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"Oh, this can't be happening!" Beatrice whined, squirming in her seat. Even after just one full day in diapers, it was strange, being back in regular panties... Especially when, underneath them, she was pretty sure she had a case of diaper rash, a reminder of her strange day and night. It wasn't all that bad, really, just humiliating, knowing what it was, and hoping that nobody at the party noticed the way she was sure to be squirming.

She was far too busy today to deal with that... She hadn't gotten any decorating done the day before, since she'd obviously been occupied with other things - once she'd done all the bears had asked of her, she'd been too tired to do anything other than take a shower and go to sleep - so she was going to have to get that done today, as well as decide on a costume. There was no way she was going to be a teddy bear now, not after all that...

Thankfully, she had most of the day to take care of everything, since she'd scheduled the party for later that night, in case any of her clients wanted to go trick or treating, or anything like that. Even so, decorating took longer than she'd expected, since she felt herself getting nervous every time she saw one of the teddy bears - and, considering how many she had, that happened quite a lot. It was weird, seeing them without diapers, and she wasn't sure how she was going to explain that to her clients... Maybe she'd let them diaper them back, claim it was a game, a race to see who could do the most... Surely, the bears wouldn't attack them, and would see that it wasn't her doing it this time and leave her be...

By the time she had everything looking just right, she had her own trick or treaters to deal with. She felt lame, handing out candy without a costume, but there was just no time... It was still nice, seeing all the little kids, trying to guess what they were supposed to be, yet it wasn't the same without being dressed up herself. Every time a new group came by, she wondered if she could copy one of their costumes quickly enough to be ready for the party afterwards, and she came up with a few ideas that way, although she wasn't sure she had everything she'd need for any one of them.

As the stream of kids died down, Bea left her porch light on and the front door unlocked for her partygoers, and retreated to the nursery to search through the dress up clothes she had there. Surely, something would work, and not look so infantile that she'd be embarrassed to wear it...

"It's too late to play," she heard a voice behind her, "it's past your bedtime, young lady!"

Bea whimpered, not wanting to turn around. "No..." she shook her head. "I took your diapers off... I put you back where you belonged... You can't do this!" Yet, that didn't stop the furry paws from closing around her arms, pulling her back towards the changing table.

"You can't make it up to us that easily," one of the bears told her, as others crowded around her, shoving mittens onto her hands, a pacifier into her house, a dress that wouldn't even come close to covering her diapers over her head, and a pair of tiny objects into her backside before putting those diapers on her. "You've only gone through two diapers so far... How many have you made us wear?"

Beatrice gulped behind her pacifier; she had no idea what the answer was, but it was definitely a lot... Were they going to make her stay this way until she'd worn as many as them?! She shook her head, eyes watering, wanting to beg them to wait until after the party at least, not to let her clients see her this way... 

However, as the bears pulled her back into her crib, she realized they'd put shoes on her. They didn't expect her to go to sleep at all... It was like they knew about the party, fully expected her clients to come in and find her this way, only to tease and torment her, maybe make her get out and play the little baby games she'd organized for them herself... She groaned, feeling the suppositories they'd put into her starting to churn in her tummy, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold them for long. She couldn't imagine messing herself at all, much less in front of her clients, then getting changed by one of them, or even one of their Mommies or Daddies, and everyone seeing the telltale signs of diaper rash that they were almost certainly all quite familiar with...

This couldn't be happening, not now, not to her... She tried to squirm free of the teddy bears, holding her there, in the crib, but as soon as she seemed to be making some headway, the ones down below shoved the side up, locking it into place with a click... And, a moment later, as another cramp ravaged her belly, she heard the doorbell chime, and then the front door open...



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