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 Picture property of ABDreams

"I don't know, Grandma," Kaylee did her best to suppress an eye roll, not wanting to offend her grandmother, although she also didn't want to have to agree. "I have stuff to do, and..."

"But you just said you were off work the next few days," the older woman pointed out.

"Yeah, I know," Kaylee had to admit, having told her that without thinking it could be used to guilt her into giving up that free time.

"And you aren't going to be here for Christmas..." her Grandma said. "You could stay overnight, and we can have our Christmas tomorrow morning, just like old times!"

Kaylee opened her mouth, trying to come up with an excuse that would satisfy her grandmother without hurting her feelings, but nothing came to mind. As much as she would have liked to just go home and relax, and enjoy the fact that she didn't have anything to do, she knew that her grandmother was just lonely, and wanted somebody to spend some time with her. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to just spend one night with her, and then she could go home the next morning...

"Oh, good," her grandmother smiled as Kaylee gave in. "It's been so long.... But I know what you like, sweetie. Get into your PJs and we'll bake some cookies!"

Cookies did sound awfully good, especially Christmas cookies, undoubtedly the best kind of cookies. And her Grandma made the best Christmas cookies around, as far as she was concerned. She could remember being a little kid, standing around the kitchen, almost definitely under foot and in the way, watching her work... It would be nice to relive that, she supposed, except...

"I don't have any pajamas with me," she said, wondering why she hadn't thought of that earlier as an excuse to get her out of there in the first place. 

"I'm sure I have something," her grandmother told her. "You just wait right here..."

Kaylee expected a spare nightgown, something for an old person... She got just the opposite. She blushed as she saw the pair of footed pajamas, not even wanting to ask why her grandma would have those, and in her size. "I don't know," she protested sceptically. 

"This is what I remember you wearing when you would help me," the older woman said. "You were so adorable... Do you remember that?"

"Not quite," Kaylee replied, though that didn't stop her Grandma from handing the pajamas over. As the girl took them, she realized there was something else behind them, as her hand brushed against crinkling plastic, her cheeks darkening. "I-I don't think... This isn't exactly what I had in mind..."

"This is exactly what I always think of you in," her grandmother told her, a thought that did nothing to make Kaylee feel less embarrassed. "I have pictures around here someplace, if..."

"No, no," Kaylee shook her head. "That's okay. I guess I can wear this, but I'm not going to..."

"Now, don't argue," the other woman lectured. "Your mother told me you'd say you didn't need them..."

"Yeah, like six years ago!" Kaylee somehow found a darker red for her face to turn. Unfortunately, while she may not recall wearing footed sleepers around her grandmother, the diaper was another story... She had more than a few vivid memories of that from not nearly as long ago as she would have preferred. "I really don't need them anymore."

"Your mom didn't tell me that," her Grandma said. "And I remember the last time I trusted you about that, and..."

"Fine!" Kaylee cut her off, not wanting to hear the rest of the story. "I'll go change..." At first, she thought she could fake it, that there was no way her Grandma would actually check, but as soon as she zipped the sleeper up, she knew it wouldn't work, that no check would be needed. With a sigh, she debated breaking her grandmother's heart and telling her she wasn't going to stay after all.

"How cute!" her Grandma exclaimed, a few minutes later, as Kaylee came toddling back to the kitchen. "Just like old times!"

Kaylee didn't help with the baking much, but just standing there, surrounded by the smell of the cookies in the oven, enveloped in the warmth of the kitchen, and - to her chagrin - hearing the rustle of her diaper with every tiny move, she had to admit, it really did take her back to her childhood.

Maybe that was why it happened... Her Grandma made her go to bed early, which didn't bother her as much as it probably should have, since she was feeling pretty tired. When she woke up, however, she was greeted by another familiar feeling, this one much less welcome. There was a present sitting on her bed, a signal that 'Santa' had come, beckoning her to open it, then wander to the living room for the rest; for the moment, she was too concerned with what was happening under her PJs.

She hadn't wet the bed in years, and yet, there was no mistaking that was what had happened. It was a good thing she'd worn a diaper, sure, but how was she going to explain this? She wasn't sure how she could possibly hide it... Maybe her Grandma wouldn't check her, though she couldn't stay in this forever, and she definitely didn't want to wear it out of the house. If she threw it away in there, however, her grandmother was sure to find it, and it would probably be worse for Kaylee if she didn't admit to what had happened beforehand.

She sat on the bed, blushing and pawing at the thick padding of her diaper, pondering how best to handle it, whether coming right out and admitting it would at least keep Grandma from telling Kaylee's mother about this... Kaylee was really too old to be tattled on for her bathroom habits, but that didn't mean she wanted them to be blabbed around, especially when they were this infantile. No matter what she did, though, she had a bad feeling that she'd find herself in these same, exact pajamas the next time she stayed with her Grandma, and probably for a long time to come... Just like old times... 




aww, this is adorable and I wish it wasn't a one-off! you did a great job!