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Clair kept it up for a little while, coming up with ridiculous answers to her own questions for a growing crowd until finally, her mind started to go blank. "Well, say bye-bye to all the nice people!" she exclaimed, moving the planchette over to 'No'. "Now, now, be good," she said. "I'm just a kid, so it's time for me to go to bed... I'd hate to leave a ghost loose in my party!" She wiggled her fingers spookily, giggling herself at how stupid she knew it all was.

"All right, off you go, and I'll go get in bed like a good little girl," she winked at her partygoers, pushing the planchette over to 'Goodbye' and standing up at last. "Now, let's really get this party started!" she yelled.

Or, rather, that's what she planned to say. She was sure that's what she'd been going to say, yet, instead, the words that came out of her mouth were, "I'd better go get ready!" Even more confusing was her body starting to move through the living room, back towards her bedroom... She was a little drunk, sure, but she didn't feel like she was in control at all, somehow...

"H-Hey..." she whimpered, feeling even more concerned when she tried to stop herself, to no avail. "What the hell?!" But none of those words actually escaped her mouth as she marched into her room, closing the door and stripping out of her underwear, tossing it aside before walking over to her bed, where something white was sitting. 

She didn't recognize it at first, or even after picking it up, not until her hands began to unfold it, and she realized that, on the other side of the plastic she felt when touching it was soft, thick padding, just like you'd get in... "A diaper?!" she frowned. "Why is there..?"

Of course, far more worrying than there being a diaper in her room was her own hands putting that same diaper onto herself. She tried to stop herself, to just stop, but her body seemed to have a mind of its own, and that mind was in total control, while her own was just along for the ride. She wasn't even sure that she would have known how to put this thing on herself, and yet her hands quite easily and efficiently pulled it up around her waist and taped it snugly in place.

She gulped, looking down at herself. Not only did the thing feel strange, bulging out between her thighs, rustling with every little movement, it was also quite obvious beneath the short skirt of her costume. There was no way she could go back out to her party like this... 

And yet, that was exactly what her feet seemed to be making her do, right after she plucked her stuffed rabbit off her bed. Unlike the diaper, that had been there before, though she also didn't particularly want anyone to see that, either... She'd just forgotten to shove it into the closet, like she usually did.

Her heart beat faster as faster as she approached her bedroom door, the diaper giving her a definite, recognizable waddle that made what she was wearing even more obvious, and the thought of actually leaving this room, looking this way, even more terrifying. She tried her hardest to stop her hand as it wrapped around the doorknob and began to turn it, the door slowly but surely creaking open. 

Thankfully, her feet didn't move out of the door, just left her standing there, staring out at the party going on just a short hallway's length away from her. Was it over? Was she safe? Just when she thought it was possible, she yelled loudly, "I'm all ready for bed now! Does anybody want to tuck me in?!" before returning to her bed, sitting down, her skirt flipping up in the process to leave her diaper almost completely exposed as she sat, waiting, with her bunny.



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