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A caption commission for Maiya Jessica Wright. Picture property of Otona Omutsu

"This isn't some porn shoot, is it?" Mari fretted again as she looked down at the costume she'd been given.

"No, no, of course not," the photographer promised. "You'll be fully clothed for every shot... You're perfectly safe."

Mari hoped so... She'd felt suspicious of this modelling job ever since she'd seen the posting for it, read how much they were paying for such a short period of time. It had taken them a while, and quite a few pictures of her, before they approved her, and it had taken her almost as long to build up the courage to ask the question the first time, though, after that, she was sure she'd asked it much too often, and they were probably getting tired of it by now. They had to expect that, however, considering they refused to tell her what company this was for.

On the other hand, it was hard not to wonder about that, especially after seeing the clothes she'd been handed. She'd never been given specific panties to wear before, although she'd also never been expected to wear a dress this short; at first, she'd been certain it was a shirt instead, but there were no pants, or even shorts, to go under it. There was every chance, if she wasn't careful, that her underwear would be visible, that somebody might be able to see Cinderella on them in some of the photos.

"All right," Mari replied skeptically, heading off to her dressing room, checking it for hidden cameras before changing into the outfit. She almost felt bad for being so suspicious, since everybody had been quite nice so far, and not sketchy or creepy at all, but this whole thing felt too good to be true...

Finally, after gathering the courage to step back out of the dressing room in her costume, walking carefully to try to keep from flashing anybody, she was led to the set. It was very nicely built, looking just like a little girl's bedroom, but that made her even more nervous, especially once the photographer started snapped candid shots of her looking around.

"Umm... What should I do?" she asked, refraining from asking the question again. There wasn't much else she could do, anyway, at this point... She was already there, in costume... She needed the money... She could only hope that they'd been telling her the truth all this time. Even if they weren't, she'd had to sign paper after paper before starting the shoot today, so anything they'd already shot of her they could already use.

"Sit down on the bed," the photographer instructed. "Pick up that journal and write in it."

Mari did as she was told, perching as carefully as possible on the edge of the bed, hoping the dress was long enough as she flipped through the journal. Like everything else, it was an impeccably made prop, and there was quite a bit of writing she had to turn past to get to a blank page. She didn't want to waste anybody's time - or stay here longer than she had to - so she didn't read much, but she noticed 'It happened again' at the start of a lot of passages. It seemed strange, ominous... She certainly couldn't bring herself to write that herself, once she got to an empty page. She wasn't sure what to write, in fact, so she just scribbled for a few seconds, until she'd heard the camera go off a few times, then set the diary back down.

"Look around the room," the photographer told her; an easy order to follow, as she was sure she would have loved this place years ago. Obviously, she was much too old for it now, but back when she was a kid, this was exactly the room she would have wanted. "Look under the bed."

That was a little weirder, especially since, with how low the bed was, it meant Mari would have to get down on her hands and knees. She hesitated, chewing on her bottom lip - which, to her surprise, the photographer also took some pictures of - before lowering herself to the floor. She was still clothed, after all... She flinched each time she heard the camera click behind her as she bent forward, positive it had to be seeing her panties... She was so concerned with that, she barely paid any attention to the package in front of her, under the bed, even after the photographer told her to bring it out.

She looked closer then, her cheeks starting to redden under the bed, although she didn't want to stay in her current position, either, so, feeling flustered, she grabbed the package, hugging it to her chest, and stood as quickly as she could, not noticing that, in her rush, she'd caught the hem of her dress as well.

"Lower your hands a little," the photographer said. "We need to see the logo."

"Wh-why?" Mari gulped, even though - or, rather, mostly because - she was pretty sure she knew the answer.

"We can't sell the product if you can't tell what it is."

Mari gulped, not daring to look down at the package. "A-Am I selling diapers?"

"You aren't just selling them... You're the new face of them!" the photographer told her, sounding far more excited about it than Mari felt. "They're doing a complete rebranding... You're going to be in ads, on billboards, on the package... Whenever anybody thinks about our brand, they're going to think of you! Now, let's try a few with your dress down... It's cute, but it might be a little too risque for some magazines."

Mari gasped, blushing deeper as she realized how she'd been standing all that time, childish underwear on display, clutching a package of diapers as if she was about to put one on for bed... Which, after these ads came out, everyone was going to think she did! She could just imagine herself at a convenience store, with some little kid who needed them looking from the package in their parent's cart to her, recognizing her, thinking she had the same problem as them...

"Great! Now, let's get you back to your dressing room to put one on... Do you need any help?"

Mari shook her head vehemently. "No! I'm not gonna wear that! I won't!" She threw the package onto the floor, then started to stomp her feet. "I'm not a baby! I won't wear your dumb diapers!" 

She was so angry, she didn't even hear the photographer still taking pictures, couldn't register the sound until afterwards, when she was told, "Nice ad lib... We'll say that's you being asked to wear any other brand. Now, go get changed."

Mari gulped, looking around at the rest of the crew, realizing she had no choice. She'd already signed the papers, after all, and agreed to this... Like it or not, she was the new face of this diaper brand. Sniffling, defeated, she picked the package up off the floor and trudged back to the dressing room, telling herself, 'At least it isn't porn...'




Not Porn. I Love that title. It needs many sequels. Not Porn 2, The Porn Strikes Back. Not Porn 3, The Pornening.