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Paul woke up, surrounded by bars. Immediately, his hands shot to his sodden diaper, exploring the front, letting out a sigh of relief as he felt a bulge in the front; it really had been a dream, after all... It had all been so strange, so vivid... And, looking down, he still had on the same diaper, the same PJ shirt he'd been dressed in during that dream. Glancing over at the door into the main bedroom, it was still open a hair, but he didn't hear anything on the other side.

The crib was also much more cramped, and, although he could fit in it, it wasn't exactly comfortable, much less a huge obstacle to him climbing up and out. If he had any less humiliating clothes to change into, he might have, since heading into his girlfriend's room in a soaked diaper certainly wasn't going to do much for his confidence, but if he wanted anything a little less infantile, or girly, he was going to have to get out of here.

His eyes darted over to the fairy statues as he approached the door, half expecting them to spring to life, for him to still be dreaming, but none of them interfered while he pushed it open, creeping into the other room. "Oh, there you are," Beth turned, smiling at him. "I was just about to come wake you up!" As glad as he was to see her, hearing her just made him remember the sounds coming from this room in his dream...

The smile quickly transformed into a frown as her eyes drifted downwards. She marched over to him, making him cower reflexively, even before she reached out, pressing her hand to the front of the diaper. "I thought you told me you weren't going to wet the bed again," she said, staring down at him.

"I, uh... I just couldn't... I had a hard time getting out of the crib, so..." Paul stammered.

"Oh, really?" she raised an eyebrow. "It looks like you managed it."

Paul shrugged. "Yeah, but... In the middle of the night, it was more... tricky..."

"Hmm," Beth shook her head. "Well, get dressed. We need to get moving." She handed him some clothes, which he stared down at, horrified. "Do you need some help?"

"C-Can't I wear what I had yesterday?" he asked anxiously. 

"That is what you wore yesterday, silly," she claimed. "It's the only thing we got for you. Don't worry, if your suitcase still isn't in tonight, we'll see about getting you something else. Now, get going!" She scooted him out the door, and he reluctantly wandered to the bathroom, still staring at the pile of clothes.

They most certainly were not the same, he was positive. Even just looking at them, folded up, he saw way more lace and frills than he recalled. Once he was in the bathroom and spread them out, he was even more certain of it. The baby blue shirt that had once been adorned with Mickey Mouse had Minnie on it, which he'd seen last night, even if it had made no sense... Now, the sleeves were shorter, and ruffled, and the hem seemed shorter. The shorts, which he'd seen fade to a pink skort, had changed even more, losing the shorts underneath to become, simply, a skirt, a row of lace around the bottom.

Even the Pull-Up was one he was certain wasn't part of the pack he'd seen the day before. Those had been decorated with Disney Princesses, and while that was what he saw on this one, it wasn't quite the same... Instead of the classic, older ones, the princess on the one he had now was Sofia, throwing her arms in the air with a bunny beside her. Maybe it was his imagination, but they also seemed a bit thicker as well.

He looked down at himself, then up at the mirror. Those clothes were definitely better than what he had on, though not by a whole lot... He was also almost sure his hair was longer, too. It had been getting a bit shaggy; he'd planned on getting it cut before the trip, and just hadn't gotten around to it. It hadn't been nearly this bad, however...

"Everything okay?" Beth knocked on the door.

"Yes!" he called back, before turning to the clothes again with a sigh. He could either wear that, or wear something from the closet, which would be even worse... Those were the only things, at the moment, that he could put on to get out of this room in. He'd just have to tell Beth that they needed to stop at a gift shop to get him something else... He couldn't spend the entire day like this!

He pulled off his pajama shirt and tossed it aside, then moved on to the diaper. Unlike in his dream, the first tape came undone quite easily, the whole thing sliding down his legs and hitting the floor with a plop once he had. He didn't even try to catch it, to stop it... He was too busy staring at what was underneath.

