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"What am I going to do with you?" Donna shook her head, glancing down at Diana, who felt offended at the very idea of the question. 

"You don't have to DO anything with me!" Diana huffed. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I'm an adult, and you know it!" When Donna gave her a look, Diana got even more annoyed. "You saw me before... this... happened! And you knew me when I was actually a kid, and I was younger than this even then!" 

"That's true," Donna agreed reluctantly, eyeing the little puddle under the girl. "But, still, we don't know how much this is affecting you, and, before, you..." 

Diana interrupted her, not wanting to relive her previous humiliation. "I'll stay off the counters," she promised. 

"Hmm," Donna was not immediately convinced. "Well, I can't take you outside like this, or there could be a lot of questions about why you're dressed like that... Maybe I'll see if one of your neighbors can help." 

"No!" Diana vetoed that plan immediately. "They can't know what happened!" 

"They won't," Donna told her, ignoring her opinion. "You're staying here, and on the floor, right? I'll tell them I'm babysitting for someone new in the building." 

Diana still wasn't a fan, but that hardly seemed to matter. Just the idea of Donna, this teenager - even if she ought to have been Diana's own age - telling her neighbors that she was babysitting her - and even if they never knew Diana was the one being babysat - made her blush. Normally, she was much more resilient to embarrassment, though perhaps that had come from one of her gifts, somehow, because now everything felt humiliating. Then again, everything that had happened today was more mortifying than most anything else she'd gone through in her rather illustrious career. 

"Fine," she gave in with a sigh. Obviously, resistance was futile, and the best she could do was pretend she had agreed. "Try to find me something good..." 

"I'll do what I can," Donna told her. It wasn't the most encouraging thing to hear, but it would have to do. "Can you handle cleaning up?" Diana nodded. "Thank you. Hmm... I suppose I'd better change first. Where's your room?"

Diana pouted for a second, then pointed the girl in the right direction, only getting more sulky when she saw her emerge a few minutes later. Diana's clothes were a little big on her, but nowhere near as much as they were on Diana herself - evidenced by the tent of a t-shirt she was currently wearing - and a pang of jealousy ran through the regressed Amazon, watching her leave in them.

Once Donna had left, Diana told herself there really wasn't much more that Donna could have realistically said, since she had no idea what she'd find, just relying on the kindness of Diana's neighbors, without any  idea of what they were like. They were nice enough, but Diana could have told her which were most likely to be helpful... Diana didn't want them to see her, and risk them recognizing her somehow, or telling her how much she looked like Diana and potentially putting the pieces together somehow. 

Diana sighed, staring up at her counter again, despite the promise she'd made. She might feel more trusting of Donna now, but that didn't mean she wouldn't welcome some outside help, just in case... Then again, considering her size and lack of powers, she wasn't sure she could make it up there before Donna got back, especially since there was no way of knowing how long the girl's mission would take. She might get lucky at the first door she knocked on, or it might take a dozen... And Diana didn't want to get caught mid-caper, even if she knew Donna wasn't actually her babysitter.

She looked down, hating herself for giving up, but confident that it was for the best. Besides, as she glanced downwards, she saw the puddle she'd made and remembered she had promised to clean it up. She'd better get to that... She shuffled to the bathroom, cleaning herself up, then gathering up some toilet paper to wipe the kitchen tile with, drying it off, cheeks burning the entire time, thinking about what she was doing, and why.

She had to make a couple trips, dumping the used paper into the toilet, before flushing, more than a bit weirded out that she had to raise her hand to reach the handle. Actually getting up onto the seat, if she still had to go, would have been quite the chore as well without a stool to step up on first... She shivered, praying that Magala would be able to help her find a solution to this, and quick; she didn't want to have to ask for Donna's help any time she wanted to use the bathroom!

That thought was still haunting her when she got back out to the living room, though, fortunately, not for long. "That wasn't so bad!" Donna chirped. "Just a couple stops and I got you an adorable little outfit!" She set it down on the table before Diana could see it, then gestured for the girl to come to her, reaching for the hem of her shirt and starting to lift it before the girl could stop her.

"Hey!" Diana squealed. "I can dress myself!"

"Okay," Donna shrugged. "I did bring you here, and put you in that shirt, but..."

"Well, I can handle this!" Diana huffed. Donna had wrapped Diana's old costume around her as they flew, but, essentially, she'd been naked for that, and as she stood in front of her dresser, staring up, up, and even further up at the drawer she knew contained her t-shirts, knowing there was no way she could reach it, or, perhaps, even pull it open even if she could, before Donna had stepped in to help.

