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An anonymous caption commission. The picture doesn't have a watermark, but it's from ABDreams.com, and I claim no ownership of it.

"It should be an easy job," they told her. "Just one room, that's all," they said.

And, for the first few weeks, it was. They still paid her well - much better than she would have anticipated for a single room, which was partially why she had taken the job in the first place - and there was always plenty to do, but it was nowhere near as bad as any of the other houses where she worked.

She knew something was strange... It would be hard not to notice that. Her 'one room' was a nursery, though far larger than any she'd seen before, with oversized toys and furniture... And diapers. She tried not to think about those too much, but it was hard to ignore them completely, all laid out on that giant changing table. The room was constantly a mess; since it was only that one room, however, she still finished with it pretty quickly and relatively painlessly.

At least, until the day when she walked into the room and wasn't alone. She didn't even notice at first, just started picking up the scattered toys and carting them over to the toy box, only to be taken by surprise by a whiny voice demanding, "Who are you?"

She jumped, her heart pounding as she looked around the room for a few seconds before finally spotting the girl lying in the crib. "O-Oh, hi," she smiled nervously, uncertainly. "I'm Courtney. I'm the maid, I..."

"I know what maids do," the girl in the crib informed her snootily as she sat up, stretching. Despite being Courtney's age, at most a couple years younger, she was wearing one of the diapers Courtney always saw on the changing table, and it was definitely wet. "You clean things, right?"

"Umm... Yeah," Courtney nodded nervously. She wasn't sure why she felt so uneasy... She cleaned other houses where the families were still inside, usually taking care of kids or tucked away in their home office, but this felt different. "What's your name?"

"I'm the Princess!" the girl declared. 

Courtney waited for an actual name, but apparently that was all she was going to get. It seemed more like something she'd hear from a three year old, rather than someone in her twenties, and it just made this whole thing feel more unusual. "I'll, uh... Get to it..."

"You aren't dressed like a maid," the girl observed, as Courtney went back to work.

Courtney shrugged. "This is what I wear..." 

"No!" Princess howled. "That doesn't go there, dummy! It goes in my playpen!" Courtney looked down at the toy in her hands, then shrugged and carried it over there instead. After a few more long, tense minutes, she was almost done clearing the floor of the girl's toys; however, after she dumped the last load into the box, she turned around to find one she'd apparently missed. After retrieving it and taking it to the box, another was there. When she gave it a confused look, she heard a giggle from the crib, only then realizing that the Princess was throwing the toys from there.

The girl had opinions on everything, which made the whole thing take much longer than usual, but Courtney told herself it would be all right... This was the first time the girl had been there, so surely it would be a while before she was there again.

But, no, the next time she went to the house, Princess was waiting in the crib for her. "You still aren't dressed like a maid," she pointed out. Courtney shrugged, annoyed that she was going to have to deal with this again. "My Mommy bought me a maid costume," she said. "You should put it on, if you're really a maid!"

"I have my own clothes," Courtney told her. Just like last time, the girl offered constant critique and instruction from her crib; this time, however, as Courtney was finishing up, she began to smell something quite unpleasant. At first, she wasn't sure what it was... Even when she figured it out, she could hardly believe that could be possible, but the more glances she stole at the girl's diaper, the more certain she became.

"You have one more thing to clean," the Princess said when Courtney was preparing to leave. When the maid turned around, the girl was pointing at the back of her diaper. "It's super dirty..."

"I-I don't think so," Courtney wrinkled her nose. "Sorry, I'm a maid, not a nanny, I..."

"Do it!" the girl howled, pouting. "You clean things!"

"Yes, but..." Courtney tried to tell her.

"Now!" the Princess folded her arms. "Or I'll tell Mommy I saw you stealing her fancy jewelry!"

Courtney's eyes widened. "B-But... I didn't... You can't..." The girl just pointed defiantly at her diaper until Courtney reluctantly gave in.

That was really her undoing. Once Princess knew that threat worked on Courtney, she used it as often as she could; the next time Courtney showed up, the maid outfit was waiting for her, and she had to change into it, the Princess giggling the whole time as she stripped out of her real clothes and put on the silly costume, then spent the rest of her time self-consciously tugging at the too-short skirt, trying to keep her panties covered.

On the next visit, the girl demanded to be let out of her crib once Courtney was changed. Courtney hesitated, but finally gave in.... The job took twice as long as it should have, with the girl following along behind her, undoing almost everything she'd done, then giggling and telling Courtney was a bad job she was doing, and how she was going to tell her Mommy what an awful maid she was.

Finally, Courtney had had enough. "Listen, you little brat!" she glared, spinning to face the girl. "I don't know who you think you are, but..."

"I told you!" the girl huffed. "I am the Princess, and I am NOT a brat! Just for that, you can put on a diaper!"

"No!" Courtney shook her head. "No way... I am never going to wear one of those things, and..." The Princess stormed away, and, for a moment, Courtney thought she'd won, that the girl just couldn't handle being told no... Then, she returned, with a large, wooden paddle in the shape of a heart, with little holes drilled into it. "No!" Courtney said again, this time more desperate than angry. "Don't you dare, you can't..."

Unfortunately, she could. It was surprising just how strong the girl was, for as sweet and innocent as she looked, sitting in her crib in her diapers. She grabbed Courtney's wrist as she made a dash for the door, dragging her to the oversized rocking chair and over her crinkly lap, then went to work, not stopping until the maid was sobbing, her backside as bright pink as the diapers she then taped over it, cuffing Courtney to the table to keep her renewed sense of defiance from allowing her to stop what was about to happen.

Courtney was banished to the corner, sniffling and squirming, hardly able to believe that she'd somehow wound up in those diapers she'd been so weirded out by when she first started here, feeling the heat already building up in the thick, plastic-coated garment. When the Princess finally let her take her nose out of the corner, she had changed into the clothes Courtney had worn in, complete with - quite obviously, considering the lack of a bulge - the panties. She looked like a completely different person without her diapers.

"Hey, you can't..." Courtney protested. Princess grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back down to the floor to her hands and knees, keeping her there by sitting on her back, keeping one hand wrapped around the girl's long hair, the other possessively patting her diaper.

"I can do whatever I want," the Princess told her. "I'm the one in big girl panties now... And what are you in?" Courtney couldn't bring herself to answer, but the loud crinkle that emanated from her rear as the girl gave it a hard pat was apparently all the response she needed. "I found your car keys, too, so I think I'm going to go take a nice drive, get myself some ice cream, do whatever I want... And you're going to stay here, clean up your nursery, and use your diapies." She giggled. "Not that you'll have a choice... I'll be locking the nursery door when I leave, so you won't be able to get to the bathroom. I expect your diaper to be nice and full when I get back, or next time, I'll give you a big, soapy enema before I diaper you."

She saw the look of disgust and horror on Courtney's face and laughed. "And there will be a next time... I really did steal some of my Mommy's jewelry, and hid it somewhere neither you nor her will be able to find it. I don't think she'll notice it's gone, unless I tell her... And, if you try quitting, I'll tell her that's why you don't want to work here anymore, and she'll make sure nobody else hires you, either, and she might even sue you. Mommy really doesn't like thieves." The Princess shook her head. "Now, get to work! This nursery had better be spotless - and that diaper better be anything but - by the time I get back! And don't worry... I'll be home before Mommy gets back and catches you like this... Probably."




Awesome work. Really like the story.


Yep, awesome work and you could continue it with a Christmas theme. Speaking of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and everyone. :D