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An anonymous caption commission. Picture property of AdultBaby.xxx

"Now, once you're officially in, you don't have to work here, though we appreciate it if you do, and you can make a little money for yourself and the house... For now, though, you don't really have a choice," Janelle shrugged apologetically. "It's just part of the process, I hope you don't mind."

"No, I love kids!" Heather exclaimed. That might have been overstating things a little, though not by much. Maybe she was playing it up somewhat to try to impress her (hopefully) future sorority sister, but she had done a lot of babysitting in her time; she'd heard all kinds of horror stories about this sorority, and its hazing, and if this was the worst of it, she was home free. Honesty was the best policy, though sometimes it was okay to bend the truth a little.

It made sense, she supposed... She knew a lot of people tended not to volunteer for things, so making every new member help out at the daycare the sorority ran at least while they were pledging meant they'd be sure to have plenty of workers to begin with, and once they saw what it was like, maybe they'd be more likely to work there afterwards as well. And, to make sure they had all their times covered, they needed as many different people, with as many different class schedules, as they could get.

"Good, good," Janelle nodded. "There is one other thing, though..."

Of course, it couldn't be that easy. Heather was much less enthusiastic about the next part, but it was the only way she was going to make it into the house, so despite some begging and blushing, as she made her way to the daycare for her first shift, she did so in a thick, crinkling diaper and a purple onesie, a pacifier in her mouth.

As soon as they left the changing room, her cheeks were on fire, staring down at the floor as she was guided into the room with the kids - mostly professor's children, though a few locals used the service as well. She could feel the gaze of the other members of the sorority on her, and even knowing that they had gone through this at one time as well didn't do much to soothe her nerves, especially when she looked around at the children and saw that she was dressed more immaturely than any but the very youngest among them, despite obviously being much older.

"It's all right," Janelle tried to reassure her. "It's only for the first week or so, depending on how well you do, and then you get to actually work."

Until then, she was just one of the kids. She wasn't sure what to do at first, as Janelle let go of her hand, looking around the room as she stood there, bow-legged, blushing deeper as she heard the kids giggling, hoping it wasn't about her. There were a few other pledges there, dressed like her, but she didn't feel comfortable going over to them, either, so she found a quiet corner, waddling all the way, and sat.

For a while, she just stayed there, squirming, trying to escape the odd, bulky feeling between her legs, and under her backside, far different from what she was used to. Every now and then, one of the older sorority sisters would wander by to check on her, ask how she was doing, tease her a little... At first, Heather hated it, but, as the morning stretched on, she had to admit, it wasn't so bad. While she normally would have preferred it happening while she wasn't in diapers, the attention was kind of nice... And, despite how unusual the diaper felt, how loud it seemed every time she moved, they did look pretty cute under the onesie, which was quite adorable in and of itself.

Finally, deciding that just sulking all day was only going to make the time go by slower, she decided to play with some of the toys strewn around the room. Janelle had informed her that she wasn't allowed to walk yet - the sorority sisters would decide when, and how much, each pledge got to 'grow up' - so, feeling ridiculous, she got onto her hands and knees, hoisting her well-padded bottom into the air behind her, and crawled over to start playing. 

To her surprise, despite having some of the more advanced toys taken away from her, the blocks and dolls were more entertaining than she would have expected, and before she knew it, it was lunch time. The actual kids had a few choices of food... Her and the other pledges had, unknowingly to her, picked out their lunch when they'd chosen their onesie for the day. Heather hadn't had much of a choice, as the last one to show up that day, so purple had seemed like an easy choice... At least, until now, when the large bowl of purple baby food was plopped down in front of her. 

She wasn't sure pink - ham - would have been much better, but otherwise, she much would have preferred banana or blueberry... Instead, she was faced down with a heaping helping of prune babyfood. The first bite nearly made her gag, and she would have been happy to stop there, but the other sisters refused to let any of the pledges leave until they'd all completely emptied their bowls.... And, as was announced only partway through the endeavor, the last to finish had to have seconds.

Unfortunately, Heather couldn't force the purple goop into her mouth quickly enough to beat anyone else, so as they were taken off to naptime, Janelle brought her out another bowl of it, shrugging apologetically and Heather whimpered, picking her spoon back up. When she finally finished, she got to take a little bit of a nap, and, while she hadn't expected to fall asleep, she did, waking up with a heavy, unpleasant feeling in her tummy.

She was too embarrassed to answer honestly when Janelle asked as she was feeling, leading her back to the play area with the rest of the kids, depositing her into an oversized playpen, but after only a few minutes, Heather realized she didn't have a choice. She tried waving at them, trying to attract one of them over to her so she wouldn't have to shout across the room; they waved back, smiling and chattering to one another, as if Heather was just being a cheerful, happy baby.

"H-Hey," she cried weakly, cheeks reddening, unable to make her voice loud enough to be heard. What else could she do?! She couldn't do this, but if she stood up to climb out of the playpen, she'd be in deep trouble, and... She gasped, wriggling in her seat as she felt something happening beneath her. Oh, no... No! She whimpered, grunting as she felt her innards take over, sending a wave of soft mush into her diaper.

She didn't dare say or do anything else, no longer wanting the sisters to notice her. She couldn't believe it, even though every time she moved, she felt the mess squish around her, every time she tried to lift her bum to try to escape it, a little more pushed out, filling her pants up more and more. She had no idea how she was going to get out of this...

"Do you smell that?" Heather's stomach dropped as she overheard that from the other side of the room, saw the sorority girls spread out and start checking the littlest kids. She knew they were looking for her... She didn't want them, or anyone, to see her like this, but there was no avoiding it... The longer it took, the worse it would be, and it was already bad enough. The sisters were supposed to vote on which of the pledges were ready to grow up and become bigger kids... Were they really going to let her do that now? Or would she be stuck at this 'age' the whole time she was pledging... Or even beyond?

Her only hope was owning up to it, rather than trying to hide it, maybe explaining that it was that awful baby food... She was too humiliated to say it out loud, but, as the sisters came by, she pointed bashfully at her diaper, just hoping that they'd be impressed with her honesty... But, by the look of shock on Janelle's face as she unsnapped her onesie, Heather had a bad feeling the only thing she was impressed by was how infantile she actually was, and how much she needed this daycare, not as a worker, but a client.



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