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Samantha looked up from her desk at the unfamiliar voice, surprised to see a woman, a little younger than herself, standing there. For a moment, she was confused; she wasn't hiring at the moment, since she'd just gotten a new worker a couple weeks before.

"Sorry to interrupt," the woman said with a pleasant smile. "I'm sure you're busy, I just thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Amy... I'm engaged to Philip."

"Oh... Hello!" Speaking of her new employee, that was him. He'd told her he wasn't married, but he hadn't mentioned have a fiance. She probably still would have hired him, though it was a bit awkward now, sitting in front of this other woman, having stripped her husband-to-be out of his pants and underwear and put him in a diaper just a few days earlier, right on the very desk she was sitting at.

"He forgot his lunch, so I was bringing him something by, and I had a little extra pie... Since we hadn't met yet, I thought I'd bring you a slice, too, so I could say meet you." Amy held up a small container. "I hope you like apple."

"I do!" Samantha nodded, getting up.

"Oh, good," Amy said, walking over to her before she could get around the desk. "I'm sure being in charge of all these people can be very stressful... It's good to treat yourself every now and then."

Samantha and Amy became quick friends, with Amy stopping by every couple days to visit Philip, and then hang out in Samantha's office afterwards. After a few weeks, Amy invited Samantha over to her house one evening.

Her house was small, but quite nice, and Samantha made herself at home, accepting the tea she was offered without a second thought, barely even noticing, at first, how loopy it made her feel, not until she tried to stand to use the bathroom. "What's wrong?" Amy asked, watching the other woman struggle to stay on her feet, much less move away from the couch.

"I-I don't..." Samantha shook her head, confused. What was wrong with her?! She had to get going, or else... Her eyes widened, taking in a quick, humiliated breath as she felt twin trickles of warmth, one running down each thigh.

"Samantha!" Amy shook her head, while Samantha tried desperately to stop herself, urine travelling further and further down her pants legs, towards her friend's floor. "I can't believe this.... You're almost as bad as Philip!"

Samantha frowned, unsure what Amy meant by that, until Amy grabbed her by the arm, marching her down the hall, past the bathroom, to a door she'd skipped on the quick tour they'd gone on when Samantha had first arrived. Amy had told her it was a spare bedroom, one she hadn't had time to clean up in a while, so Samantha hadn't pushed the issue... 

Amy had lied. The room wasn't some dusty, unused room, it was quite clean, other than some toys scattered around, and the garbage can made it quite clear it had been occupied in the not so distant past. It was also not just a spare bedroom... This was a nursery, one far bigger than anyone would need for an actual baby.

"Wh-What's going on?" Samantha asked blearily, hardly able to believe her eyes.

"You know how you have rules at the office?" Amy asked, pushing Samantha against the changing table. "Well, I have rules here, young lady, and one of the biggest is that anyone who wets their pants has to wear diapers. I'm sure you're familiar with those, aren't you?"

Samantha gasped, weakly trying to bat Amy's hands away as the other woman began to undress her, which only encouraged Amy to shove her up onto the table, cuffing her in place and leaving her helpless. "The more you misbehave, the worse it will be for you," Amy threatening, grabbing a small pair of scissors from one of the changing table's shelves and starting to cut Samantha's clothes off of her. "Clearly, you aren't mature enough for these, and I doubt you will be in a very long time, so we might as well just get rid of them."

"Why are you doing this?" Samantha demanded, tugging at her bonds uselessly. 

Amy grabbed one of the diapers - much thicker, and far more infantile loooking, than the ones Samantha used - and opened it, sliding it under Samantha's backside. "Philip is my little boy," she informed Samantha, wiping her crotch clean, then reaching for something else under the table. Samantha couldn't see what it was, so, when Amy shoved it into her rear, it was quite the unpleasant surprise, leaving her squealing and squirming at the violation. "Like a good little boy, he told me all about what you did."

"I-I'm sorry!" Samantha sniffed. "I-I didn't know..."

Amy taped the diaper up, unhooking Samantha from the table, but leaving the cuffs around her wrists and ankles, even adding a collar around her neck, pulling her up off the table by the ring hanging from the front before pushing her down over it, groaning as her churning tummy was pressed against the surface. "You haven't even begun to be sorry, little girl..."



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