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She only started to regret it when she heard his footsteps outside the door. Frantically, she grabbed for another piece of chalk, getting another regular line written before he got into the room. It was much harder to feel defiant with him in the room, but she set her chalk down, refusing to erase her work, even as she heard him getting closer and closer...

"What is this?!" he demanded. 

"You can't treat me like this," she informed him. "I work here, I'm not a student, and I'm here to tell you that your daughter is an absolute terror, and I was just doing what you told me to do! I didn't know she was your daughter, but she deserves to be punished for the way she acts, and how she treats the other students, and... And I don't give a fuck what you think, that's just the way it is!"

She felt very proud of herself... For a moment. Then, he walked past her, over to her desk, picking up the paddle his daughter had used to spank her a little earlier, setting this whole thing off. Lydia swallowed, watching him walk back towards her, to the other side of her again, hoping it was a bluff, that he wouldn't really spank her, not again...

"When I asked if you were all right with us using spankings here," he said, "I didn't mean just on the students. It was in your contract as well, but nobody pays attention to those; that's why I try to mention it so often, to try to jog my employee's memories, hoping they at least skimmed over that part before signing. I guess you didn't."

Lydia wanted to tell him that wasn't the point, that Tracy was the one who should be punished, not her, that if he thought it was all right to punish his teachers and students alike, he shouldn't make his bratty daughter the only exception. That only made things worse... More than likely, the reason she was turning into such a bully was because she knew she could get away with anything... Her father would always believe her side of the story.

Instead, spurred on by her still throbbing backside, she tried to stand, only to be thwarted by the huge amount of padding between her legs. She fell, then, rather than trying again, wrapped her arms around the principal's leg desperately. "Please, no," she sniffled. "I-I'll be good... I-I'm sorry about what I wrote, please don't spank me again!"

She'd never felt so small, so helpless... Especially when her pleading failed to work, and he began to spank her anyway. Tracy's spanking had been painful, mortifying... And yet, nothing compared to his. Even through the diaper, as she whined and wiggled across his lap, it was far worse; by the time he pulled her diapers down for the last part of the punishment, there was a surprise waiting for him.

"Wet again?" he asked, making her cheeks light up even darker as he examined the wet spot - far larger this time - she'd made in her padding. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised... Tracy always has good instincts about these sorts of things. You are going to be wearing diapers to work from now on, young lady, and reporting to the nurse for regular checks... I'll have her make you up a training chart that you'll have to get perfect before I even consider moving you up to training pants."

She tried to stammer out a reply, but he wasn't nearly finished with her spanking yet; by the time he was, all she could think of was how best to behave herself, so as to ensure she never got one again.



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