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"All right, kitten, here's your room... I know it's lonely, but just give it a couple weeks and you'll have plenty of friends!" Courtney pushed open the door to the pledge's dorm, assaulting Tiffany's eyes with an explosion of pink. There were more dolls and stuffed animals strewn across the beds, which Tiffany knew quite well were all equipped with plastic sheets.

Away from the rest of the sorority, alone with her 'big sis', Tiffany felt both more and less confident. Courtney was big enough to overpower her even without the help of the other girls, but she didn't seem quite as bad without all her backup. "Y-You can't do this," Tiffany mumbled, not quite able to muster the confidence required to make that sound as authoritative as it should. "You know who I am!"

"I certainly do," Courtney told her, pushing her into the room and closing the door behind them. "Do you know who I am?" TIffany hadn't expected that; she looked the girl over, thinking to herself that she did look familiar, slightly. "I don't see it myself, but I've always been told I look a lot like my sister, Heather."

That name immediately rang a bell... Tiffany's eyed widened, while Courtney's narrowed, seeing the realization cross her prey's face. "That's right... She told me all about the Kappas, and their awful, humiliating hazing ritual... She told me about how she got caught during part of that hazing, and everyone - led by one person in particular - denied it was part of hazing, and that she must just have that 'problem' naturally. She was the laughing stock of the whole school for the rest of the semester, until she transferred to another school. I never quite believed her, which was why I decided to give this school, and this sorority, a chance.

"I believed it even less, then. Everyone was so nice, and welcoming... There was no way they would have done what Heather claimed! Of course, the rules were a lot stricter... And, a lot of the other houses on campus were still hazing, so, even though the KATs were good, the dean still decided we needed a live-in faculty advisor along with everyone else. When I heard the name of that advisor, it sounded really familiar... I texted Heather to make sure I wasn't remembering things wrong, and then I looked up some older member of the sorority to ask them a few questions to confirm what Heather told me, just to be sure...

"I mean, I couldn't believe it... The person who came up with the KATs' hazing ritual, and chased my sister away from the school she'd been dreaming of going to since she was a kid, coming back and being put in charge of enforcing the no-hazing policy? It was too perfect... So, I decided to tell the rest of the house about what I'd learned about the old hazing ritual through my 'research', and about how I found a loophole in the policy that meant we didn't have to follow it until we officially started taking pledges... It was all too perfect."

"You have to tell them the truth!" Tiffany squealed, blushing and squirming in her training pants. "This isn't funny!"

"Sure, if that's what you want," Courtney offered. "If I do that, though, I'm also going to inform the dean that one of the professors he put in charge of eliminating hazing actually started one of the worst hazing ritual at the school... I don't think he'll like that very much, do you?"

Tiffany nibbled at her lip. "B-But... Someone here is bound to be in one of my classes... You can't keep this up forever..."

"If you want to go announce to everyone that the girl who just spent all afternoon drinking from a bottle and peeing her pants is a teacher, be my guest," Courtney smiled, watching Tiffany wriggle uncomfortably in front of her. "I already looked through your class lists, and told the girls who are in them the truth. They all agreed to keep it a secret... If you're a good girl. They're also going to make sure you don't break the rules during the day."

"No!" Tiffany shook her head. "Y-You can do this while I'm here, in the house, but..."

"There are no but's, little girl," Courtney growled, pressing a hand roughly to Tiffany's wet Pull-Up. "You aren't in charge here... And if you don't do as you're told, I'll make sure the whole school knows. Understand?"

Tiffany gulped and nodded, meekly allowing Courtney to change her into a Goodnite and tuck her in for the night, despite the sunlight still streaming in through the window. "Night-night, kitten," Courtney cooed. "You'd better get some sleep... You have an early morning tomorrow!"

Tiffany shivered as she tossed and turned in her bed, her mind racing, fully aware of what was waiting for her the next day. It was what had gotten Heather caught, after all... Like Tiffany, she was short, and not the fastest runner, so she'd lagged behind the rest of the pledges and been spotted outside in her soaked Goodnite.

Was that going to be Tiffany the next morning? Tiffany's cheeks burned as she thought to all the accidents she'd had that day - three of them, including the one she'd just been changed out of. Her bladder had never been the strongest, and the girls had kept her almost constantly drinking from her bottle, not that she could blame them, since she'd done the same thing when she was the one in charge. After all, the more times the pledge used their trainers, the more baby toys and accessories they had to have with them the next morning as they jogged around the perimeter of the campus, asking anyone they came across to check them, without being allowed to tell them that this was part of hazing. They started early, so there was a chance they wouldn't run into anyone; the campus wasn't huge, and fairly isolated. At least, that was what Tiffany had always told the pledges to make them feel better...

Still... Tiffany's stomach churned at the idea of a student, or, even worse, one of her new co-workers, spotting her dashing around campus like that. There were lots of trees, and some walking trails... If she saw anyone coming, maybe she could duck onto one of those to get further away from prying eyes, though doing that would just make it take longer, and she knew that - like her pledges - she wouldn't be allowed to use the bathroom the next morning until she got back. Considering she usually had to get up in the night to pee even when she didn't go to bed so early, and she generally didn't drink as much as she'd been forced to that day, things didn't bode well, even if she hoped Courtney would forget that any girls who showed up after their run wet - whether it happened before or after their trip around the campus - had to spend the day in diapers, and repeat the process the next morning, and the next, until they came back dry, even if it took all semester.

Considering Courtney had mentioned there were girls who had agreed to hold her to the daytime rules, Tiffany had a feeling her hopes were bound to be dashed the next morning, if she couldn't stay dry... She'd always told herself it shouldn't be that hard, that the girls who couldn't make it were probably immature enough that they deserved a little embarrassment for their poor potty training... It looked like she was going to find out, first-hand, whether that was true.



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