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The top two entries in the Community Caption Poll for this month were Knowing adult forced to act like a baby and Hypnosis, in an extremely close race (they wound up within 2 votes of each other). Luckily, those two go together quite well... 

 Pictures property of Diapered Online, ABDreams, and StudioKimberlyX

A baby was what she wanted... And a baby was what she was going to get.

She made no efforts to hide it, either; as soon as Angel got to her aunt's house, the guest room was already decorated like a nursery, piles of baby toys and stacks of diapers awaiting her. Her aunt had sent her on ahead, telling her she'd carry her suitcase for her, since it had been such a long flight... That suitcase was gone when her aunt appeared in the bedroom door, and Angel was starting to think she wasn't going to see it again until she left, if then.

"Is there... some other guest room?" she asked. It had been quite a while since she'd been to visit her aunt, and while she'd thought she remembered the layout, she could have been wrong. After all, there was no way she could be expected to stay here... The obvious question of why her childless aunt would even have such a room could be set aside for now, answered later, once Angel was settled into her real room.

"No, this one is perfect for you," her aunt told her. "Now, we'd better get you changed before you make a mess all over everything... You obviously aren't properly dressed."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Angel demanded; as an answer, she was pushed down onto the waiting bed, the side rails already lowered and waiting for this, as was the changing pad spread out over top of the bubblegum pink bedspread. In a matter of moments, Angel's shorts and panties had been ripped off, replaced by a thick, puffy diaper, with a liberal amount of baby lotion and powder inside.

"What is wrong with you?!" Angel asked, for what felt like the hundredth time, since she'd been practically screaming it throughout the whole, humiliating ordeal. This time, just like all the others, she got no answer. Her aunt just helped her to her feet, leading her by the hand to the living room, where more baby toys were waiting, spread out on a blanket.

"This is insane..." Angel told the woman. "I'm here to look at colleges, not... Whatever this is!"

"No, you're much too young for that," her aunt told her. "I didn't get the chance to experience so much of you growing up, since your parents live so far away... So, we're going to go back and do them again now that we have some time together."

"No, we aren't!" Angel stomped her foot. "That's crazy! I'm not a baby now, I'm an adult, you can't..."

"You're growing up too fast," she said. The words echoed around Angel's skull for a moment, almost seeming to get louder each time, until they were all she could hear. The bulky diaper had already forced her into an awkward stance, but now she felt her knees growing weak, shaking slightly before giving out altogether, dropping her onto her padded backside.

"Good girl," Auntie cooed down at her. "You listened to the playlist I sent you."

It was true, they hadn't spent much time together, but Angel had always looked up to her aunt, because the few times they had met, she seemed so cool. Whenever she recommended a movie, a book, a song, Angel always tried to read, listen, or watch it; when she'd offered up a whole playlist for the trip here, she hadn't thought twice about loading it onto her phone and spending most of the flight with her earbuds in. At first, it had seemed strange, and she wasn't sure she liked it, but the most she heard, the more it grew on her.

But why was she bringing that up now? Angel, herself, was much more concerned with her sudden loss of balance, and her inability to stand now that she'd fallen. She struggled a couple times, attempting to get her feet under her, yet nothing seemed to work. "Just play," Auntie urged. "That's all you have to worry about, sweetie."

She tried to snap back with a snarky comment; the only thing that came out of her mouth was senseless babbling. She gave standing up a few more token shots, then laid down, feeling even more exhausted than she had after that long plane ride. The toys were all stupid, of course, far too simple to keep a nineteen, almost twenty, year old like her entertained, and yet, now that she was closer to them, getting a better look, she couldn't help reaching out for them curiously, and, before she knew it, she was playing.

She got lost in it... Time passed, but she had no idea how long. The only thing that snapped her out of it was noticing a weird feeling around her bottom. It wasn't bad, necessarily, just strange; she'd felt a little warmth earlier, a couple times, and ignored it, but now, it was different, more substantial... She wiggled her rear, attempting to work out what was happening, and something pressed harder against her sensitive skin, squishing and spreading out further down there. A giggle escaped her lips as she fidgeted some more, the mushy mass continuing to move, covering more and more of her almost like it was growing... 

"Someone's all grown up," her aunt said with a chuckle.

In a flash, everything was back to 'normal', or as close as it could be, given her situation. The smell hit Angel's nose first, the realization following moments later. She tried to tell herself she was wrong, it had to be something else, but as her hand tentatively reached behind herself, she felt a definite lumpy presence in the seat of her diaper. 



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