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"All right, settle down!" Lydia told her class harshly. Thankfully, they did as they were told... She didn't dare get up to try to make them. The principal hadn't given her anything else to cover her diaper, so she was stuck behind her desk, praying none of her students would come up to her after class for any reason, hoping that, as they whispered to one another, it wasn't her they were talking about, that they hadn't seen her out in the hall...

Of course, while the desk offered her some protection, the chair wasn't much help at all. It had never been particularly comfortable, but today, after two spankings, its hard, wooden seat was even worse than usual. Her diaper provided a little comfort, though not much, as she squirmed and shifted in place, trying to find the least painful position, while, hopefully, not also cluing her students in on what she was wearing by assaulting their ears with a cacophony of crinkling.

She'd tried to stare down at her desk as much as possible during those afternoon classes, not wanting to see her students while she was dressed this way... Unfortunately, that made it very easy to be surprised when she heard Tracy's voice. "What was that?"

Tracy wasn't meant to be there... She only had the girl for one class, in the morning. She glanced up, cheeks heating as she saw Tracy sitting there, smirking, knowing that was the brat responsible for her being in this position. As much as she wanted to berate the girl for being in the wrong class, she didn't have the guts for it, so, instead, she just repeated the word.

"That's an awfully big word," Tracy said, making Lydia wonder if she knew about the other punishments her father had inflicted on her - which she was ignoring, for the sake of teaching. "Can you spell it?" Lydia did so, feeling like she was the one being quizzed. "I didn't quite catch that," Tracy shrugged. "Could you write it on the board?"

Lydia paled; finally, she saw Tracy's game. "I-It's in your book," she said.

"I forgot it," Tracy shrugged... Really, she didn't even have it, since this wasn't her class. 

"I-I'm sure you can borrow one from a neighbor," Lydia told her.

"I don't have my book, either," one of Tracy's little cronies spoke up. "Could you just write it out?"

Lydia fidgeted in her chair, realizing they weren't going to let this go. She sighed, adjusting the flaps of her onesie as she gathered her courage. She'd tried snapping it up, but didn't like the feeling of the fabric pulling her diaper even closer to her, so she'd left them hanging... Maybe they'd hang down enough to keep anyone from seeing what she had underneath... Maybe...

She heard giggling as she stood, tried her best to ignore it, focus on just writing the word so she could shut Tracy up and go sit down again. She saw Tracy getting her phone out, fully expecting the girl to take pictures of her as she wrote, reminded herself that was far from the worst thing the girl had done that day...

Then, she heard her classroom door open. Almost before she could finish turning around, the principal had crossed the room and was standing beside her; she had just enough time to open her mouth before he grabbed her, shoving her down to the floor on her hands and knees, pulling back the flap of her onesie to leave her diaper fully exposed. She gulped, looking back at herself, only to see he had a paddle firmly held in his other hand. At the very sight of it, she felt her bladder release, the soft padding of her diaper start to grow warm and wet as she peed herself, just thinking she might be about to get yet another spanking.

"What do you think you're doing?!" he asked. "I told you, babies like you crawl... That's why I let you have these socks, because you're going to have to get used to getting around on your hands and knees. And what's that word?! Was that in your book?!"

Lydia shook her head fearfully, the rest of her shaking as well. "I-I was try... I was teach..." she grunted in annoyance, realizing just how little she could actually say. 

"If you need to write anything out, that's what this board is for," he told her, showing her the little board he'd brought in for her lines. "I thought I could trust you, but I suppose I'd better stick around and observe your work," he shook his head. "Thanks for the head's up, Tracy."

Lydia watched as he walked over to her desk, paddle resting on one knee. She gulped, feeling especially self-conscious as the center of attention, now that her diaper was soaked, meaning her eventual release from the infantile things was that much further off, knowing she now really had to follow all the principal's stupid rules... All because of his awful bully of a daughter.



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