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Sunnie had completely lost track of time.... She was taken by surprise when, one day, her nanny told her, "Now, I'm not going to see you for a little while, so I want you to be good for your Daddy, okay?"

"Is it the weekend?" Sunnie frowned. That didn't seem right... That had just happened, hadn't it?

"No, silly," her nanny chuckled. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and then it's Christmas!"

Sunnie had almost forgotten about those, somehow... It made sense now, since they hadn't actually celebrated it, but looking back, it was shocking to realize this had all happened in just a few weeks. At the start of the month, she'd been a grown-up, running off to whatever store she wanted, whenever she wanted, fully independent... Now, she was a baby, her day strictly regimented and controlled by other people.

Christmas Eve was a quiet affair, fairly normal for a day when Aaron was home from work, other than watching Christmas movies in the living room, lying on the floor on her tummy, since she wasn't allowed on the furniture anymore, not unless she agreed to wear either double diapers or her locking plastic panties. 

Christmas morning, on the other hand, was a whole other ball game. Aaron woke up her with a diaper change, then, to her shock, dressed her, and not in a onesie or tiny, diaper-baring dress. He put her in a shirt that she recognized, that she'd worn as a big girl. A surge of hope flowed through her as he lifted her down off the changing table and led her, by the hand, out to the Christmas tree.

"Your nursery was your Christmas present from me," he reminded her, as if it had been something she'd actually wanted, "but, luckily, Santa brought you a few things."

Sunnie was sure she knew what it was... Maybe it wouldn't be a jacuzzi, or a pool, but the fact that he had let her wear something from her old life made her certain that he had decided she'd learned her lesson. Maybe he'd gotten her some new outfits, or a new purse, something to tell her that things could go back to normal now, and then he'd untape that diaper and let her go back to real underwear. After all, her nanny had said she wouldn't see her for 'a while', not just a couple days... Sure, he'd spent a lot of money on that nursery, but it would probably stay there to remind Sunnie of what could happen if she slipped up again.

She tore into the paper of her first present eagerly, ready to shed her second babyhood once and for all. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to see exactly what was waiting under that paper, and her hands slowed in shock and mounting anger as she did. 

"Well, come on," Aaron told her. "Show me what Santa got you."

"No!" Sunnie shook her head, wrapping her arms around the fresh package of diapers, which declared that they were 'extra-thick' and 'great for heavy wetters', trying to hide them from view. She had no doubt Aaron knew what they were already, but that didn't mean she had to show them off, as if she liked them, or was proud of her 'gift'.

"Sunnie, be a good girl..." he said.

"No!" Sunnie repeated, kicking her legs angrily, then starting to throw the paper she'd just torn off the diapers across the room, following them with whatever else she could reach, quickly devolving into a full blown tantrum. "This isn't fair! I'm not a baby! I'm not! I wanna be a big girl again! I don't want these!" 

Aaron sighed, shook his head, and waited for Sunnie to stop so he could spank her and send her back to bed, watching as she proved that he and her nanny had been right to decide it wasn't time to end her punishment after all, even if that had been his original plan. Clearly, she needed more time in her nursery... And that was exactly what she was going to be getting for Christmas this year, and, quite possibly, for many more years to come.




Who doesn't love early Xmas presents? Thank you for this one!