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The 'fun' didn't stop there... Isla had her go to the room's closet, where Cheshire, her stomach already starting to cramp, found a package of adult diapers, and a pair of footed pajamas, which she had to put on herself before being told to sit down on the floor and look up at Isla.

"What's my name?" Isla asked.

Cheshire was confused, although she felt quite pleased that she could so easily answer, "Isla!", hoping that would make the girl proud.

"Good girl," Isla patted her on the head. "From now on, whenever you, or anyone else says that, you're going to wet yourself. Understand?" Cheshire gulped, her eyes widening as her head bobbed acknowledgement. "And you aren't going to realize why it's happening... What's my name?"

"Isla," Cheshire blurted out again, whimpering as, instantly, she felt a warm stream begin soaking into the padding around her waist. She tried to stop it, yet, even having known it was going to happen, there was nothing she could do about it...

Cheshire gasped, staring down at the floor in shame until Isla lifted her chin, forcing the babysitter to look her in the eyes. "You may have made me a bedwetter, but any time you hear my name, you're going to realize you're the real baby," she hissed. "You probably better start wearing diapers, just in case... You never know when my mom might call you for another job... And any time you see she's the person calling, you are to answer, no matter where you are, and you will take the job."

Cheshire fidgeted, diaper squishing wetly beneath her. Even besides calling to ask if Cheshire was available, Isla's mother would sometimes call her to let her know what a good job she did, or update her on something Isla had done... Not to mention that, in spite all her experience, Isla's mom still ran through everything Cheshire had to do every time... Cheshire stomach churned at the idea of coming over and listening to all that with a diaper under her clothes, getting wetter every time either of them mentioned her charge's name, desperately trying, despite herself, to get to the bathroom to give herself an enema...

"Whenever you are over here," Isla continued, "and we're alone, you're going to realize the truth... That you're really the baby, and I'm the sitter, and all you want to do is show me just how much of a big girl you are..." With that, she took the pacifier clip, attaching it to Cheshire's sleeper and pushing the pacifier into her mouth. 

For a long moment, Cheshire was sure it hadn't worked, that she was somehow resistant to it, maybe since she knew what was going on. Then, she became far more aware of the wet spot in her diaper, the rumbling in her tummy, and her cheeks beginning to burn as she wiggled in place. 

"I-Isla?" she whimpered, squealing as she felt the damp patch in the padding grow, spreading further through her diaper. 

"What, sweetie?" Isla smiled down at her.

Cheshire wanted desperately to tell Isla she needed to use the potty, that she was going to have a big accident, but if she did that, Isla would find out she'd already used her diaper, that she'd wet herself, more than once... "I-I..." she mumbled, trying to brace herself for that, for disappointing her babysitter, proving she really needed her diapers after all...

"I..." she cut herself off with an involuntary grunt, her eyes widening as she felt a push from her belly as the pain there got to be too much, and, to her horror, a wave of thick, mushy mess began to pour into her pants while Isla watched. Cheshire squirmed, sniffling, trying to stop it, not wanting to do this, especially in front of Isla...

"You what, hon?" Isla asked. Cheshire gulped and shook her head, not having the guts to admit to what had just happened. "Well, then, if there's nothing, I guess you're ready for your nap, aren't you?" She patted the bed. "Come on, lie down so I can tuck you in..."

Cheshire stared up at her, then stole a glance at the crotch of her sleeper. Did Isla really not know? She didn't want to have to take a nap at all, especially not like this, but she also didn't want a cool, big girl like Isla to know she'd pooped herself... Besides, Isla was in charge, and if she wanted Cheshire to take a nap, Cheshire knew that's what she was going to have to do....




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