Just like he'd felt under the garment, he did have his penis back, barely. It was tiny, looking quite pathetic, especially as visions of his dream came back to him, and he recalled the bulge in Will's pants... He shook his head, reminding himself that hadn't been real, although that did very little to comfort him now. This was real, somehow...

"We don't have all day!" Beth banged on the door again.

"I-I know!" Paul squeaked. He walked over to grab some toilet paper, cleaning himself up as well as he could before returning to his outfit for the start of the day. He let out an involuntary whimper as he picked up the Pull-Up, not wanting to put such an infantile, girly thing on himself, wanting to find some way to make things go back to normal, to...

The bathroom door swung open, and, desperate to keep Beth from seeing what had happened to him, he yanked the training pants on, right on time for Beth to step in front of him. As he stared up at her, red-faced, he couldn't help but notice she was definitely taller than she had been the day before... Even then, when she'd been just a bit taller, it had been impossible; now, she had at least a full head on him, even after he forced himself to straighten up, trying, and failing, to reassure himself that he was simply imagining it.

"Look at you!" she declared. "You've barely even started!" She shook her head, picking up the rest of his clothes before he could stop her. "Lift your arms," she instructed.

"I-I can do it," he insisted, before receiving a scathing look. He raised his arms, letting her slide the shirt down over them. Despite his somehow smaller size, the shirt was tighter, hugging his body rather than falling loosely over it, the bottom falling just short of the top of her Pull-Up. 

"Step in," she said, holding out the skirt. He whimpered again; there was no denying that the rest of these clothes were meant for a little girl, but a skirt was a whole other thing... Letting himself be put into that was like giving up, somehow.

Beth was clearly done waiting around on him. She grabbed one of his ankles, lifting it up and setting it inside the skirt before repeating the process with the other and yanking the whole thing up around his waist. "Go throw away your diaper, and I'll put your shoes on you so we can get going."

"I-I can put on my own shoes," he insisted, gulping as Beth gave him another withering glare.

Her expression softened. "I know you can," she said, "It'll just be quicker for me to do it. Would you please put your diaper in the genie?"

Paul nodded, gingerly picking up the wet thing and heading out of the bathroom, back to the nursery. He shoved the diaper into the diaper genie and started to run back out, before noticing his reflection. He approached it cautiously, horrified to see just how much of a little girl he appeared to be, just like Will kept calling him.

Then, he noticed something even worse. The skirt was short, though long enough that he didn't worry too much about flashing his Pull-Ups - although, he had to admit, he was hardly an expert at how much skirts could ride up while the wearer actually moved - but the top of it had slid down, exposing the waistband of them. 

Plain as day, he could see the elastic of the trainers, the top of the design, with it's faux-underwear look, complete with the fake bow. To anyone who knew what Pull-Ups looked like, it would be obvious that's what they were. He tried tugging the shirt down, but it refused to budge; he pulled the skirt up, but as soon as he let it go, it slid back down.

He gasped as he tried, yet again, to force the skirt to stay up higher, only to see something buzz behind him in the mirror. He spun, fully expecting to find a fairy there, almost wishing he would, since that would mean this was a dream again. Instead, the door to the room swung open further and Beth ask from the other side, "Could you bring me one of those diapers, too, while you're in there, Pauly?"

"Wh-What for?" he asked nervously, too distracted by that to ask about the new nickname.

"Oh, just in case," she shrugged.

He didn't have to ask what they were in case of... He didn't want to hear her say the answer, anyway. "I-I won't need it," he promised.

"I'm sure, but it's better to be prepared," she said. When he still didn't budge, she took another step towards the door. "I can just get it myself," she told him.

"N-No, I'll do it!" he scurried over to the supplies, reluctantly picking up one of the huge, bulky diapers, propelled by the memory of what had happened when Beth had stepped into the room in his dream. He was pretty sure it wouldn't actually happen now, in the light of day, when he was awake... But he didn't want to find out.

