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Keiko's eyes narrowed at the words, her hands balling into fists. "I am not a baby!" she howled, springing back up. "You're the one wearing a diaper!"

She took a step forward, reaching for the clown, who tossed something onto the ring in front of her. Before Keiko could even wonder what it was, her foot landed on it, and she slipped, falling backwards with a yelp, and a squish. Her nostrils flared angrily as she looked down, seeing the banana peel that had tripped her up, and the chocolate cream pie she'd just shoved in Cassidy's face right below her.

"Uh-oh, did somebody have an accident?" Cassie giggled. "I think we'd better get you in a diaper, too, huh?"

"I am not a baby!" Keiko insisted, slamming her fists on the ground beside her. "This is just your dumb pie, and you know it!" Surely the audience knew that as well... Didn't they? She shuddered at the thought of standing up now, knowing the back of her skirt, and the underwear beneath, were surely brown.

"Aww, don't be mad," Cassidy hopped over to her. "It's all in good fun, right? Here, I'll help you up!" 

Once again, Cassidy held out her hand. Keiko wanted to knock it aside even more than she had at the beginning of the match; instead, she began to formulate a plan. She knew she was stronger than Cassie - she'd known that all along, after all - so it wouldn't be hard at all to yank her down.... She'd seen the clown grab for her seltzer enough to know where she kept it, so it would be simple enough for her to grab it, then dump it down the girl's diaper. Not only would she be getting rid of one of her opponent's most irritating weapons, she'd show the audience just how much of a baby the clown really was, forcing her to toddle around the arena in a soaked diaper.

As soon as she took Cassie's hand, she could feel something wrong, something beneath the clown's gloves... Before she could try to yank her hand away, however, Cassidy's hand closed tighter around it, lifting her up. Keiko panicked, trying to enact her plan, to pull Cassidy back off her feet, only to be tugged to her feet instead.

She blushed, feeling the pie tin following her up, knocking it aside with her free hand. "See?!" she glowered at the audience. "It was just..."

She let out a pitiful squeak as a shock ran through her body. She knew that had to have been what she felt, that the clown had some kind of hand buzzer, but that knowledge didn't help her any... Especially when she noticed the stream of warmth trickling down her legs. "No..." she whimpered, squeezing her legs together.

"Uh-oh!" Cassidy exclaimed. "Are you going to tell me that's the pie, too?"

"Shut up!" Keiko pouted, trying to make her body stop.

"Don't be cranky!" Cassie danced over to the edge of the ring, producing one of the waiting diapers. This one was clearly meant for Keiko - instead of the cheery balloons and smiley face, it had a skull and crossbones, which went well with the red and black color scheme. "I'll get you all fixed up!"

"I don't need that, you stupid clown!" Keiko stomped her foot. "I'm not a baby like you!"

"Hmm..." Cassidy eyed the puddle under the girl meaningfully, earning more laughter from the spectators. 

"Stop it!" Keiko fumed, looking up at them. "It isn't funny!"

She gasped as she felt a sudden rush of cool air on her privates, glancing down to see Cassidy in front of her, having just pulled down her skirt and panties. The girl had the nerve to wave before giving the bunny a light push. Keiko stumbled, and likely could have stayed standing if not for the clothes now twisting around her ankles. She tripped and fell, landing right on something soft, fluffy, and crinkly...

Keiko had to give it to Cassidy - the girl was quick. Before she knew it, the diaper was taped into place, much to the bully's dismay. "You're going to pay for this!" she growled, sitting up, stomach churning at the feeling of the diaper's bulk beneath her bottom, between her legs... Everywhere, inescapable.

"If you insist!" Cassidy giggled. "I don't have any cash on me, though, so I'll just have to pay with this!" She grabbed another chocolate cream pie, smashing it right into Keiko's face at point-blank range.

Keiko tried desperately to spit it out - she'd known right away, after the first pie, what was in them. She was usually the one pushing her opponent's face into a big bowl of pudding, or a chocolate cake, and she always made sure to spike it first, with something to ensure they would have to use their diapers before too long... They had the same slight aftertaste that these pies had.

But it didn't matter... She'd made Cassidy eat her own pie, and the silly girl had done so willingly! All she had to do now was outlast her, and there was no way she would fail at that. Sure, her tummy had been rumbling pretty ominously ever since, but this clown was definitely a baby, unlike her, so...

Her eyes widened in triumph as she heard a loud fart echo through the room, smirking up at the girl, sure that it was over... Instead, Cassie was waving her hand in front of her nose. "Pee-yew! What a stinky baby!" she exclaimed. Keiko frowned, confused until she saw the woopie cushion under the clown's foot.

"No, that wasn't me!" she insisted, hearing the laughter start again. "I didn't... I'm not a baby!"

Even as she was saying it, she felt that grumble in her stomach once more, even stronger than before, and, to her horror, her body finally gave into it. She gasped as her bottom gave an involuntary push, and the thick, squishy mess began to ooze out into her diaper. "No!" she yelled, feeling warm tears sting at her eyes, hearing the audience's reaction grow ever louder as they realized what was happening. "No, I'm not a baby!"

"Of course not!" Cassidy nodded, patting the bunny on the head. "Only a big girl could make such a big mess in her diapies, huh?"

"No!" Keiko shook her head, the angry tears running down her cheeks only making her more upset as she continued filling her pants helplessly. "This isn't fair!" The clown waved at her, blowing her a kiss before sauntering out of the ring, somehow managing to look far more grown-up than Keiko, despite her diaper. "N-No!" Keiko slammed her hands on the floor, sniffling. "C-Come back! I-I can beat you..." 

Maybe that was true... But that would be another match entirely, since, despite her impotent rage, all she could do for the rest of this one was sit and cry as she pooped her pampers.



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