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Brittany's bottom was still sore as she stepped into the ring, not to mention a little itchy, making her feel like a baby despite wearing a longer dress than the one she typically wore to school, long enough to cover her lack of a diaper. She scowled as she saw Dominika, now in her guise as Dr. Mom, climb into the opposite side of the ring, flaunting her body in a skimpy version of her uniform, with various tools - none of which Brittany wanted used on her - strapped to her bare legs.

"Couldn't get enough, huh?" the nurse chuckled. "That's all right, I don't mind giving you another spanking... I'm sure you deserve it."

"I do not!" Brittany stomped her foot, crossing her arms. "I didn't the first time, either, and that's why I challenged you! You're mean, and totally unfair, and I'm gonna show you what it's like to..."

Before she could even finish her speech, Dr. Mom began to move, crossing the stage and grabbing Brittany, bending her over, a paddle in her hand. "Let's just pick up where we left off," Dr. Mom said, while Brittany tried to recover from the interruption and break free. 

"Let me go!" Brittany demanded, pouting. Didn't this stupid nurse see that she couldn't do this?! It was so unfair... Domi was so used to her whining that it was much more difficult to use it on her in these situations. Her last spanking had been bad, and humiliating, but now there was an audience, and it was bound to hurt a lot more without the padding of her diaper to protect her. "I'm gonna show you what..!" 

Once again, her pronouncement was cut off, this time by the whoosh of a paddle preparing to strike. No, This couldn't happen, not again, not so soon... She wouldn't let it! She shook her head defiantly as Dr. Mom swung the paddle forward, squeaking out the magic words just in time to summon a pillow in between it and her backside. She felt a light tap, nothing more, even less than she had at school.

"What do you think you're doing?!" the nurse demanded. "This is your punishment, young lady! Be a good girl and take it, and maybe I'll take it easy on you!"

"Nuh-uh!" Brittany shook her head, sliding her way out from the nurse's grip and stumbling to her feet, doing her best to repair her bruised pride. "It's your punishment, for being a big meanie-head!" She wanted to launch a counter attack; at first, she wasn't sure what to do, but the answer came to her quickly, as she thought back to what had started all this.

"Okay, peasant," she sniffed, holding her head high, doing her very best to look down at the taller woman. "I decree..."

She was prepared to demand that the nurse poop her pants, just like Dr. Mom had made her do in her office, ready to watch the woman's skimpy, white uniform turn brown, so that she could show her that she was just as much - even more-so, in fact! - of a baby as Brittany herself.

Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough. She was cut off as Dr. Mom sprang forward again, reaching into the pouch on her belt to whip out a pacifier, pushing it between Brittany's open lips, then buckling it in place behind her head. Brittany glared up at her, stomping her foot, angry at being interrupted, not even noticing that it was anything besides a regular pacifier until the nurse pushed the plunger in, flooding the girl's mouth with nasty tasting medicine. Brittany wrinkled her nose, trying to spit the stuff out, only to have her efforts thwarted by the pacifier. Oh no... What was that going to do to her?!

"That's quite enough out of you," Dr. Mom said, tapping the plunger again, sending another wave of medicine out. "Don't you know? Babies like you should be seen and not heard. You really are quite fussy today... Even more than usual. Maybe, for once, you really are sick.." 

For a moment, Brittany's ears perked up - there were few things she liked more than being told she was right. Her mood immediately dampened again when Dr. Mom slid a thermometer out of one of straps on her uniform. "I guess I should do my job and check."

Brittany tried to scramble away, pawing at the strap holding the pacifier in place, knowing that, without her mouth, she was practically defenseless, then attempted to bonk the woman in the head with her wand, but her opponent was too fast to get away from, catching the weapon as it swung towards her and using it to pull Brittany in closer.

"Now, now, don't fight it..." Dr. Mom cooed. "I can get you all fixed up in no time..."

Brittany shook her head, stomping her feet, wanting to whine about how unfair this was, or throw a tantrum, but incapable of pulling either of those off nearly well enough to matter at the moment.

"Come on, be a good girl," Dr. Mom told Brittany as the girl fought to escape, "We've done this plenty of times... You should be used to this by now."

On one hand, that was probably true - Nurse Dominika did take her temperature more often than she seemed to need to - but on the other, they weren't in her office this time. They were in the ring, with an audience watching as Brittany's cute, pink panties were pulled down, the thermometer slowly inching closer and closer to her backside. Brittany whimpered behind the pacifier gag, her fear and embarrassment mixing, no doubt, with the medicine she'd been forced to gulp down.

"Uh-oh," Dr. Mom chuckled, pausing to watch the rivulets of urine cascading down Brittany's thighs. "It's all right, I'll get you in a diaper once we're done here... Unless, of course, you need some extra special medicine." Brittany shivered at that thought, seeing enema bulbs, much like the ones the nurse had used on her a few days ago at school, dangling across the woman's thighs.

"You really should have known better," Dominika shook her head, sliding the cold, glass thermometer into the girl's rear, watching her squeal and squirm. "You're just no match for me, little girl, here or at school." Brittany's eyes watered, her bum wiggling uncomfortably, trying to escape the invasive tube inside of it. This wasn't how she'd wanted this to go at all! 

As Dr. Mom pulled the thermometer out, reading it and shaking her head to declare, "Looks normal... Guess you're just being a fussy baby!" she opened the pouch again, this time taking out a thick diaper, spreading it out on the ring and pushing Brittany down so that she fell onto it with a muffled squeal. "It really is too bad you couldn't put up on more of a show for our audience... Maybe I'll give you some of that extra medicine anyway, to keep them entertained." She patted the enema bulb ominously as she bent down, pulling the diaper up between Brittany's legs.



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