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I suppose it was a valuable lesson to learn, even if the price was literally wetting my bed while I crouched there, unable to stop myself once I'd started. I'd already planned on doing laundry to wash the diaper anyway, so it wasn't a huge deal, though it just added to the whole humiliation of the situation.... Not that that was a bad thing...

Cloth diapers weren't quite as economical as I'd hoped, though, and they were far less convenient than disposables. Was I really going to run the washing machine every time I used it? That would limit my play time to whenever the parents would be gone for long enough to use the diaper, then get it into a load of laundry... And, since laundry wasn't my favorite thing, me suddenly doing it much more often, if they got home before I could get it washed and dried and back in my room was sure to raise some questions, too. It would be much easier to throw a disposable away than deal with that every time.

That didn't change the fact that the disposables were more expensive, unfortunately, and I'd already spent as much as I dared for the time being on my cloth one. I was a bit disappointed, until, one day, after putting Claudia down for her nap, I turned back to her changing table, looking at the diapers stacked there. I'd seen them a million times, put her into them just as many... But I'd never thought of this.

Probably because it seemed to crazy to work, although it was one of her Goodnites that had started all of this. That had fit perfectly... There was a chance that her diapers would, too. Glancing over my shoulder to make sure Claudia was out, I snatched one of them off the table and scurried out to the living room to give it a try. To my shock, they fit, with just a little stretching for the sides.

I sat there for a moment, shocked, a smile slowly expanding across my face. I was wearing the exact same diapers as Claudia... And there were plenty of them here! I wanted nothing more than to stuff a bunch of them into my purse to take home with me, but, luckily, I stopped myself, thinking about it for a moment. Sure, Claudia went through quite a few... If I started taking them, too, however, her parents would probably notice that her usage had increased even further and get suspicious, especially if they saw that her diaper pail wasn't getting significantly more full as well.

That was going to be a problem, especially since I knew I wasn't going to be able to throw away all my diapers in Claudia's pail, since there was no way she wouldn't notice that and start asking questions. Maybe I could have asked her parents outright... Maybe they would have understood... But it seemed like a much better idea for them to come up with the idea themselves.

I already had this diaper on, so it would have been silly not to use it - and, spurring me to set my plan in motion even further, it didn't leak - but after that, I started wearing Goodnites. I took a handful home as well, to get the package looking emptier quicker, and so I could wear them at home, or out to the movies with friends, and even in to work a couple days. It was always a strange feeling, walking into the house, already in my 'protection', wondering if anyone noticed as they bustled around, getting ready to head out to their own jobs. 

They really weren't bad at all, and much cheaper than adult diapers. After a week or so, I stopped taking them from Claudia and began buying my own, wearing them more and more often, almost forgetting about my plan... Until that day...



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