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It didn't. Sitting only squished the mess already in her diaper between her legs, and very slightly delayed the arrival of more, barely enough to even notice. She gasped, feeling the mush creeping out, spreading across her backside while she sat there, squirming in disgust.

Unfortunately, that was when, as they do, things got worse. As well as not getting a private washing machine, getting a single room also didn't guarantee her a private bathroom. She only had to share with one other person, since the bathroom joined the two rooms together, so it wasn't too bad... Normally. She was also, normally, much better at remembering to lock the door to the other room when she needed privacy.

"Is everything okay?" she heard a voice from the other side. "I heard you say something, and I just wanted to..."

Odette ignored it, too concerned with trying to make her body stop what it was doing, positive that, as usual, she'd locked the door. Even when she heard the knob begin to turn, she thought she was safe, that it would stop... She was wrong. 

"Oh," the girl from the other side said as she stood there, looking almost as shocked as Odette. "I'm sorry, I thought..." Odette watched as the girl sniffed, then wrinkled her nose. "Wait, are you...?"

"N-No! Go away!" Odette blushed, hopping off the toilet to shove the unwelcome companion out the door. As soon as her bum left the seat, rather than stop - like Odette had been trying to make it do - her body pushed all the harder. Helplessly, she felt her body start to squat, the rear of the diaper ballooning out as far as it could with the tights holding it in place, leaving her utterly speechless as she filled her pants to the brim.

"I don't think that's a good idea," the other girl said, shaking her head. "What happened?"

"I... I..." Odette didn't know what to say, how to spin this. She'd been caught in the middle of doing one of the most infantile things imaginable, while dressed like a schoolgirl. "I... like this, okay?" It was the first thing that popped into her head; was it really better than just telling the truth?

To her surprise, the other girl's eyes lit up. "Oh, my God... Really? I can't believe this! Can you believe our luck?!" Odette looked up at her, which urged her to elaborate, "I like diapers, too! Well, seeing other people in them... I never thought I'd meet someone else like me, especially not this close!"

"Y-Yeah, cool," Odette said. "Now, I really need..." She gasped as the girl reached out, pressing a hand to her crotch, pushing against the full diaper.

"Wow, you really did a number on this," she giggled. "I hope you have extras, little girl!"

No matter how hard Odette tried to tell her she could handle it on her own, the girl insisted on 'helping' her, taking her by the hand and pulling her into Odette's room, where she spent a long time oohing and ahhing over the outfits Odette had tossed eveywhere in her search. "I used to have one just like this!" she cooed at one dress.

Odette had to admit, it was nice not to have to clean herself up after what she'd done, even if lying there, feeling somebody else wiping her crotch, was almost embarrassing enough not to make up for the work she'd been saved. When the new diaper was in place, the girl grabbed Odette's uniform and tugged it off, replacing it with the dress she'd been so enamored with earlier.

"That is so stinking cute!" she squealed, taking out her phone and, before Odette could stop her, snapping a picture. "Are you active on any diaper sites? I want to know who to tag in this..."

"No!" Odette reached for the phone. This was absurd! The uniform had been bad enough - the dress didn't even come close to hiding her diaper! She didn't want anyone to see this, much less whoever might be on whatever 'diaper sites' the other girl was talking about.

"Listen, I know this is tough," the girl told her, holding the phone out of her reach, "but you need to accept that this is just a part of who you are... I mean, you have all this already, I can't believe a few pictures would be too much for you. But don't worry... I'm here to help. I'm sure you'll find lots of other babies who want to play with you once they see what a cutie you are. All right, don't tell me... If there's anybody nearby, I'll handle setting up the playdate."

"N-No," Odette shook her head. "I lied! I-I'm not like you, I just... I've been having some accidents lately, but... I don't..."

"I'm sure you have," the girl smiled. "Don't worry, I'm here to look after you now... And little girls who have accidents need their diapers, so I'll have to check in on you and make sure you stay in them. That won't be too hard, though... I totally want to come over every morning and dress you up anyway, with all this great stuff to choose from! And we wouldn't want you leaking all over all these nice big girl clothes you have, would we?" She giggled. "Oh, we're going to have so much fun together..."



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