haley always asked her to take her if she needed to go anywhere, rather than asking to borrow the car herself.

"I suppose I can make time for that," Adriana sighed dramatically. Really, this was perfect... She didn't plan on going back to to live with her mom for the summer, so if Haley stuck around, too, she could keep cleaning the house, and have even more reason to do it, since Adriana would probably have to drive her back and forth to her internship every day.

Adriana wasn't sure what she was expecting, but the building Haley gave her directions to was a huge, sprawling, brick structure that seemed almost sinister, in a way. It gave Adriana a bad feeling, just looking at it. She'd had no intentions of stepping foot inside, at least until Haley stared at her with big eyes and asked, "C-Could you come sit with me in the lobby while I wait? I-I've never been on a job interview before, and... Well, I'm really nervous, and..."

"All right," Adriana chuckled and shook her head. Sometimes she forgot Haley was younger than her, despite her intelligence. "Let's go."

The inside of the building wasn't much better, to be honest. It was painted bright, cheery colors, but that only made it feel more creepy, somehow. The lobby was fairly empty, with just a few pairs of people waiting, mostly a mother or father with their adult child, and Adriana retreated to a free corner, away from all of them, while Haley vanished to her interview.

She tried to occupy herself with the magazines, but they were all old and not particularly interesting. She resorted to her phone, though even that couldn't keep her mind off of how much she disliked this place. She wasn't trying to eavesdrop, not really... It was just impossible to keep her mind busy enough for her ears not to pick up on what else was going on around her. 

"You know it's for the best... It's what you need." The parents all seemed to be saying some variation of that. "You saw what wonders it worked for your friend..."

Part of Adriana was desperate to ask Haley what they did here, once the girl returned, and the rest of her wasn't sure she wanted to know. It definitely didn't sound good, the way everyone was talking, at least in their tones, even when their words were trying to be reassuring. 

"Adriana?" She looked up to find a tall nurse standing over her, looking down, chart in hand.

"Y-Yes..." Adriana frowned. "I-I mean, that is my name, but I don't think I'm... Hey!" She gasped as the nurse grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to her feet. "Hey, what the hell are you... Let me go!" She struggled to get away; the older, larger woman was used to this sort of thing, easily keeping ahold of her, dragging her through the lobby and down the hall. "I'm just waiting for my friend!" Adriana insisted. "Get off me!"

Her protests only got louder once she was in the room. She'd expected an examination room... What she got was much different. The table she was shoved onto looked more like a changing table, complete with piles of what looked worryingly like large, plastic diapers alongside bottle of baby lotion, powder, and oil. Unfortunately, not only did she not manage to get free from the nurse, the woman decided to strap her to the table, cuffing her ankles and wrists to hold her in place.

"You can't do this to me!" Adriana insisted, watching in terror as the nurse took a pair of medical scissors and snipped her clothes off, leaving her completely naked. "You have the wrong person!"

"You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard that," the nurse told her, not even pausing in her work as she grabbed one of the diapers, unfolding it with a stomach-churning crinkle, then sliding it under the helpless cheerleader's ass. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough."

"No, I won't!" Adriana thrashed uselessly, watching the woman pour baby powder onto her crotch, then gently massage it in. "I'm not staying here! I'm just here for my friend!" She gasped as the diaper was pulled up, feeling the sheer bulk of it forcing her thighs apart, the reality of what was happening just then really sinking in. "No, listen! Th-There's this girl interviewing for an internship... I just brought her here, that's all! I'm not..." She whimpered, the sound of the tape being pulled open thundering in her ears. The woman pulled the side tight, pressing the tape onto the landing strip, then repeated the procedure on the other side, diapering the girl for the first time in nearly two decades.

Adriana, of course, almost immediately reached for the tapes as soon as her hands were released; that was, it turned out, just about the worst thing she could do. "All right, that's enough," the nurse shook her head. "I thought I'd give you a chance, but you really are a little brat, aren't you?"

Adriana immediately apologized as soon as she saw the straightjacket, but it was too late... The nurse wasn't going to change her mind. Renewed strength flowed through her limbs, desperate to keep that thing away from her, knowing that once it was on, there was no getting away, not easily, anyway; even that did her almost no good. The nurse barely even had to struggle to shove her arms into the sleeves, rendering them useless before moving on to the back, slowly cinching it, trapping the sniffling girl.

Thankfully, she heard the sound of the door opening behind her. While she didn't want to be seen this way, hopefully that meant someone had realized the nurse's mistake, and she was about to be freed... When Adriana turned her head, she saw Haley standing there, with a doctor, and she felt a surge of hope. "Haley!" she squealed. "You have to help, this..."

"I'm so sorry," Haley walked up to her, kissing her on the forehead. "It's for the best, big sis..."

"Wait... What? No!" Adriana shook her head. "What the hell are you talking about?! You have to..." She watched in horror as the doctor stepped over to her shredded clothes, removing her keys and her phone and handing them to Haley before the two of them exited the room, leaving Adriana to the slow realization, as the nurse continued strapping her into her straightjacket, that there was no escape.



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