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"Come on, live a little!"

It was a refrain Kelsey had heard many times, especially over the past year. She'd always been a good student, and a good girl... And now, not even halfway through her senior year, she'd already gotten an early acceptance letter from her college of choice, she was cruising through all her class, like usual, and, at last, she felt like she had time to just relax. It was probably her last chance, too, since she knew college was going to be much tougher than high school ever was.

She'd had friends, but mostly just other kids from the various clubs she'd been in previous years, and she mostly hung out with them at official meetings. This year, she'd told her parents that she wouldn't have time for all that, with college prep, though really she just didn't want to have to put up with all of it anymore - and why bother? Her extracurriculars were already well-stocked, and clearly good enough to get her into whatever school she wanted.

So she'd started making new friends. Senior year was pretty late, since most everyone else had their own little groups formed and solidified by then, but eventually, she'd managed to break into one. She'd always thought of them as the 'bad kids', always sitting off by themselves in the cafeteria, or sneaking out of classes... Normally, she wouldn't have even considered hanging out with them, yet, now, she almost felt like it was her duty, like she should see what it was like to be them.

They'd encouraged her to try all sorts of new things, and she'd enjoyed most of them, much to her surprise. She was still new, though, still felt like she had to prove herself, which helped them push her into some stuff she normally would have said no to... Like roaming the streets on Halloween, in a cheap, slutty witch costume she'd bought at a drug store because it was the only thing she could find in her size and they insisted they all had to dress up somehow, looking to cause some light mayhem.

She was expecting some egging, or some TPing, something like that... She'd seen that sort of thing in the movies, and she could definitely imagine it being very satisfying, even if she'd never have done it herself. Their first stop, however, was at the end of a long driveway, with a pair of cheery, smiley-faced jack-o-lanterns sitting on either side.

"Smash them," she'd been told. When she'd protested, they told her, "It doesn't matter... They're just going to throw them out tomorrow morning, anyway. We might as well have some fun now. Live a little!"

And, against her better judgement, she did. Her friends chuckled as she gingerly bent down, taking out the battery-operated candle and setting it to the side, before stomping the pumpkin, feeling strong and powerful as it splintered below her foot, collapsing in on itself and breaking into pieces as she brought her foot down again and again... 

She was so into it, in fact, that she didn't notice the door of the house open, didn't think anything was wrong until her friends began to scatter, one shouting, "Get out of there, Kelsey!"

But when Kelsey tried to do just that, her foot refused to move. She frowned, thinking that, somehow, her foot had gotten stuck in the pumpkin... That seemed impossible, since it was basically flat at that point, yet there didn't seem to be any other explanation. She gulped, trying desperately to yank herself free as the owner of the house grew closer and closer, quite slowly, since she was an older woman.

"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" she demanded.

"I-I just... I was..." Kelsey's mind raced, for once utterly devoid of the correct answer.

"Halloween isn't over!" the woman told her. "I still need my jack-o-lanterns tonight... How dare you do this?! Did you think it was funny?" Despite herself, Kelsey found herself nodding honestly. "Only a silly child would be amused by this!" the woman raged. "Is that what you are?!"

Kelsey wanted to tell the woman that she was an adult, that she was already eighteen, already accepted into her college, but when she tried to open her mouth, she realized something was in there, blocking her from speaking. She also noticed something else, under the short skirt of her witch's costume. She frowned and fidgeted, hearing a strange crinkling noise, feeling her thighs being pushed apart, even as they slid easily across something that was definitely not her panties.

"Well, there's no fixing this," the woman shook her head. "I still need another jack-o-lantern... So I guess it's going to be you." Kelsey gave the woman a strange look, before noticing a draft even further up her legs than before. She looked down at herself, cheeks reddening as she saw her witch's dress had somehow been replaced by a jack-o-lantern costume, one that barely reached past her waist... Which made the diaper that she was somehow wearing underneath very, very visible.

"You're going to stand out here in front of my house for the rest of the night," the woman informed her. "I don't care who comes by, or who sees you... If you step one foot off of my property, I'll hollow your memories out, just like I hollowed out those pumpkins, and you'll be needing those for much longer than just tonight." Kelsey scoffed as the woman pointed at her diaper, before realizing, to her horror, that they felt different, heavier, warmer... Was she peeing in them?! "And don't you dare let anyone else hurt my other pumpkin, either, or you'll regret it! Oh, and you might as well use that broom to clean up the mess you made."

With that, the woman hobbled back towards her house. Kelsey whimpered, a hand brushing worriedly against her diaper, gulping as she felt what definitely seemed like a wet spot. She wanted nothing more than to run away from here, find somewhere to hide... If the woman couldn't find her, she couldn't do anything to her... Right? And yet, somehow, she'd already done all this... Kelsey was a smart girl, she knew magic wasn't real... But she didn't want to risk it, either. She would just have to hope that trick or treating was almost over... And that her friends didn't come back to check on her when they saw she hadn't caught up with them... This night was already going to be long enough without anyone witnessing it.



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