For a second, Diana suspected Donna was going to force her to ask for the new clothes, since she couldn't reach them up on the table; luckily, she took mercy on her and handed them down. Diana took them, looking them over, stomach churning at the sight. She recognized them... Just a couple doors down, she'd seen the little girl they belonged to, Susie, a toddler; she'd always thought the little yellow dress she now held in her hands was adorable... For Susie.

Now, she was expected to wear it. There was a small stain across the front, clearly - or, at least, hopefully, rather than the girl outgrowing it, which would mean that she was, potentially, taller than Diana now - from a messy mealtime that anyone looking at Diana now would think was her fault. Under that was something even worse.

"No!" Diana shook her head. "You can't make me wear them!"

Donna sighed, sounding as patient as she could manage, like a weary babysitter, or older sister, explaining things to her younger charge. "I don't want to make you, I want you to realize it's for the best. We don't know how much you're being affected by whatever happened, but you've already had two accidents, and it's a long way to Themyscira, unless somehow it's closer in this world?" Diana shook her head again, this time more bashful than defiant. "Besides, it's the best she had... The little girl who had these is on to real underwear now, but she wasn't willing to give any of those up, since she'd just gotten them. It was this, or disposable Pull-Ups, or dia..."

"Fine!" Diana cut her off, not even wanting to hear any more. The cloth training panties were humiliating, pink and covered in pictures of unicorns - as well as some stains of their own, which Diana would hate to have attributed to her - but Donna was right that they were miles better than those other options. She couldn't even bear to hear the final one, though she could tell what it was going to be, and that was bad enough.

She shuffled to the bathroom for some privacy, then spent what seemed like hours struggling to extract herself from the shirt, at first only managing to tangle herself up further whenever she attempted to get out. She knew it wasn't nearly as long as it felt, but what should have taken her seconds did last at least a minute or two, and in that time, she almost gave up and asked for help after all more than once.

Getting the dress on was a tad easier, since it was actually sized for her. It was cute, and girly, but relatively simple, since it was meant - or, at least, had been used - as playwear, not anything fancy. She glanced up at the mirror over her sink, curious how she looked in it, since she'd seen it on Susie several times; she wasn't even tall enough to see her reflection. 

Looking down at herself, however, her stomach sank. The last time she'd seen Susie in this, the skirt had been getting short, the girl's mother having to remind her to keep it down as she idly played with them hem. The dress fit Diana well, and she could tell she wasn't even close to having that issue. She'd be far more conscious of the possibility of flashing her undies anyway, but even without that, the skirt was noticeably longer on her than it had been on Susie. She really was smaller than her...

And, she thought, stomach sinking, she really was going to be in training panties, rather than real underwear, like Susie was apparently now ready to wear. For a moment, she debated leaving them off, almost sure that Donna wouldn't actually check to make sure she'd put them on, but, after their argument about them, that didn't seem like a complete impossibility. Having to wear them would be humiliating, yes... Having Donna put them on her when she caught her without them would be far worse.

The training panties fir her just as well as the dress, as if they'd been designed for her. As she slipped them over her feet, she momentarily believed they wouldn't be so bad, that there wasn't much of a difference between them and underwear after all... Then, she started pulling them up. As they reached her thighs, she could feel the extra padding in them, growing more and more noticeable the further up they went, until, at last, she snapped them into place around her waist.

They were much softer than regular panties, but also far thicker, and warmer. There was no question what that bulk was for, not to her, not to anyone else who might happen to see them... There was no escaping it, either, every wiggle of her bottom causing it to follow her, every shifting stance to try and find a natural looking one that didn't force her to feel the garment forcing her legs apart slightly utterly failing.

Sitting made it even worse, raising her up off the floor a small, but certainly perceptible, amount. She tried pulling her socks on while standing; after nearly falling twice, she decided that wouldn't work, blaming her poor balance on the trainers as well. Sitting on the toilet was more work than it would be worth, so she plopped herself down on the floor.

The socks were plain, white, nothing special... The shoes, like her training panties, were pink, though a duller color, after having been worn outside several times by their previous owner. They also were undeniably intended for a small child, as, instead of laces, they were held in place by velcro. She was positive she was still coordinated enough to tie laces... However, she was almost grateful not to have the chance to be proven wrong, just in case. 

Now that the whole ensemble was assembled, she was also grateful not to be tall enough to see over her sink to the mirror. There was no way she didn't look the part of the child she'd somehow been turned into... It would be even worse, having probably seen Susie in this exact outfit at least once, knowing that girl was an actual toddler.

