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A caption commission from an anonymous Patron. Stay tuned next month, when there just might be a sequel... Pictures property of ABDreams

"Please?" Lucy could practically see her little sister, Amanda's, face, that pout she always had when she was begging for something, even through the phone. It was a bit easier to resist without actually being in the same place in person... But just a bit. Amanda was the baby of the family, and Lucy had to admit that, sometimes, she could be a real a spoiled brat, although Lucy knew she had to take some of the blame for that. Sure, she could claim it was only because her parents made her... That wouldn't be entirely truthful, however. Amanda was enough younger than her, and cute enough, to make her want to spoil her anyway.

"Are you having car trouble?" Lucy asked. Amanda had the worst luck with her automobiles, not helped at all by the fact that she never took the time to care for them.

"I don't know," Amanda whined; from Lucy's experience, that meant 'yes'. "Just come get me!"

"When do you get off?" Lucy sighed. Why bother drawing it out any further? It didn't matter what had gotten the girl in that position... Clearly, what she needed, and wanted, was a ride, and if her big sister didn't give it to her, she'd never hear the end of it. Never mind that she'd probably have to leave work early herself, and risk getting into trouble, even if she did claim it was a family 'emergency'...

There was a pause on the other end of the line before Amanda declared, "When the little hand is at the bottom, and the big hand is on the top."

Lucy was confused for a moment, then shook her head. She'd joked with her friends, who all knew how much of a brat Amanda could be, how well she must be fitting in at her job at the daycare, since the kids she was taking care of were probably about as mature as she was... Spending all day talking to mostly children must have been getting to her even more than Lucy had expected. "All right, I might be a little late, but I'll be there." Lucy hung up before she could hear Amanda complain about that - she didn't like waiting - and immediately began writing an e-mail to her boss.

A couple hours later, Lucy pulled into the parking lot of the daycare, surprised at how few cars she saw in the parking lot. The place was new, but she would have expected them to have more clients than this... She pulled in next to Amanda's car, taking a look at it to make sure her sister hadn't been in a wreck or anything that she'd been too embarrassed to tell her about. 

The car looked fine, though that didn't rule out an issue under the hood. Lucy was sure it was something simple, something that would have taken a mechanic five minutes to take care of if Amanda had just taken it in when she first started having trouble. She sighed and headed towards the front door, surprised when a young woman, not much older than her, answered almost before she'd finished knocking.

"Hi," Lucy smiled. "I'm here to, uh, pick up Amanda..." She chuckled to herself, imagining she was actually picking her sister up from here not as a worker, but as one of the kids. It probably wouldn't be much different...

"Of course!" the woman stepped aside. "Come on in... You must be her sister?" Lucy nodded. "We just love Amanda here... She's fitting in so well!" Lucy could only bob her head again, afraid that her little fantasy - which was only amplified by the woman's words - would make her laugh out loud if she opened her mouth, and she didn't want to have to explain it. "There she is!"

The woman gestured towards a large window in the middle of the hall, looking into one of the daycare's rooms. Lucy guessed it was two-way mirror, so parents could observe their kids, make sure they were being cared for properly without distracting them... Then again, she also would have expected to see Amanda there, looking after the last couple of stragglers, or maybe cleaning up for the day.

Instead, her sister was there, on her hands and knees, happily playing with blocks, dressed in a pink shirt and a large, puffy diaper. It was only after seeing her that Lucy recognized how large the furniture in the room must be... Amanda was small, sure, but she would have fit into any of it, easily. As would Lucy, herself...

"Hey, what is..?" Lucy turned to the woman, confused, only to feel a prick at the side of her neck. She turned to look at it just in time to catch a glimpse of a needle being pulled away and slipped into a pocket. "What do you think you're..?!" Lucy saw the woman rummaging in her pocket for a moment, then a gentle, tinkling song began playing in the hall. Instantly, her mind began to spin, confusing her, making it all too easy for the woman to take her hand and guide her into the nursery room.

"Lucy!" Amanda giggled, running up to them as soon as she stepped inside. "You're here!"

"Hold on a second, sweetie," the woman told her, reaching in her pocket again. Lucy heard the music in the hallway stop, but it was still going in the room itself as she was pulled over to a large changing table.

"Let me go!" Lucy demanded, shaking her head, trying to jostle her mind into its regular, working state again. "I don't know who you think you are, but.. umph!" She gasped as a pacifier was shoved into her mouth and strapped into place, and then she was pushed onto the changing table unceremoniously. Her wrists and ankles were buckled into place, and the woman took out a pair of scissors, cutting away Lucy's pants and underwear while she thrashed and mumbled a muffled protest.

"Don't you worry," the woman grinned down at her. "If you're anything like your sister, you'll fit in here in no time at all..." Lucy gulped as her crotch was pushed upwards, then laid back down on a thick, crinkly diaper. She immediately tried to lift her back up off of it, but the woman was too experienced for that, gently pushing her back into place while grabbing a bottle of baby oil in the other hand, massaging it into Lucy's flesh before taping her snugly into her padded prison.

The woman unfastened her from the table, though the cuffs stayed in place, making it all the easier for her to be restrained later. "Don't worry," the woman told her, "I'm sure you won't need those for long... Now, you two play nicely."

Lucy watched the woman go, then hurried over to her sister, trying to ask her if she was okay, what had happened... For a moment, Amanda looked serious, giving Lucy hope that she was going to help her plan a way out of here... Then, she turned, grabbed a bib, and began to fasten it around Lucy's neck. "That's better!" she giggled, while her older sister looked on, mortified, hope starting to fade.



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