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The little girl, Claudia, was adorable, and pretty well behaved - though, at that age, you have to expect a few tantrums. I definitely got those, but they really weren't bad, and she loved me, so I could usually get her to behave.

There was one that not even I could convince her to do, however, and that was try potty training. Her parents didn't put too much pressure on me, since they hadn't had any luck, either, but I tried. They'd tried everything - showing her how cute, but mature, real panties were, bribing, begging - and none of it worked. There were packs of Pull-Ups of all different designs, and even Goodnites, to see if she'd prefer something even thinner and more grown-up than the training pants, scattered around, with no more than one or two missing from each pack.

"Are you sure you don't want to be a big girl, like me?" I'd asked Claudia. "It's so much fun! I don't have to sit around in wet pants all day until somebody else has time to change me, I can just go to the potty... There are no leaks, or blow-outs, or any of that! You even have this nice princess potty, so you don't have to go all the way down the hall to the bathroom like I do, so it would be even better for you! Don't you want to be a princess, sitting up on your throne?"

"No," Claudia always told me, simply. I suppose I shouldn't have expected any more of an elaboration on that from a toddler, but no matter what I did to try to reason with her, her answer was the same.

I didn't get it... Though, to be fair, even when I had babysat in my younger days, it had never been for someone in the midst of potty training; they were either too young, or already done. I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to stay in diapers, of all things... It just seemed so strange, so gross... I'd heard parents in the past complain about how difficult some kids were to train, but I'd always assumed it was because they had a hard time recognizing when exactly they had to go, not that they just didn't want to get out of diapers.

As I watched Claudia more and more, however, trying to figure out how to get through to her, I have to admit... I started to see the appeal. It didn't matter where she was, or what she was doing, she could just let go, without a care in the world. She didn't have to stop playing, or ask me to pause her video, she could just use her diaper and go about her day. Of course, she wasn't the one who had to worry about the consequences if she did leak, or anything like that, but still, ignoring that possibility, the more I thought about it, the more I realized she had it made.

Finally, one day, after putting her down for a nap, my curiosity got the better of me. I had no idea how large any of the variety of disposable undergarments around the house were, so I went with a Goodnite, figuring that would be the biggest. I snuck it out of her room, stripped down, slid it up my hips, surprised at how well it fit... And, even more, at how comfortable it felt.

I hadn't planned on keeping it on for long, but once it was there, I didn't want to take it off. I sat on the couch, then on the floor, in front of the TV, with Claudia's toys, all the places she usually went, finding myself more and more convinced of her point of view, that potty training was a waste of her time.

Then, as the end of naptime drew near, I did the unthinkable... It just seemed like such a waste, taking it off now; I hadn't even gotten the full experience! I wasn't sure if the Goodnite could handle it, so I went to Claudia's playpen - she was too old for it, really, but she still liked to put her stuffed animals in it sometimes, and, more importantly, it still had a plastic sheet at the bottom, just in case - and climbed in.

It wasn't until I was standing there, in just a Goodnite and socks, straining to try to force my bladder to let go, that the full absurdity of the situation struck me. What was I doing?! I was an adult... I shouldn't care what it felt like to wet a Goodnite... I should be happy I could just use a toilet instead!

I grabbed the sides of the garment, preparing to rip it off, throw it away, forget about all this, but something made me stop. I'd come this far... Silly as it was, why not just take it a little further? What could it hurt? If I didn't, my curiosity would just remain there, in the back of my head, and I'd probably wind up back here in a week or two... I might as well get it over with, so I would know for sure... Right?



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