Donna did an admirable job not gushing over how cute Diana looked, once the Amazon skulked out of the bathroom to face her. Diana could see it on her face, however, and wished she could think of something else to talk about, to draw attention away from herself, but suddenly, she became even more aware of the training panties between her legs. She knew that Donna had to know she was wearing them; that didn't make it easier to accept the fact herself, now that someone else was looking at her in them.

Thankfully, Donna changed the subject herself. "Good job cleaning up in the kitchen!" she exclaimed.

That didn't cheer Diana up much; it was her kitchen, after all, and her mess... She usually kept it tidy, and without need of any encouragement. Still, she nodded, glad something other than her clothes was the focus for a moment.

"So...." Donna continued, "This might sound strange if the answer is no, but... Do you happen to have an invisible jet in this world, too?"

That probably would have been a tough one to explain, but, fortunately, the answer was yes. It was a good thing, too... Diana hadn't even thought about how they were going to get to the island otherwise, and there was no way she'd be able to pilot the plane at her size. It was a good thing Donna knew about it, and that, hopefully, the one she was used to would be similar enough that she'd be able to pilot Diana's, or else she might have to carry Diana and fly under her own power. It was an awfully long trip, though, and even on the flight back to the apartment, Diana had been getting chilly... Without her powers, she wasn't sure she could take a trip like that all the way to Themyscira.

They walked up to the roof of the apartment building, Diana clutching her tiara tightly, determined that this, at least, would work for her. She concentrated, trying to reach into the gem to summon the plane, like she'd done plenty of times before... She didn't feel anything, however, and, after a few minutes, nothing had happened.

"Let me see it," Donna held her hand out. Pouting, Diana handed it over, and, despite knowing that she needed it to so they could get to the island, she found herself hoping it wouldn't work. It just wasn't fair that Donna could do everything she couldn't, despite the girl being younger than her... Or at least than she was meant to be.

"How do you do this?" Donna frowned, running a hand over the tiara. "I just keep mine at an abandoned farm, I don't... Oh, I think I have it." She closed her eyes, then opened them a moment later. "I think it's on the way."

Sure enough, in a matter of minutes, they felt the whoosh of air as the jet zipped past them, then came in for a landing. Donna had to help Diana climb into the passenger's seat, then took over before Diana could even offer to help show her how to use the vehicle. She felt completely useless, wriggling in her chair, legs coming nowhere close to reaching the floor.

Themyscira hadn't changed much; it never did. Donna landed the plane outside Magala's cave, and the two of them headed inside, Diana's nostalgia going crazy. She hadn't been here in years... It hadn't been the same after Donna had vanished, getting dragged off into the night because of Diana. Diana had always intended to return, eventually... She'd long ago given up hope that Donna would be at her side when she did.

"Who dares enter my cave?" an old, familiar voice rumbled through the stone walls.

"It's me!" Diana squeaked, although, afterwards, she realized it might take a little more explanation than that.

However, Magala emerged from the shadows almost instantly. "Diana? Is that you? Look at what a fine young woman you've grown into!"

Diana's cheeks burned as the witch embraced Donna, the girl starting to correct her before melting into her arms. Diana felt a brief pang of jealousy before rebuking herself. Donna hadn't really been Magala's daughter, since she was technically another version of Diana herself, but the witch had created her.

"And do you have a daughter?" Magala frowned, finally pulling away. "You don't look old enough for..."

This was one case where Diana wouldn't have minded Donna taking over... Donna looked too overwhelmed by it all, by finally meeting back up with the original Magala, the one who had given Diana the mirror that Donna had sprung from, to speak, however. "Actually," Diana sighed, squirming, "it's a little more complicated than that, Magala."

Magala furrowed her brow, kneeling down in front of Diana. "You sound just like your mother did at your age," she said. "And you look exactly like she did, as well. Only even more grown-up and..."

"Magala, it's me!" Diana blurted out, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm Diana!"

Magala looked from her, back up to Donna, confused. "Are... you named after your mother?"

"She is not my mother!" Diana stomped her foot. "Magala, I'm Diana, and that's Donna. She's back."

Magala's eyes widened, then began to shimmer as she looked to Donna one more time, the full weight of those words sinking in. She stood, hugging the girl again, even tighter, even longer. When she finally let go, she turned back to Diana with the question the girl had been expecting all along. "How did this happen?" 

Diana supposed the woman could have meant Donna return, though, at the moment, her own transformation seemed the more pressing issue. Either way, her response was valid. "It's a long story..."



Pure perfection!