"Thank you," she rolled her eyes as he handed it to her, slipping it into her purse. "Now, go sit on the couch."

He shut the door into the nursery, instantly feeling better once it was sealed away, out of his sight. It didn't fix his other problems, like the awful outfit Beth was seemingly expecting him to wander around the park in all day, but it was a start... He walked out to the living room and sat down, Beth following after a moment later with his socks and shoes.

Or, rather, what he assumed were his socks and shoes, though they bore little resemblance to the ones he'd worn the day before. Then, the socks had been plain, white socks; now, they looked thinner, and were topped by a ring of lace. The shoes had gone from blue to pink, the laces vanishing, changed into velcro.

Beth got right to work, pulling the sock open and sliding it into place. He couldn't help giggling as the cloth brushed against the bottom of his foot, earning another glance from his girlfriend as he involuntarily tried to squirm away from the feeling, which only extended it as she had to struggle slightly more to get it on.

The bottoms of his feet were normally ticklish, sure, but nothing like this, not for a long time... And, as she slid the second one on, it only got worse. She barely had to touch his foot to send him into laughing convulsions, his foot twitching upwards to attempt to hide, while Beth chased it, sighing and inching it up higher when she could, while he just kept giggling and wiggling, until...

He gave a tiny gasp, a trickle of warm wetness shooting out into the padding around his crotch before being absorbed into it, leaving just a faint sensation there, reminding him of what he'd done, what Beth would find if she checked him. The tiara on the front of the Pull-Up was, he was sure, at least a bit faded now, betraying the fact that he'd just had an accident. 

If Beth knew that was what had happened, she gave no indication of it, taking advantage of his stillness to tug the sock the rest of the way up, then slide his shoes on, fastening them into place. "There!" she declared, shaking her head. "Let's go grab some breakfast so we can get to the park, okay?"

Paul nodded, hopping down off the couch and following after Beth, hesitating only briefly at the door, until she asked, "Do you want to stay here?" Somehow, being outside in a damp, partially exposed Pull-Up, dressed like a little girl, was still better than spending any more time than necessary in that room.

"Hey," he said as they waited for the elevator doors to close. "How about we stop at a gift shop once we get to the park?"

"Already?" Beth chuckled. "It's awfully early for souvenirs, don't you think?"

Paul blushed. "Yeah, for that, but I thought... Well, it's just..." The bit of confidence he'd gained from getting away from the room began to vanish as she looked down at him, and he tugged at the hem of his shirt. 

"Oh, I get it," Beth nodded, thankfully keeping him from having to say anything more. "I suppose we could make a quick stop, if you want."

Paul nodded; maybe things were looking up after all. They grabbed a quick breakfast from the hotel, then hopped on the first shuttle to the park, Paul still munching on his muffin as they rode. There were plenty of people waiting at the entrance that he had to walk through, that he had to let see him dressed like this, praying they didn't look at him too closely, but he had some hope now that made it easier to bear.

He was glad he'd found the courage to ask about the gift shop so early, since, when they got there, it was still relatively empty, other than the workers, all of whom seemed far too happy for this time of morning. Immediately, Paul made a bee-line for the clothes, although, once he got there, he realized he wasn't sure what size he wore. At least, not anymore... He knew what he'd used to wear, but clearly things had changed. 

He was pleasantly surprised to see a couple small dressing rooms at the back of the store, so he grabbed up a couple pairs of shorts and some shirts in the sizes he thought might work - there wasn't much he could do for his shoes, and the socks he could grab once he had the rest, since he didn't really need to try them on - and went to try them on.

"Where are you going?" Beth chuckled, stopping him in his tracks.

"I-I just want to see how these will fit," he held out his arms, showing her what he had. 

She looked it over skeptically. "Well, I suppose we can play dress-up for a minute," she shrugged, stepping in front of him and opening the door, starting to head inside.

He paused, squirming. Was she going in with him? "I-I can try them on myself," he said, suddenly far more aware of his damp Pull-Up, and how short a time he'd been wearing them to have already had an accident. Beth would not be pleased...

