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And here it is! A sequel to last month's caption commission from an anonymous Patron. Picture property of ABDreams

"No, I wanna play!" Amanda wailed, stomping her foot. Lucy turned to her, exasperated, wishing she could explain to her sister that she was trying to help them, to find a way out of here, but the pacifier strapped into her mouth kept her silent.

She wasn't sure how far she would have gotten anyway... She didn't see any windows in this room, any way out other than the door she'd come in, which she had no doubt was locked, and looked quite strong. She had been right about the window being a two-way mirror, not that it did her any good on the other side; she couldn't bear to look at it, seeing herself sitting there, diapered and pacified like a helpless infant, knowing the woman who had put her in all this could be watching.

Lucy turned away from it, back towards her sister, who was chattering happily now that Amanda had sat back down, telling her all about the different stuffed animals and their relationships to each other, which of them were friends, and which couldn't sit next to each other during tea parties without fighting... Lucy gulped as she noticed a lumpy bulge in the crotch of the girl's diaper, once she hadn't noticed earlier. A sniff of the air confirmed just what it was, to Lucy's disgust... Did Amanda even know it had happened, that she was sitting in her own mess? Did she even care?!

Lucy frowned as she shifted her own weight, trying to get used to the fluffy bulk between her legs, which, she realized only then felt different than before, a bit squishier in one spot, and warm, though that was fading quickly. She looked down, whimpering behind her pacifier as she found a wet spot staring back at her. Without thinking, she pawed at it, as if she could erase it, make it go away.

Amanda giggled. "You went pee-pee already! You're such a baby!" Lucy sulked, her immediate response of pointing out that Amanda was poopy stopped only by her inability to speak at the moment, though it would have been a pretty immature thing to say, so, once she had a second to think about it - which took far longer than seemed normal - she was glad. 

How could this be happened?! They were both in various stages of their twenties, yet here they both were, sitting on the floor of a nursery in used diapers, that infernal tune playing over and over through the speakers, making it harder and harder for Lucy to form a coherent thought.

"Oh, look at you," the woman cooed as she stepped back into the room. "Such a big helper!" 

Amanda hopped to her feet, giggling and nodding. "Uh-huh! I knew it was almost snack time, so I put a bib on her!"

Lucy wanted to tattle, to point out she'd done that a long time ago, but not only was her mouth full of pacifier, she had no idea how long it had been. It felt like a few minutes, and yet, as she wiggled on the floor, her diaper felt much wetter than it had before, and far cooler.

"Thank you so much, Amanda," the woman beamed, patting the back of the girl's diaper. "Why don't we get you a change first?"

To Lucy's surprise, despite the mess she knew was in the girl's pants, she almost looked disappointed at that. "Okay..." she agreed begrudgingly, climbing up onto the changing table for a fresh diaper.

"What about you?" the woman asked, bending over and pressing Lucy's diaper. The girl squealed, trying to squirm away, but she was too late. "You're quite the fountain, aren't you? Well, come on, then..." Lucy stared at the changing table, then over at her sister, and the woman, trying furiously to recall how to move like them, just up on her legs, instead of on all fours... It seemed so hard, so complicated... 

Amanda giggled as Lucy started to crawl over to the changing table, reminding her sister that this wasn't normal, bringing a fresh warmth to her cheeks as she was cleaned up, put into a dry diaper. "You're even quicker than your sister," the woman told her, unstrapping the restraints from her ankles and wrists. 

Lucy nodded, giving Amanda a glare. She was the big sister, after all... She should be better than Amanda! Proudly, she crawled over to the high chair, let the woman help her into it. There was a big bowl of yellow much waiting for her there, and something sitting beside it, a pink stick that widened out at one end... Lucy was sure she should know what it was, yet the word was escaping her every time she attempted to think of it...

"Can I help?" Amanda asked.

"You have your own snack," the woman reminded her, handing her a bowl of cut up pieces of banana. "Do you want a high chair, too?"

Amanda shook her head. "No, I'm a big girl!" she insisted, plopping down on her diaper to gobble up her banana. Lucy stared at her own bowl, and up at the woman, knowing, in her gut, that something was wrong.

The woman undid Lucy's pacifier and instructed, "Eat up!"

Lucy tried to say no, to tell the woman that she didn't belong here... But, it turned out, saying all those words, like her and Amanda could do, was a lot harder than she thought. Amanda giggled from the floor, making Lucy pout and kick her feet helplessly in her high chair.

"Don't you want to be a big girl like your sister and eat?" the woman asked. Lucy nodded reluctantly, staring down at Amanda... She was a big girl, just like her... No, even more than her! She'd show them! She grabbed for the stuff in the bowl, grabbing a handful and clumsily shoving it into her mouth, getting most of it inside, though a good bit still smeared across her face and dripped down, half on her bib, half on her shirt. It was banana, too, just like Amanda had, except mashed up.

She'd show them all! She was the big girl here! She shovelled the goo into her mouth, mostly, concentrating only on that, on proving how she wasn't a baby at all, because she could eat way faster than stupid Amanda, and... She paused slightly as she felt something in her tummy, but ignored it, fidgeting slightly in her seat, barely noticing a thick, warm mass begin sliding out into her diaper, spreading out all across her bottom, not until she had finished and dropped her bowl onto the high chair's tray proudly.

She frowned, having expected to be instantly praised for eating so quickly, only for reality to sink in for a brief moment... Her whole front was covered in banana mush, her backside covered in a totally different kind, inescapable no matter how she tried to shift her weight and squirm away. She stared down at her sister, the awful, humiliating gravity of the situation settling over her...

"What a mess!" the woman laughed. "You finish your snack, Amanda, I'll get her cleaned up." Lucy let herself get stripped and scrubbed with baby wipes, not even thinking twice when the only thing that was put back on her was another diaper. "Good girl," the woman complimented Amanda, picking up her empty bowl while Lucy crawled beside her. "Now, play nicely with your sister for a little while, and then it's going to be time for her to go to sleep.... She's littler than you, so you have to be a good helper and be gentle with her, okay?" 

Amanda nodded eagerly, guiding her sweet, compliant little sister over to a play mat. She was such a cute little baby... But even Amada had to admit, sometimes she could be a real spoiled brat.



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