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An anonymous caption commission of a continuation for a previous series. Picture property of ABDreams

"N-No, you don't understand..." Cece stammered, once she managed to find her voice. A moment later, she finally thought to grab for her blanket, pulling it up over herself, over the now wet diaper, over her bare chest, hiding all of her shame from the students who had just barged into her room and found her kneeling in a crib, about to go to sleep in it.

"Oh, I understand perfectly," Lilly, the student with the apple, sauntered over to her. "I've been at this school long enough to see that you must have failed the Headmistress's test... You, the big bad teacher, are nothing but a bedwetter, aren't you?"

"No!" Cece gulped, trying to shrink even further behind her blanket, as if that would protect her. It was true... Or had been, at one time. Before she'd come here, she hadn't wet the bed in probably fifteen years, if not longer... Now, she woke up wet every morning, and, tonight, she'd be falling asleep that way, as well, after her fright.

"Really?" Lilly smirked, stepping closer to the crib and snatching the blanket out of Cece's hand in one quick movement, then pressing her hand to the woman's diaper. "Just like I thought... She's already wet!"

"Stop it!" Cece demanded. "What do you think you're..?!" She stopped with a gasp as the girl pushed harder on her diaper, shoving the sodden padding against her privates.

"I'm doing whatever I want," Lilly informed her confidently. "Because this," she gave the diaper a rub, making Cece squirm, cheeks red, "means you're just a baby, while this," she lifted her skirt, showing off her skimpy, black panties, "means I'm the big girl. Which makes me your babysitter... So I can do whatever I want with you, or with these." She let her skirt fall back into place, then grabbed her phone again, getting another picture, this time of Cece trying to hide both her face and her wet diaper, leaving the rest of her totally exposed.

"You know what?" Lilly turned to her cohorts, "I really don't think she's capable of eating her snack like a big girl." All but one of the other girls smiled, excusing themselves while their leader stared down at the cowering teacher.

"Y-You can't do this," Cece informed her. "I am your teacher, and... and I'm in control of your grades!"

"And I'll be getting excellent ones from here on out," Lilly said.

Cece shook her head. "Despite how this looks, I can be a very harsh grader, and if you don't stop this right now, I'll..." But Lilly hadn't been listening to any of it; she'd turned to the last girl and started whispering something. The other girl giggled and ran off as well, leaving Cece and Lilly alone.

"You've had your fun," Cece told the girl, hoping she'd be feeling a bit less confident, now that she didn't have any backup. "But you're going to get out of my room now, and..." She yelped as she was pulled down and out of her crib, then over to the room's chair, where Lilly sat down and yanked the teacher over her lap. For a long moment, Cece wasn't sure what was happening... Until she felt slightly cooler air on her backside - toasty from being encased in her thick diapers all day. "No!" she wailed. "No, you can't...!" She squealed as Lilly proved her wrong, landing a hard swat on her bottom, followed by one on the other cheek.

Cece hadn't been spanked in probably just as long as it had been since she'd wet the bed - at least, before starting this job - so she was blubbering in no time, both from the pain and the humiliation. She didn't notice the last girl to leave returning, standing by and watching with a giggle, not until the spanking ended and she was draped over Lilly's lap, sniffling. Through her tears, she saw the girl hand Lilly something, then, a few seconds later, she heard the snap of a latex glove. 

She gasped as she felt something being jammed into her rear, wriggling on the girl's lap at the invasion and getting a moment of relief before it happened a second time. "Wh-What are you doing?!" she demanded; the only response she received was her diaper being pulled up and given a harsh pat as she was sent to the corner.

It didn't take long, fidgeting in time-out, to figure it out, as her stomach began to churn, much worse, and more quickly, than usual. Oh no... This couldn't happen, not here, not now... She groaned, wrapping her arms around her tummy, trying to muster up all the control she had.

The door opened again, and she dared to turn around in time to see the rest of the girls carrying in a large, sturdy looking highchair. "No," she shook her head, before remembering she wasn't supposed to be looking at anything other than the corner. Luckily, Lilly didn't seem to mind, as she marched over and grabbed her hand, leading her to the chair and pushing her up into it. After the crib, it didn't surprise Cece all that much that the school would have these as well, although that did little to help her feel better when the tray was being lowered over her head and pushed in against her burbling stomach, locking her in place.

The girls swarmed around her, setting snacks and baby toys on the tray, or putting a plastic bib - which did nothing to hide her breasts - around her neck, or tying her hair into ponytails. "Doesn't she look precious?" Lilly gushed, stepping back to admire her and her friends' handiwork, commemorating it with another picture. "So perfect..."

"All right, that's enough," Cece declared, rattling the highchair's tray uselessly. "Let me out of here!" 

"Such an ungrateful little girl," Lilly shook her head. "After everyone went to the trouble of bringing you all this? No, sweetie, you're going to finish everything on your tray... Then you can go to bed."

Cece looked down at the tray, swallowing nervously. There was a bowl of applesauce, like they'd promised, but there was also a baby bottle full of milk, and some graham crackers. There was no spoon in sight... "And play with your toys," Lilly instructed. "Now! Pick it up!" 

Feeling ridiculous, Cece picked up a tiny rattle, shaking it listlessly as she grabbed one of the graham crackers with her other hand. She doubted it was a coincidence that the toys were near her right hand, and the food her left... She could have switched hands; why bother? They wanted a show, and she was sure she was going to give them one, especially thanks to Lilly's interference... She was determined to last until the girls left, and she had some privacy, but the longer she stayed sitting there, in her highchair, under the scrutinizing gaze of her students, the more she realized how little determination was going to help her now. The urge was growing, faster and faster, and she'd barely finished a single cracker...



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