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A continuation of this caption series by an anonymous patron. Picture credit unknown. Apologies to the owner! 

Cece dipped her hand into the applesauce, finally accepting, after nibbling her way through the graham crackers, that there was no spoon coming. After all, what good was the bib if she could just eat normally? She was sure the gathered students wanted to see her make a mess of herself, and that's exactly what happened, as the applesauce dripped from her fingers onto her leg as she brought her left hand up to her face, then down her face when she tried to pour it into her mouth.

She stopped, tensing up as another cramp hit her, leaving her wriggling in the highchair's padded wooden seat, her diaper gliding easily across the surface, giving her little traction. This couldn't be happening, not now... She had to wear her diapers while teaching, but she always managed to keep from using them until she was in between classes, generally on her way to the nurse for a change; she'd had a few close calls lately, and, if she was being honest, there may have been a couple damp patches even before she gave in and soaked her diaper a couple times, though that was about the extent of it.

Now? She wasn't in class, no... She was surrounded by students, however, in just a diaper and bib, eating with her hands, next to the crib that was clearly the only place to sleep in this room. She hadn't even touched her milk yet... She was a little afraid to, after Lilly had given her those suppositories. What could her minion have put in the bottle? For that matter, what could they have put in the applesauce she was eating?

"No..." she gasped at the sensation of something warm and squishy invading her pants, slowly creeping its way in. She sat down as hard and as flat as she could, praying that would be enough to stem the flow. 

"What's wrong, baby?" Lilly asked, leaning forward. Cece blushed, trying to slide back, not wanting to girl to smell anything, or guess what was happening... Her diaper slipped too far on the plastic-coated padding underneath, however, removing all the pressure she'd been putting on it. In a long, horrifying moment, she heard a loud, rude noise rumble from beneath her, and a wave of mush poured out into her diaper.... She was getting much too used to having to mess herself, but this was something different entirely - there was no stopping it, no slowing it down. It was completely out of her control, making her feel like a real baby as she sat there, stunned.

"Uh-oh!" Lilly chanted, as her friends giggled behind her. "Don't worry, we'll get you taken care of once you're done with your snack!"

Cece didn't like the sound of that; she also didn't like the thought of staying like this. Not only had she never lost control like that, or filled her diaper in front of students, she was pretty sure she'd never made this big of a mess, either... All of it, combined, left her feeling very small, very helpless... "O-Okay," she mumbled quietly, going back to her applesauce, trying not to move too much, though, between the slickness of her diaper and the seat, there was little she could do about that.

"You can take your bottle with you," Lilly told her, thankfully, once she'd cleaned out the applesauce bowl, actually lifting it to her face and licking the last of the stuff out, leaving her with it smeared across her nose. "Let's get going!"

She lifted the tray, helping Cece down, though the woman stared at her blankly for a moment. "L-Like this?" Even ignoring her messy diaper, she was in a plastic bib, covered in applesauce, holding a bottle...

"Well, the nurse doesn't make house calls!" Lilly smiled. "Unless you want to go to sleep like this?"

Cece shook her head, heart pounding as she was escorted out of the room. She knew the path to the nurse's office well, and while it thankfully didn't take her past the boys' dorm, there were an awful lots of girls' rooms she had to pass, praying that they were busy, not wandering the halls. She kept her head down, sucking on her bottle to try to distract herself, looking away whenever she saw a pair of feet heading in her direction, as if, by not acknowledging them, they wouldn't see her.

Finally, they stopped, giving Cece a brief moment of hope until she glanced up and saw, not the nurse's office door, but the Headmistress. Her eyes widened, mouth dropping open as a million excuses ran through her mind, each more ridiculous than the last. "What is going on here?" the Headmistress asked, staring right at Cece. Then, to the teacher's horror, she sniffed the air. "It smells like somebody had another messy accident..." she said, her eyes still fixed straight on Cece.

"I... I...." Cece gulped.

"We were just going to welcome her to the school, and found her dressed this way," Lilly offered. "Then she did... Well, you know. I was bringing her down for a change, and she just refused to put on any real clothes..."

"I can't believe this," the Headmistress shook her head. "I thought I was hiring an adult, not a toddler... Can you even control yourself?" Cece gulped, her last experience making it hard to say she could. "You are on probation, young lady... Lilly, thank you for helping her. How would you like to do some extra credit work for me? Your friends are welcome to help, too, since I'd hate for you to miss out on all your other activities, and I'm afraid little Cece here is going to need near constant looking after for the rest of the semester. After classes every day, and on the weekends, I need somebody to ensure she's getting her work done, and not getting into trouble... Could you do that for me?"

Lilly grinned, while Cece gulped, trying to force her vocal cords to work, to protest that she was the one in charge here, that she didn't need a babysitter, especially not one who had just forced her into this position in the first place. "I'd love to," Lilly replied.

"Good," the Headmistress nodded. "You," she turned back to Cece, "are on thin ice... If I hear one more bad report on you, you'll be taking classes instead of teaching them. Now, you girls might as well take her back to her room and put her to bed - the nurse has already closed up for the night, and I think spending a night stewing in her mess will do her some good."



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