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An anonymous caption commission. Photo manipulation by DiaperedXtreme.

"This seems like a bad idea..." Jessa grumbled, staring out at the old, dilapidated building. 

"No, it's perfect," Corey told her from the front seat, again, as if repeating it would make it true, as he adjusted his ascot. "We have the costumes, it's Halloween... Why wouldn't we take advantage of it? Don't worry, I'm sure any ghosts that are in here are just some creepy old dudes in masks."

"That doesn't sound much better," Jessa pointed out. "Besides, ghosts aren't what I'm worried about... What if this place's floor is rotted out? It would take forever for somebody to find us out here if we all fell..."

"Well, trick or treating is over, and all the good parties were this weekend," Whitney rolled her eyes. "What else are we supposed to do?"

Jessa would have said they could simply go back to the dorms and get some sleep for classes the next day, but it was pretty clear that wasn't an option. Besides, that would just make her look more like the nerdy killjoy, which had already landed her with the Velma costume instead of the Daphne one, she was sure... Though Whitney was taller, so that probably helped, too.

"What about you, Norville?" she turned to the guy in the back seat with her, in a Shaggy costume. "Do you think this is a good idea?"

"Are you going to give me a Scooby snack?" he asked, eyeing her in a way that made Jessa pretty certain he was high, and that she didn't want to know what he meant. "Nah, I guess it's cool. Whatever."

"Fine," Jessa conceded. "If we all die, it isn't my fault..."

They climbed out of the car, heading towards the building. Jessa didn't even realize she was still clutching her prop magnifying glass until they were almost at the door, as if she was actually going to use that in here, and by then she wasn't about to turn back and look like she was scared. She was, a little, but she didn't want anyone else to see that...

"We'd better split up," Corey smirked, hand on the doorknob. "Whitney, you come with me, we check the right side... Norville and Jessa, you look at the other one..."

"The left?" Jessa rolled her eyes. She should have known this was just an excuse for those two to make out... Why couldn't they have done this on their own, and left her out of it? "Fine, let's go..." 

She almost hoped the door wouldn't open - though that probably would have meant she'd have to crawl in through one of the broken windows instead, in her short skirt, so that wasn't much better - but instead, it nearly fell off its hinges as soon as Corey gave it a push. The four looked at one another, then stepped inside, splitting into pairs to 'investigate'.

Jessa stepped into the nearest room, looking around. "So, what was this place, anyway?" she asked. She was from a few hours away, just here for college... Norville lived in town, so if anyone knew the actual history of this building, it would be him.

"It used to be, like, a clinic of some kind, I think," he shrugged. "Then it closed down for a while, and then it reopened as something... I can't quite remember what..."

"A daycare?" Jessa suggested, as she opened another door, finding a room filled with cribs, somehow looking far cleaner and newer than the entryway, or the room they were standing in.

"Yeah, that sounds right," Norville nodded. "Have you heard this before?"

"No, I just looked in here," she gestured into the doorway.

"I guess that could have been a daycare room," Norville shrugged. Jessa frowned... Was he joking? It was hard to tell with him sometimes... "Anyway, the owner died here, and supposedly she still haunts this place... You know, usual small town ghost story..."

"Which owner?" Jessa shut the door into the next room nervously, pretty sure she already knew the answer.

As if to confirm her suspicions, off in the distance, she could have sworn she heard a voice, calling out, "Naptime!" She froze, staring towards it, heart pounding... Something felt strange, different, not right... 

"I think it was the daycare one? Yeah, that was it... There's some legend, where if more than one person enters, she claims one of them as her own, to take care of forever... I don't remember what it was... The most scared, maybe?" Norville scratched his scraggly beard thoughtfully.

"W-Well, I'm not scared!" Jessa declared, shifting her weight uncomfortably, still trying to place what had changed, what was making her feel this way.

"Nah, that wasn't it," Norville corrected himself. "It was something else, like... The smallest one, maybe? Because they were closest to the kids she took care of? I don't know, it was just some silly story anyway... Hey, were you always wearing that? I don't remember that from the show?"

Jessa wrinkled her forehead in confusion, then followed Norville's gaze down to her skirt, her cheeks heating up quickly at what she saw there. She spun around, gasping as she saw the door open - she'd just closed it, hadn't she? - and then again as somebody stepped in front of it. She was tall, stern looking, and very, very pale... Almost see-through...

Jessa let out a scream, only for it to stop partway through as something - a pacifier, she realized, a moment later - was shoved into her open mouth. Her arm felt cold as the woman's hand closed around it as she tried to turn, to run... Before she could do either, she was yanked into the other room, door slamming shut behind her, closing out the confused shouts of Norville. 

She almost wondered what exactly he'd seen, if the ghost had been visible to him, since he hadn't been able to see the cribs before, then she realized it really didn't matter. "Such a naughty girl," the ghost told her, grinning as it lifted her into one of those cribs, definitely very real, very solid, very tall, much too tall for her to climb out of... "Playing when I told you it was naptime... Such a silly girl... I'll have to keep a very close eye on you, won't I?" The ghost plucked the magnifying glass Jessa had forgotten all about out of her hand, then glided away, over to the door. 

Just as Jessa had suspected, as she opened it, the room on the other side wasn't what she'd just been standing in - an empty, graffitied mess - but a brightly painted playroom, with plenty of toys scattered around, including all around a large chest that the ghost walked to, placing the magnifying glass inside. There was no sign of Norville, or any of her other friends there... Even though she'd been wide awake a moment earlier, she felt herself drifting off to sleep anyway, no matter how hard she tried to keep her eyes open, her diaper - which felt strangely warm, which made it feel oddly comforting, since otherwise she felt quite chilly here - crinkling softly as she curled up in her crib.



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