"I know you can," Beth replied, "But I don't want to spend all day here. Besides, we aren't going to buy any of that."

Paul frowned. "W-We aren't?"

"No, of course not, silly," Beth shook her head. "We can find that kind of stuff way cheaper outside the park. If you really want to try it on, we can, though."

"B-But..." Paul shook his head. Beth sighed, walking out of the dressing room and taking the clothes from him, letting him trail behind her as she returned them to their spot. Why had she even agreed to come here, then?!

"Here, you can pick one," she told him, leading him across the store, away from the clothes, over to the stuffed animals. "I'm sure you must be lonely, since your friends were in your suitcase... I bet that's why you've been so cranky at night, too, isn't it? I'm sorry, I should have thought of this before..."

"Huh?" Paul shook his head. What was she even talking about?! "W-Wait... You know I'm not a little girl, right?"

"Of course," Beth smiled, kissing him on the top of the head. "You're my big girl! But even big girls need friends to keep them company when they're so far away from home... How about this one? She's cute, isn't she? And I know how much you love Tinkerbell!"

Paul couldn't even answer; he was too stunned at what he'd just heard his girlfriend say. It didn't seem to matter either way, as she plucked the toy she'd indicated - a teddy bear, dressed in Tinkerbell's signature green dress - up, heading to the cashier with it before he could say anything.

"Do you need a bag?" the cashier asked.

"No, I think she'd prefer to carry it," Beth smiled, picking the bear back up and handing it to Paul. "Say thank you, Pauly."

Paul stared at the bear, at Beth, at the cashier, waiting for one of them to crack, to let him know that this was all an elaborate joke, that they realized the absurdity of it all. "Do you want me to return it?" Beth threatened.

Paul wasn't sure why - it wasn't like he actually wanted the toy, especially not if he had to carry it with him the rest of the day - but that spurred him into action. "Th-Thank you," he squeaked.

"You're welcome, sweetie." Only then did it sink in just how young the worker looked, and that she was still taller than Paul, somehow. He quickly slid the bear down, over the gap between his shirt and skirt, hoping she hadn't glanced there before, and that the toy was big enough to hide his Pull-Up from her gaze.

"Come on, Pauly, we'd better get going," Beth instructed.

Paul trailed after her, his head still swimming as he clung to his new stuffed animal. "B-Beth, you don't really..?" he started to ask.

"Why are you calling me that, silly?" Beth chuckled. "Just call me Mommy, like usual."

"No," Paul shook his head. "D-Don't you remember? I'm your boyfriend, I..."

Beth laughed again, much harder this time. "You're close, sweetie... You're Mommy's best friend, not boyfriend. It's different... When you're older, I'm sure you'll understand."

Paul chewed nervously on his bottom lip, searching his girlfriend's face for some sign that she was kidding. Instead, she just held out her hand, as if he really were just a little kid who couldn't be trusted on his own, seeing as he couldn't even be trusted to keep his pants dry.

How could this have happened?! She'd remembered the truth yesterday, hadn't she? What had changed?! His heart began to thump harder and harder as his dream came back to him, that moment when she'd come into the nursery, transforming into the ideal Mommy, and seeing him transformed as well, changed into a baby girl... But... That had just been a dream... He dared to glance up at her chest, trying to figure out if he was crazy, or if her breasts really did look a little bigger, a little closer to how they had then...

"Let's go, Pauly," Beth urged. Paul reached for her hand, realizing only after he'd taken it that she hadn't come up with a new nickname for him, after all... She wasn't calling him 'Pauly', she was saying 'Polly', and she hadn't called him anything else that morning, or since walking into the nursery the night before. She genuinely thought he was a little girl. And so, judging by the cashier's reaction, did everyone else.



I'm absolutely in love with this story!


Updates for this are my most anticipated thing from you every month, cant wait for more!


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